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Forum Post: We need to get serious here!

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 7, 2011, 6:38 a.m. EST by Corporatesmackdown2012 (2) from Las Vegas, NV
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Good Morning, I am new to this site, (and this movement), so please bear with me. I come from a small business

backround as a former owner/manager of a service station. This has given me a great deal of

experience in dealing with many related companies and/or industries. Unfortunetly, it also gave me

some very negative experiences with local gov't mainly due to corruption.

Now for my opinions;

  • We need to establish clear, common, and realistic goals. Yes, we want to take back the

country, but how, from who, and what are we going to do if/when we achieve these goals?

  • Going after Government corruption at this point is a waste of time because it has been made

legal in many forms, (super pac/C4, lobbying, etc.). At least for now, businesses of all sizes

will have the ability to purchase some, but not all, politicians and/or their favors, (money makes

the world go around, right?)

  • We should not be angry with the 1%. Emotions can cause poor decisionmaking and revenge will

get us nowhere. Besides some of them got to where they are through hard work and devotion. All are

not bad people. Let's be honest. If many of you had the opportunity, you would be one of them.

  • We are not going to turn our situation around simply with threats, protests, and unreasonable

demands. There is a time for talking and a time for action. I don't see any reason we need to

resort to illegal or violent actions to achieve goals however.

  • We live in a capitalist society. I believe that with enough devoted followers, we can use this

to our advantage and battle big business on their turf. We need to hurt them where it counts, (in

the wallet). We don't need to do anything radical, just give a corporation or two a bloody nose to

get their attention.

  • That brings be to bank transfer day. I think this takes us from the frying pan to the oven.

What is the goal? What do we want from the banks? What if the credit unions begin to nickle and

dime us as the banks did? Are we going to have transfer back day? Pulling money from a bank and

putting it into a credit union keeps the money flowing to investors therefore does not achieve the

desired effect. Yes it may piss off a bank or two if enough people close accounts but wouldn't it

be more effective if only one bank were demonstrated against? This would set an example to other

financial institutions. Also, instead of closing an account, how about just depleting it down to

one dollar and eliminate any direct deposits while leaving it open for a month? If they agree to

eliminate minimum balances and BS fees for personal and small business accts the money could be

re-deposited. Instead of putting that money in an account with a credit union, how about puting it

someplace where nobody has access to it like a safety deposit box. That would pull the money out

of investors hands while really making the bank unhappy. (Banks and credit unions use our money to

make money. Do they not?)

Last but not least, we need to stop the camping/demonstrations. This is doing more harm than good! There are better ways to get attention.



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[-] 1 points by overstand (60) 12 years ago

Concise Action, if we dont address corruption it will eat us..I Demand the resignations of all officials connected to the 20 trillion dollar worldwide bailout..Printing trillions ,backed by no goods or services,is counterfeiting,Fake Money Fake Debt..Bailing out the richest companies on Earth worldwide,sticking us,the taxpayers with the bill at 5% interest..High Treason is the charge.. The Supreme Court and Congress are representing banks and corporations first,people are a distant second..You are Fired..Appointed by the very engineers of global financial collapse..You are not working in our best interest..Treason is the charge.. D.O.D.,where did the 3.2 trillion dollars go?Where did the 700 billion dollars cash sent to restructure Iraq ,after it was summarily destroyed on false pretense,Where did the money go?Where did all those trillions of bailout money go?Treacherous traitors,stealing trillions,and giving bonuses to the very people that engineered the collapse.. Camping and dmonstrations are working well..It has the attention of the whole world,even though some try to smear every move..We are one in our struggle with people worldwide,standing up to the same transnationals that have been oppressing the whole wide world for generations..Greed will be their undoing,we have the evidence,we just need warrants,indictments,and subpoenas for House of Rothschild,Rockefeller,Bush1,2 and all known accomplices..Seize their assets,estimated in excess 500 trillion dollars, distribute the wealth to all people of the world..We will then stimulate the economy,restore the Earth,go solar,wind,electric cars,gardens,and move toward sustainablity,living with respect and harmony for all living things..Then we will have peace, Rothschilds Mother said,"If my sons didnt want war,there would be no war..

[-] 1 points by wormholes (19) 12 years ago

Vision statement, Mission Statement and Core Values: these are needed in order to move forward. If the Occupy movement really wants to accomplish evolutionary improvement, it must take the time and discipline to work on these core aspects. If the Occupy movement cannot do this, it will not go far. However, once Vision Statement, Mission Statement and Core Values are determined by the current Occupy system, they should be EVERYWHERE and reviewed daily by ALL GAs. All newcomers will know from the get-go what is expected. IF - and that's a big IF - the Occupy movement can get these three components established, it will take on more potency.

[-] 0 points by smartguy (180) 12 years ago

too long; didn't read