Forum Post: We need rainbows and ponies and cotton candy!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 10:33 p.m. EST by nucIeus
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 10:33 p.m. EST by nucIeus
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We need affordable housing, healthcare, education, and work that pays. You know, a decent quality of living in exchange for our labor.
Where are the rainbows and candy?
I'm allergic to ponies.
lmao. awesome.
TROLL ALERT : This is NOT a post by "nucleus", but by a T R O L L who replaced the "L" by a capital "i" to cause confusion on this forum.
MOD TEAM, ban this fake user name and the person who created it, PLEASE!
maybe they should ban you for harassing and stalking people
They should ban you for SPAMMING the forums with multiple identities richardgates richardkgates richardkengates richardkentgates fredastaire and nucieus (with a capital "i").
actually half of those are you pretending to be me. you think the mods don't see you stalking me and generally being a couple of douche bags?
Troll, spammer, hypocrite and paranoid. I'd recommend a visit to your local mental health facility.
Diagnosis: borderline personality syndrome with a high degree of paranoia.
haha. point and laugh!
Possible schizophrenia, too. Really, for your own good, get yourself to a mental health facility.
Nucleus, he's got Narcissistic Personality Disorder, It's right in the DSM IV. He's too busy admiring his genius to get to a mental health facility.
Excellent diagnosis, spot on with the symptoms.
Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition in which people have an inflated sense of self-importance and an extreme preoccupation with themselves.
A person with narcissistic personality disorder may:
It's amazing how people have to live their lives...These people need a rope and tree.
ah more violence just like you mentioned here
"If we keep on current path.. Financial Crisis worse than 2008..Then possible Hegelian Dialectic event on a 9/11 scale. (I'm not certain which one would come first) Then more war against supposed enemies and serfdom for the working class and total social unrest...Just a theory of mine. I could be way of base..I see the car going off the cliff how it falls exactly is anyone's guess... Maybe what OWS is doing will help, but I don't know, the elite don't really respond to anything but violence...All threats to the global elite are meet with violence. We may have to drop our plowshares and pick something else up..Things could turn around but it's very late in the game..very late indeed."
OWS does not advocate violence. you are a fraud just like your divisive buddy.
OWS may not advocate violence, but the elite obviously do..I don't advocate violence but I realize there will be a breaking point in the way you treat people..
Fraud? I'm just being me, I may be with OWS, but that doesn't mean I don't have my own thoughts on what needs to happen..No one asked our permission to destroy the system..I don't think we should be asking the people who destroyed the system to please fix it or to take a look at our "demands"..
The system isn't going to reform itself..
hey man, thats cool. but you were jumping on me simply because your buddy was. i like everyone, unless they're being a dick. but yeah, it's time for a change, i agree.
Main article: Healthy narcissism Healthy narcissism is a structural truthfulness of the self, achievement of self and object constancy, synchronization between the self and the superego and a balance between libidinal and aggressive drives (the ability to receive gratification from others and the drive for impulse expression). Healthy narcissism forms a constant, realistic self-interest and mature goals and principles and an ability to form deep object relations.[5] A feature related to healthy narcissism is the feeling of greatness. This is the antithesis of insecurity or inadequacy.
For the stalking of deer, see deer stalking. For visiting near Chernobyl, see Chernobyl stalking. Stalking is a term commonly used to refer to unwanted and obsessive attention by an individual or group to another person. Stalking behaviors are related to harassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person and/or monitoring them via the internet. The word stalking is used, with some differing meanings, in psychology and psychiatry and also in some legal jurisdictions as a term for a criminal offense.
Burp! Right beneath that article is the one about healthy sociopathy....It's OK to be a sociopath as long as you don't feel guilty about it..
right on. good to know.
Check this shit Out! I want you to speak truth to power!. Say it once, say it twice. Say it loud. Say it proud. I'm down with the KTC. The Revolution starts here!
The Revolution starts here! No one can silence the Revolution!
lol, you are one of the angriest people on this forum. you are divisive, you run people off that aren't in lock step with you. and you stalk every thread i make instead of just holding back. the freedom to not participate. that is non-violent protest.
Everything is violent, you either aggressor or subservient..and if the aggressor is clever enough, the person being dominated never knows..AKA our current situation..
That's why it is important for OWS to never have a leader or demands..The so called authorities should never know of any system or organization...They just need to know we are there..We have no demands of the system, we will not ever give you that....
How's this for a demand: We want the system! Deal with that for a while!..
If you read the Art of War and truly stick to it..You will win..The other side could never be ethical or moral and even thought they know the game they could never stick to it.. Obfuscation and perplexity. always will win..
i like it. may i quote some Rage "fk the cars, i want the machines that'r maken'm"
I'm glad I made someone happy...
listen to that maria track, seriously. read the lyrics, then get back to me
i knew you had it in ya!