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Forum Post: We, the 99%, are the vast majority/ We can change the society.

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 2:51 a.m. EST by rdante (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

If nothing else, let all those on your contact lists know that you are in support of the Occupy movements and the revolution principles, even if you dont actually participate in person. Pass the words along, send them clips from the latest developments. Tell them they should be in support if they are not already. Saturate the society with the principles of the revolution. The changes proposed will benefit 99% of us!!!. Thank you.



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[-] 2 points by ConcernedCanadian (3) 13 years ago

Already doing that for those exact reasons. 8)

[-] 1 points by nullapars (10) from Sacramento, CA 13 years ago

Call for a constitutional convention to change the way we choose our leaders and that makes giving money to politicians illegal. Take the money out of the system and we take away the weapon the rich have used to hijack our system and cause this mess. This is the way for the 99% to take back our government. The elected officials will never do it so we must. The way to do it is by calling for a constitutional convention and that is the message we should all be vocalizing. TAKE THE MONEY OUT OF POLITICS make all campaign contributions and political donations illegal. Get rid of the electoral college and implement term limits for everyone in congress. A simple message the media has to cover. Right now the message is too idealistic and unspecific. That is going to kill the movement. We should be United around one specific item and its money. No other single change could solve so many of our problems. Imagine how things would be if this were accomplished. Anything short of this wont work. More info at http://uws1.weebly.com/
