Forum Post: We need a slogan
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 11 a.m. EST by twisted
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Tear down the Wall
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 11 a.m. EST by twisted
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Tear down the Wall
1,2,3,4 what the hell are we fighting for? Um, not sure but we'll get back to you.
Occupy America
end bush tax cuts , rebuild America bridges and roads , invest in middle class not banking class
Man Can Be More
end bush tax cuts , rebuild America bridges and roads , invest in middle class not banking class
No we do not! No slogan!
We want REFORM . . . not "Change"!!
too complicated to change the system
Lets just go for the Fed
and when the dust clears . . .surprise surprise
It will all be fine
Occupy Yourself!
We Have Permission to Change the System
How about "Who is John Galt?"
When I see this I automatically think "TEAR DOWN THIS WALL, GORBACHEV!"
Yeah . .it just mean so much on so many levels . . .and good old pink Floyd
just the irony . .
well they have certainly got shook up with whats happening
ha ha ha . .trading is going to start in the Fx markets in a few hours
should be fun
Tear Down the Wall
We want a better world and we are going to get it
We want a better world and we are going to get it
the only thing that matters right now is CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM, unless you get the big money out of politics, no change whatsoever will occur, this should be the focus of the protests, we need to have honest politicians that work for the public before any thing else can get done, campaign finance reform (ending corporate personhood, kicking the lobbyists out of the Washington) is the perfect starting point. It really is a no brainer that this should be the one thing we can all agree on. Because unless we do this, all those other demands that people have will never be addressed, not in a millions years.
Brazil now!
The yippies had a great platform
"First the cart. Then the horse". OR "Show us the cart!'
Eat The Rich
Tax the rich. Feed the poor. 'Til there are no rich no more. Not original, but appropriate.
One person said at the end of their comment said, "We are the 99", that works.
Man (and women) in his natural state has no wealth or poverty.
Wealth is a creation of civilization, and the property of that civilization. To tax the top is to maintain the Hamiltonian balance of that civilization. To do otherwise is to submit to arbitrary dominion.
Rally around campaign finance reform. It is the real issue.
End Prescriptive Economics
Nationalize Banks Now.
End Activism on the Supreme Court -- Stop anonymous corporate money from drowning out my Constitutional right to speak.
End the Activism on the Supreme Court -- Corporations are not people. Period.
Corporations are not human. Return democracy to the people.
Have you seen any bankers, drug dealers, or pedophiles?
"United we Stand, divided we fall. This is a movement for us All"
And to those of you saying this movement has no message it's because you merely have to be willing to open your eyes to see it- This is not Left vs Right political, this is about ending the open and 'legal' corruption and collusion with our elected public officials by the monied special interests.
What are your ideas on how to begin to stop this crime?
I'm looking for bankers, and drug dealers.
Have you seen any bankers?
End Arbitrary Dominion.
What do you we want?
We're not really sure yet!
When do we want it?
How about Oh, maybe I'm in the wrong place.
Even the US Constitution supports you!!
You need to vote for your slogan (why not on the internet ?). This movement will have to organize in some way to present common slogans, ideas and propositions. You will have to all speak with one voice. Even if America is not a democracy, your movement will have to look democratic (or at least fair) in some way.
Fear not . .we got your back
Its a matter of perspective
in a protest . .you may choose if you wish to hear what the protester is bitching about . .you may choose not to
very much like the main stream media thinks we are a bunch of twits and you may come back with an empty slogan
In a revolution
you win or you lose
if you win things change and you can make them the way you like
if you lose bad shit happens
protester is a revolutionary who thinks somebody is going to listen and things are going to change
with a t-shirt saying "I occupied Wall street and all I got is this empty slogan"
Its a Revolution
you cannot logically convince liars to change their stance
Tear down the Wall
We're pissed and it's all your fault!
How's this: 'Bank of America is to banking what a child molester is baby sitting!' or 'Our gov't has become a corporate puppet show; now the show is OVER!' or 'We trusted YOUR judgement?! We trust no more!' or 'Eliminate the tax-code debt bias' or 'Stop manipulating our elected officials!' or 'Move over plutonomy, here comes democracy!'
Across the Universe
What you need is a purpose
Tear Down the Wall
I am absolutely clear in my head, bringing wall street to a stand still will force the collapse of the Federal Reserve system
Now I do appreciate a good conversation but I'm not really in the mood for
If you ask me . .I'm in the mood for a good ole fashioned hoedown
lets load these crooks onto a rail road track, tar and feather their ass and roll them out dodge
our strength is in being unreasonable and uncivilized and uncontrolable
this ain't a protest
Its a Revolution
We ask for, not at once no government, but at once a better government. We are the 99.
Pay attention to the man behind the curtain.
How about, Get The Money Out Of Politics That would be the ultimate game changer. Check this out if you got 2 minutes
The slogan is Simple:
We have nothing to offer anybody except our own confusion!!!!
Democracy is a sham, you want a slogan bring democracy down, does your vote count for anything?... does your right to protest do anything? does your freedom of speach get heard by anyone?... democracy is dead, democracy stinks, democracry is fascism in another dress......
Everything you protesting about is because the democracy your fighting for dosen't exsist. Call for the game to be stopped and the real players to fess up and be counted.
How about the Pledge of Allegiance! It says it all..our founding fathers built a government that is for the People! a republic! NOT a democracy. I see this word flying around all over the place..and its not your fault. "they changed our history lessons to teach that this is a great world of democracy. NOT SO! I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, one REPUBLIC for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, for liberty and justice for all!!!!!!!
I want your money! The Jews OOOPS I mean Bankers are evil and keeping me down!
You know in your heart that you are right. A majority of us may not really understand what has been done to make us feel cheated , betrayed and defrauded. there is a mountain of information, facts figures, charts, graphs that proves it. Forget it . . .
You are right . .just lock it down . .don't argue about, don't don;t get confused by it.
The people who should have been looking out for us, sold us out, there are 19 Million Americans unemployed and 45 million on Food stamps.
Breaking up the Fed will fix it
I am a slave, give me a Job!
Corporate concession, not Constitutional Retention!
Employment, not Sovereignty.
Choice of Product. (over) Product of Choice.
Vocation, not Vacation.
Profession, not Progression.
-- We have the technical capability to surpass the need for human provided manufacturing. Jobs should be limited to those that actually provide desirable qualities for society, not everyone should or needs to have employment; only those who have knowledge and have developed their skills should provide a desired facility for others within the context of social compassion. Why do we entertain the impression that most of the products produced are necessary or even desired?
Liberation through Dictation.
Political suppression via Indoctrination.
Government, not Collaboration!
Bureaucracy, not technicality.
Domination & Oppression, we demand it.
-- Government provides the facility for a society in which its occupiers lack the necessary confidence and harmony to provide and govern themselves independently. Government's only functionality is to impose restriction and definition through regulation and legislation. People being socially responsible through comprehensible collaboration is not what our interpretation of government means. Either adequately define the term 'Government' with relevant terminology and specific functionality, or disregard the concept entirely. Always remember, technical problems are only resolved through technical solutions.
It's not about Right or Left, it's about Right and Wrong.
I scream u scream we all scream for ice-cream man? or how about I have the munchies again man? I munch u munch we all munch the greedy bunch man?
I scream u scream we all scream for ice-cream man? or how about I have the munchies again man? I munch u munch we all munch the greedy bunch man?
what are we fighting for? well here is the way I see it
The truth is that in the background the financial sector is running our lives, the government, what we can or cant do, what is socially politically acceptable or not even wars, 130K soldiers in Afghanistan is a 130k pairs of boots, 260k socks and 260k laces and as such a business . .son on and so forth.
The state of our country, the piling up of wealth and opportunity and the class difference is something that should be a mechanic of the Free Market.
But its not anymore, The big banks and investors now have the power to take everything we have and everything we have worked for, trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars, just because they feel like, by creating artificial crisises and economic events that have nothing to with reality, you or me and which leaves you and me struggling day to day living hand to mouth with no chance to beat the system.
How to stop it?
How to achieve these objectives focus on 2.
Its working . . .they are actually terrified
My protest has a named cause, it's D-R-G-H-B-M-N-5-F-9-J-U-2-S-D-4-F-C-V-Q-S-D-E-D-F-5-6-7-V-B-5-N-7...........
Somelse out there start yelling, democracy for who?, democracy for what!
this is the heart of it democracy is dead, we live in facism by another name
Well Maybe you do, you are in England. We can still bring about a Democratic Economy and Government in the United States.
Tear down the wall
(*with out bloody caps lock)
yes . .in fact with bloody Capslock
Banking bad... People good!
"anarchism is order, government is chaos" "Everything for everyone, and nothing for ourselves" "no war but the class war" "join a union, tear down the country"
Too true
Anarchy is the eventual end of democracy
and especially a corrupt one
fire the house of reps! replace with digital voting! ( that would shake things up!)
I would like to see 10,000 shoulder to shoulder, fist in the air, shouting
Tear down the Wall
The first right in a Second Bill of Rights is the one to a job.
Stay Optimistic Stay Involved Stay in WallStreet
Wall St. gave us all we need, in return they want us to bleed.
Hey Hey, Ho, Ho, This Greed has Got to Go!
99 Versus 1,
or simply
99 vs 1
You guys don't need a slogan, you need to get a life!
With no jobs, or money, there is no life.
America is watching you.
Citizens United is Treason
with a t-shirt saying "I occupied Wall street and all I got is this empty slogan"