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Forum Post: We need to Demand an End to Speculating on our necessites!

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 7, 2011, 7:29 p.m. EST by fucorporatemedia (451)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Why have grocery costs grown so high? Just normal inflation right? Think again.

Goldman Sachs has caused this!

Goldman Sachs and other bankers are gaming the system, driving the costs of commodities higher and higher with a derivative they made up just for this purpose “the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index”…just to make themselves more money.

Then there is Koch driving up the cost of oil...First oil derivative is introduced to Wall Street by traders at Koch. Koch Industries executive Lawrence Kitchen devised the “first ever oil-indexed price swap between Koch Industries and Chase Manhattan Bank. http://getsmartnews.com/news/243459

Why are we allowing this to continue? People are starving all over the world because of this rise in food costs. It is absurd to allow them to game our necessities.

The president of Argentina recently spoke of this:

"Argentina does not intend to present itself as a model or an example for anybody, but we do intend to reaffirm the need to formulate clear rules regarding the transfer of capital, regarding financial speculation...

"When you look at the growth of global financial stocks as a proportion of global GDP, that is, of the goods and services we produce as a group of citizens and businesses around the world, you can clearly see why we are dealing with a world in which there seems to be no brake on speculation... There is a formidable spread between what we produce, and what is in what I call the 'Enter' economy, because in fact if we try to find those assets, it's just a matter of hitting 'Enter' on a computer and they are transferred from one place to another, from one currency to another, producing volatility such as has never been seen in the markets, as well as recurring crises where the stock markets rise and fall daily, creating a destruction of thousands of jobs, but also phenomenal profits which somebody carts off...

"Unfortunately, we are in the same situation [as two years ago], because other than changes which I characterize as entirely cosmetic, nothing of substance has been done about needed regulation... And when these political transformations occur as a result of great economic crises, there are experiences that I won't mention, where totalitarianism has arisen many times during the 20th Century as a result of crises that have not been adequately solved based on politics."



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[-] 3 points by fucorporatemedia (451) 13 years ago

Wow, so everyone is happy paying double or triple the cost of everything just to pad the pockets of Goldman Sachs and Koch.

We haven't always had this gambling on our necessities, we can undo what they have done.

[-] 1 points by bill1102inf2 (357) 13 years ago

totally agree

[-] 1 points by Nevada1 (5843) 13 years ago

Total agreement. Big guys also buying up water rights world wide.

[-] 2 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

Agreed 100%. I don't think many people know of these derivatives, although they are just now getting the publicity they deserve. They need to be outlawed. 'Gambling' on the price of food should be illegal.


[-] 1 points by fucorporatemedia (451) 13 years ago

yes, I think if the people not currently paying attention realized this is what was driving their bills so high they would join the movement pretty fast.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

I didn't know about them until I came to this website. I was placing the blame squarely on the grocery stores until I learned this.

[-] 1 points by fucorporatemedia (451) 13 years ago

I really think that if everyone knew just by whom they are being driven into poverty so fast GOLDMAN SACHS STRIKES AGAIN! and of course the Koch brothers....everyone would be screaming bloody murder about this.

There is absolutely no reason for speculating on our food except for their profit, which we all know they have plenty. It is just unbelievably stupid how many people are suffering, starving and even dying because of this...and this is all around the world.

This is what we can take to the TV station. Surround the stations with signs...demand action now. There are lives in the balance!!

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 13 years ago

I believe it's become our duty to wake the sleeping masses, take our country back from the criminal cartel presently in control of it, and by extension hopefully guide this world onto the path it should've taken decades ago. Personally, I'm sick of hearing the name G-S attached to every aspect of the problems we now face. It's maddening. They truly are the vampire squid so aptly described in Rolling Stone magazine a few years ago. Good username, by the way (yours, not 'vampire squid,' although vampire squid would be a cool username also).

[-] 1 points by fucorporatemedia (451) 13 years ago

"I believe it's become our duty to wake the sleeping masses"

yes, we must...the whole idea behind www.fucorporatemedia.com

A democracy must have a free press

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 13 years ago

Yes a very ugly face of Corporate Food.

[-] 1 points by fucorporatemedia (451) 13 years ago

and the reason for rampant poverty...they got us on our food, gas, heating, power bills(also being gamed by 'smart meters'....then the corps hit us with 30% increasing insurance costs, water bills...it is no wonder people are struggling.

Even during these protests, Goldman Sachs is still laughing their asses off getting away with ripping us off. If anything, they are getting more arrogant.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 13 years ago

Yes and a lot of this reduction in their work forces to reduce cost of operation is complete bull-shit. Every day they get more revenue flowing into their public utility billing due to new users. But instead of reinvesting in the infra structure as they should in a living and growing service, instead they claim poverty.

[-] 1 points by fucorporatemedia (451) 13 years ago

Then they cause entire streets to explode due to deteriorating infrastructure...

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

This ticks me off. I agree.

[-] 0 points by Doc4the99 (591) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

plus one