Forum Post: We need to support each other.
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 30, 2012, 9:21 p.m. EST by freedomfighter313
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We all have to show our support of each other. If you have a blog or facebook group post the url here so we can like or follow you.
"Revealed : How the FBI Coordinated the Crackdown on Occupy", by Naomi Wolf : .
Proof positive as to why "We need to support each other". Onwards & Upwards in 2013 !!
per aspera ad astra ...
That is an incredible article. Well, for every one of them, there are 99 of us. And they can't arrest all of us. :)
Oh. I'm not against capitalism. I'm against crony capitalism though :)
Yes we do need to support eachother. Liberty and Occupy need to join. The causes and passions are practically identical. The treatment from Government/TPTB/Big Brother are identical. Both of our groups are treated as terrorists.
Doesnt matter what system you set up when the people wont be involved. Its why communism usually leads to dictators. Some say the more apathetic system, the more likely its corrupted and taken over.
What's a apathetic system?
Football fans?
I think it wold be more accurate to say that the larger the population, the easier it becomes for the neolibe(R)tarians to keep them distracted and uninvolved.
Could this be why Iceland, with a population the size of an average American city, reacted so much better?
Hence our desire for a massive decentralization of everything in the entire country.
Yes of course.....divide and conquer.
It's cheaper for the 1% that way.
They thank you for your support, just don't expect to be paid in gold.......:)
What does decentralization and horizontal have to do with divide and conquer?
You dont think horizontal decentralization is a good thing? Then why are you on this site?
You need to rehearse some new material dude!!
This can only be said by someone endorsing the actions and results of ALEC and entities like it.
Entities I might add, who's activities go hand ion hand with the "efforts" of Kstreet.
I answered your question in my second sentence, you just "chose" to ignore it.
"It's cheaper for the 1% that way"
So you dont like decentralization because its cheaper for the 1%?
You realize the fascists and globalists like concentrated power right?
Show me where ALEC does it's work.
You keep missing that part ( a lot ) and going to some kind of propaganda.
So you would rather centralize all the power, and fight that, than to fight a more local fight like with ALEC?
The people have a much better chance of beating things in Michigan than they do in DC. Granted, there wasnt enough effort, and bullshit in Florida needs to change too, but Id take my chance of reversing local bullshit over the power center of DC and the globalists and the Pentagon.
The anarchists arent insane when they talk about decentralizing things.
Horizontal is the key.
You prefer decentralization & states rights then huh? Sounds about right. Not surprised.
Don't you prefer abolishing all national govt, implementing local direct governance with a one world government?
Show me where ALEC does it's work and for whom it does it's work for.
Please answer the question.
I guess we are back to amateur hour, so here ya go:
Not a link.
That IS your amateur hour.
Tell me what you know, without a link.
Sorry for the semantics mix up.
Tell me where ALEC does it's work and for whom it does it's work and who they employ to get that work done.
By all means, please eschew your amateur hour crap.
Just answer the question.
Here you go:
Where their offices are, Im not sure. As far as where their influence is felt, its pretty much all encompassing. Who do they work for? Who do all the people in this nation work for- the banksters/fed/bigsix.
They seem to have a wide array of politicians on all levels of government. All under the umbrella of the vampire squid.
I'm done with your amateur hour semantics BS.
You've proven you don't want to give an honest response to the question.
I guess the John Birch Society likes ALEC, so you don't really want to admit to anything they do.
Plus of course Alex Jones doesn't talk about them either.
Nor do your other conspiracy theory sites.
Continue with your BullShit, but don't expect to be ignored for it.
You disagree with what I posted?