Forum Post: We may as well start counting the days before another case of Ebola is flown into America.
Posted 10 years ago on Oct. 16, 2014, 5:12 p.m. EST by StillModestCapitalist
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A second nurse from the Dallas hospital where Thomas Duncan was treated has reportedly been diagnosed with Ebola. In YET ANOTHER bizarre, suspicious, and obviously fear mongering circumstance, it has been reported that said nurse flew across the mid-west just ONE DAY PRIOR to being diagnosed.
Remember what I typed in a previous entry about suspicious circumstances? Consider the timeline so far.
NJ case flown in from ground zero Liberia (regional fear spreads).
NJ case recovers (regional fear subsides).
Duncan flown into Dallas from ground zero Liberia (regional fear spreads).
Duncan contact quarantined in Dallas (regional fear spreads).
Nebraska case flown in from ground zero Liberia (regional fear spreads).
NBC news crew quarantined in NJ (regional fear renewed).
Thomas Duncan dies.
No diagnosis to date for quarantined Duncan contact (regional fear subsides).
Nebraska case reportedly doing well (regional fear subsides).
Ebola case reported in Boston (regional fear spreads).
Duncan's nurse diagnosed with Ebola (regional fear renewed).
Boston case reported to be false alarm (regional fear subsides).
Second Duncan nurse diagnosed with Ebola (regional fear grows).
Duncan nurse reported to fly across the mid-west just one day before being diagnosed (REGIONAL FEAR SPREADS).
Obama calls in Cabinet for Ebola conference (FEAR SPREADS ACROSS AMERICA).
The expensive government purchase I have made repeated reference to is surely in the works. Ch'Ching! You mark my words: The bulk of those Ebola meds will expire and go to waste or at best, they will be sent overseas where they MAY do some good.
To date, every single time Ebola fear in America begins to subside in response to a recovery, an improvement, or no further diagnoses, another suspicious circumstance is reported just in time to renew those Ebola fears.
To date, 3 reported cases of Ebola have been flown into hypochondriac America directly from ground zero Liberia. Not one of them have been reported to spread Ebola to another human being anywhere outside of a hospital. If they had, then a correction would have been necessary.
In spite of multiple Ebola cases flown into America over a number of weeks directly from ground zero Liberia and in spite of the commercially oriented hype and fear mongering for several weeks running, not one American to date has contracted Ebola anywhere in America outside of a hospital.
Mark my words: The airport and airplane will be no exception. Not one person who flew with the Duncan nurse caught Ebola from her. Not a single one. This will be confirmed in just under three weeks. If it's reported otherwise, then it will be a false alarm.
Just as Ebola fear in America begins to subside with no diagnosis among the NBC news crew, no infected Nebraska contacts, and no confirmed transmissions on the plane, another suspicious circumstance or two or three or four will be reported just in time to renew Ebola fears in America.
You may as well start counting the days before another case of Ebola is flown into America.
I'm not denying the existence of Ebola and I'm not swearing that all 15 of these events and circumstances to date have been premeditated or calculated for profit. But I am swearing that the majority have been. All 15 have been exploited for profit. I'm also swearing that Ebola does not spread anywhere near as easily as we are being led to believe or often enough outside of Africa to justify the hype and fear mongering. It will never become a pandemic in America. Never.
We are being played yet again. Every single year for a decade running.
words are just pressure waves in the air that soon dissipate to absolute nothingness. the only thing that's certain is Murphy's Law.
what can go wrong with a for profit system that will prepare only for highly profitable eventualities? an Ebola vaccine could be available today if it had been commercially viable ten years ago. but now that for profit medicine is facing a possible crisis, it's time to assign responsibility to government of, by and for the ordinary people who never profit and always lose in the end!
and of course we're being played. we've been played since the beginning of cities and civilization. the game never changes but sometimes the players do. ironically, the only thing we can do about it for the time being is to talk.
I have no real issue with your second and third paragraphs. Still, Ebola will claim fewer than one out of every five hundred thousand Americans.
I stand by the guarantee with absolute certainty.
Soon it will be time to rotate military personnel back from TDY.They Must all go straight HOME to visit the PARENTS.After that we can have Flare Ups of the Ebola on MILITARY BASES All Across the Country! There will be a total Blackout of any kind of detail about what is happening on the Stricken Bases,except the news that there is Ebola on the Base.Military personnel will be given only cursory physical exams upon their return from deployment,because that is STANDARD Operational Procedure.No quarantine or other precautions,and .gov will pay for the airfare for all personnel on leave from active duty to GO HOME to Every Single One of the 50 States.I think I will go out a little On a Limb and say a scenario such as I have just described has a HIGH probability of occurring.
I can just see that we would be greeting our home-coming heroes and heroines with lots of hugs and kisses, handshakes, and pattings in welcome-home parties. Love spreads like wildfire.
As soon as I heard Boots were Needed on the Ground in West Africa-I KNEW exactly which game was Afoot! It's a No Brainer.If the purported Ebola Outbreak is on Base,they don't even need to have any pesky,messy,infectious,annoying Ebola patients around.Compartmentalization of information and running of Drills would ensure that even military personnel on Base would not know what's going on.There is no reason for even a single Boot on the Ground in West Africa! None! Think of the mileage to be gotten out of a deal like this-Twisted Genius!
The "no-quarantine" choice will be the decisive one to save a penny for the MBA-certified folks. The phone company's old advertisement may well ring true - "Reach out. Reach out and touch someone!" Then we get traffic congestion at funeral homes.
The Military Forces' philosophy on the Health of Personnel covers LOTS of other things as well."If it ain't broke-don't fix it," pretty much sums it up.I think it is quite possible that not everyone who is deployed in West Africa will be quarantined.A person who does not appear ill and who has no complaints would most likely be certified fit for duty.People who sat on ships at sea and never went ashore at all are good candidates for people not quarantined who might later be found to be infected by means unknown,The kinds of things that go wrong in the military are depressingly predictable.That is why we have the word "clusterfuck." The military personnel invented it in Vietnam.
A 21-day Bermuda or Cayman Island all-expenses-paid vacation for each of our home-coming heroes and heroines is in order. That will satisfy the offshore quarantine requirement well. They can all bank risk exposures to the offshore tax havens. You and I will NEVER have such free vacations because of our wearing tinfoil hats that the military prohibits.
A very good idea,but it would derail the Plausible Deniability.The whole point of putting Boots on the Ground to fight a microbial insurrection is to spread fear of a Plausible Threat.It would be nice if we could somehow force them to do what you describe.
Check this out: Cuba has quarantine facility. If Bermuda or Cayman Islands refuse to take our home-coming heroes and heroines, we can still find accommodation for our troops perhaps together with the returning Cuban medical personnel for the 21-day all-expenses-paid vacation on a Cuban resort.
Cubans seem to know far better than the U.S. how to deal with tropical or infectious diseases, comparing their firm policy with our evolving competence in Dallas, Texas, in Cleveland, Ohio, on Frontier Airline flights, and on Carnival Magic cruise ship. We seem to be chasing Ebola while letting it diffuse greatly but the Cubans confine potential Ebola cases in a quarantine facility.
Cuba also has a National Policy of encouraging the absolute Maximum number of Citizens possible to take the MD,and to take up graduate studies in Medicine as well.Admirable.They are the only country in modern history to have done that.I understand they sent 178 MD's to help fight the 2014 Ebola Epidemic in West Africa,along with over 200 support staff including nurses,pharmacists,lab techs,specialized clerical worker,infection control and sanitation techs etc.The US .gov has sent 6 MD's and some military units.Both contributions much needed,unless the troops were sent to bring Freedom and Democracy.If the troops were sent to deliver Freedom and Democracy to Western Africa,things could get messy,because that involves shooting many animals and humans,thereby spraying blood,urine and feces widely.Problematical in the midst of an epidemic of Ebola Fever,IMO.
Cuba is obviously a medical Super Power, even more capable than its patron states Russia and China. The U.S. homeland bantustans are infantile on this infectious disease front, chasing the run-away Ebola virus in puffs of probability clouds. There was the "six degrees of separation" study. Contact tracing used for combating Ebola requires two. It cannot handle huge number of cases.
The U.S. is a logistics Super Power with hitherto unproven (thankfully) biowarfare troops. The U.S. troops will get real working experience alongside the Cuban doctors and other personnel. Both will be involved in foreign interventions defending humanity, far superior morally than their "engaging" each other in the African war decades ago.
What is the repatriation plan for our troops? Offshore on an island, on docked ships, in hotels, in baracks, or where else? What are the infectious controls and for how long?|
I have no clue what the Military Brass would do.Their main concern is Maximum Ass Coverage at all times.Do the different branches have a uniform policy on this? Something tells me they Do Not.Do different Commands and/or Bases have a uniform and coordinated policy? I certainly hope so.Could there be a series of Majestic Blunders in the offing? It would appear that there is a distinct possibility that an Unprecedented Clusterfuck is Bearing down on our long suffering military personnel.My father would have been able to tell us what level of incompetence could be expected in a situation like this.He made a Lifelong Study of the endemic incompetence of The US Military,and spent almost his entire life in the middle of it.He certainly had some stories about Korea,Vietnam and Stateside Nuclear Bungling that were...unsettling,alarming,tragic,tragic/comical etc.I sometimes wonder if he wrote anything down.He is dead now-and I'm glad he never experienced all the Horror that has followed in the Wake of the Iraq War-but he KNEW.He knew all of it was coming,and it broke his heart,I think.He died in '06 in a Disturbed State of Mind because of the Iraq/Afghanistan Awesome Adventure.
Your father's experience almost makes the know-nothing care-nothing crowd seem wise. They will not be bothered until it hits them. Then they will either say that no one could have foreseen it or ask why anyone did not speak up.
It has hit all of us.These wars to bring Freedom and Democracy to foreign countries have created chaos,instability,disease famine,death,displacement and misery of every kind.The consequences for the home country are now sinking in.Corruption of government officials bureaucrats and courts,cronyism,crushingly burdensome taxation,economic crises,social unrest,economic collapse,bankruptcy,famine and revolt.My father knew this.I think he probably thought that having had a taste of this process in Vietnam,it was not likely to recur as the American People would not go in for it again.That is what I thought also.Right now we are on the cusp between social unrest and economic collapse.This process is the inevitable train of events that follows Wars of Aggression in Distant Lands.My father was a Patriot and a combat veteran,and he loved this country.He was also a Marxist and he was very unhappy to see the affairs of government be so mishandled as to go so horribly awry.And to witness it as an old man who could do nothing about it also must have been hard for him,because he lived his life as a Man of Action.
The mission must continue.
That was great! Thanx! I was 4 years old-almost 5 on 11/22/63.I lived in a small town called Clinton,NY.Many people gathered on the lawn in front of the High School that afternoon.I remember the HS teachers and their students weeping and screaming in anguish.As a child i was famous for going into Ecstasy over Bobby Darin singing Mack the Knife and also for kissing the television when JFK's speeches were broadcast.LOL!
In compliment of = " Military personnel will be given only cursory physical exams upon their return from deployment,because that is STANDARD Operational Procedure."
Watch the 2nd & 3rd segment :
Stephen Colbert on Fangate: Rick Scott was 'blown away'
by Michael LangenmayrFollow
When those troops return, it will take only one single reported diagnosis of Ebola, either spread by accident or INTENTIONALLY to an unsuspecting pawn among them to ramp up the irrational fears of Ebola all across hypochondriac America for at least three weeks and for as long as we have troops flying in and out of Africa.
I have no fear whatsoever of Ebola. I simply refuse to fear that which is incredibly unlikely to claim my life or that of anyone I know.
What I do feel is anger. Ebola has been and will be flown directly from ground zero Liberia and West Africa into hypochondriac America over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over for the purpose of spreading more hypochondriac fear and to secure and justify the upcoming government purchase of Ebola meds which will ultimately expire or at best, be sent to Africa where they MAY do some good.
My belief is that one or more of the Ebola cases flown into America to date were infected intentionally by others or selected for the very purpose of delivering Ebola to America. Because Ebola won't spread easily in a comfortable, fertile, and well developed country like ours on it's own, it will remain necessary to fly in case after case in order to keep our irrational Ebola fears renewed.
At this point, I am furious with Obama for doing his part to put our nation in a grip of irrational Ebola fear. Instead of sending troops to West Africa, some of which, like you point out, will likely return with Ebola, he should send a very large vessel or two or three by sea to serve as medical base camp to help treat and contain Ebola in the region. When it's all said and done, however long that may take, no ships are to return until they are cleared to do so.
In the meantime, those VERY FEW individuals with confirmed Ebola in America should be flown to a secure medical facility offshore. It seems to me that a vessel for that purpose could be converted and stocked within a matter of weeks at the very most. It should have already been done.
I don't suggest these measures in order to save the American masses from Ebola. For no saving will be necessary. This isn't West Africa. I suggest these measures to save the VERY FEW Americans who may die otherwise and to save the American masses from a grip of IRRATIONAL EBOLA FEAR.
Ebola will kill fewer than one out of every five hundred thousand Americans. I stand by the guarantee with absolute certainty.
As I stated below-they no longer need actual Ebola victims,and they may just be Sane enough to promote Ebola Hysteria without using any.I agree with you that a runaway killer outbreak is farfetched.They are really are just throwing caution to the winds.Look what has gone on with the Stock Markets.The manipulation is totally Blatant,and could not be more in our faces.Then Janet Yellen makes a Speech saying that inequality is a problem which will go away when Americans all open their own businesses,and after that they will be even more comfortable when their parents DIE and Americans then INHERIT MONEY from their Parents! You cannot cannot cannot make this shit up.It is too TWISTED.
It's truly disgraceful when someone with Yellen's experience has the gall to mention a legitimate issue like inequality but doesn't have the courage to admit that something must be done about the high end.
The rich never have the guts to admit that they are the benefactors of a profound injustice. They would rather stand by and let half the world starve as they pretend to give a damn.
It just totally BEGGARS BELIEF that "inheriting money when your parents die," is included on a list of "economic opportunities" available to Americans.WHAT are they suggesting? Should those whose parents managed to come thru the Culling of 2007 with part of their assets left now KILL their Parents-or just survive whatever happens until they die of natural causes? What kind of a Fuckhead would list that as an "economic opportunity." anyhow,when not everyone has parents.let alone Parents who escaped Pauperization in The Culling? OH! I am SO F.n pissed off!
She just had to offer something. No force in this universe would ever compel her to admit that she and her rich 1% bunch are simply too rich. So the outrageous crap about inheritance is what she came up with.
I agree. What a disgusting thing to say.
In a country with a population of 350 million+,80% of the people have been Pauperized or are teetering on the edge of it.SOAKED TO THE BONE!
Inheritance proffered as an economic opportunity? So who is she reassuring - OH - yeah - the wealthy - Never Mind.
They could join that nurse that is on that Carnival Cruise Ship.
Cruise ship carrying Texas Ebola health worker refused entry in Belize
Weeelllllllllll maybe after the current vacationers clear quarantine.
It appears that one Texas healthcare worker in particular just couldn't manage to keep her commercial healthcare mouth shut.
As if there were any doubt in my mind. This ongoing campaign of fear mongering is no accident. Now, the majority of those travelers will return home to help spread more irrational Ebola fear.
That Texas Ebola health worker just earned herself a public grilling.
In all of this - I just LOVE - how it is shown that our ( USA ) emergency preparedness planning and implementation for the last 50 years - has been only so much smoke blown up the asses of the public.
Billions perhaps trillions of dollars that were to be dedicated to this issue of being ready to deal with any and every emergency ( man made or natural ) - to build facilities for health care to treat hundreds of thousands of patients from any cause of a pandemic ( Bird flu - SARS - Swine flu - etc ) - facilities with the proper equipment as well as the proper infectious disease isolation wards as well as proper training and staffing.
And an emergency arises - and SURPRISE - no one is prepared to do anything but panic - and call for emergency money for equipment facilities and supplies that were already supposed to have been stock piled in areas for quick/immediate distribution/use - supplies that should have been in existing facilities already to a capable degree of handling needs till more supplies could then be received from other local stock piles.
What happened to training? To be prepared to treat patients properly and protect the health care workers properly?
Where did all of the money allocated for such disappear to? Where/how was this money actually spent?
We have now had MAJOR emergency response failures in the Gulf and on the East Coast and the West coast as well as in the South Central States. STORM response failures that also called for having housing/facilities and supplies ready for the survivors of the storms as well as the equipment and people allocated to handle emergency repairs and clean-up.
Now it looks like one of the emergency preparedness needs that should have been totally planed for and supplies stocked and staff trained - HAS ALSO NOT BEEN DONE.
WTF people - just WTF
They cannot join all together in one Giant Congressional Chorus of Criminality in one Colossal Planet Wrecking Voice:"MOAR MONEY!"-because now at long last,they have BANKRUPTED the country.There will be no Moar Money-not for any crisis no matter what it might be.There has never,at any time,or anywhere been a .gov program more lavishly funded than Homeland Security-not counting Quantitative Easing,of course.Obviously maximum funding can't deal with problems that were supposed to be handled by Homeland Security.By rights,we should at least not have to be tortured by cries of "Moar Money!"-there is no more.The Stock markets will crash and burn soon when cries of "MM!" do not result in MM because there is NO MM.
Click click tappity tap tap tap . . . . enter . . . fixed = trillions . . . OH damn . . . . . now what? . . . . hyper inflation? . . . . shit . . . How did that happen . . .
I think it's about time for the American People to get on the Same Page.All of us,everywhere.The page that says:NO MOAR MONEY.Ever Ever Again.The Elites are Shiftless Losers who avoid all actual work by constantly crying;"MM! MM! MM!" and the reason must be that theyknow that the Indispensable Nation will be incapable of Servicing its Debt Very Soon,and that TBTF is going to F.
What all of the greedy assholes seem to fail to understand - IS - that when the inevitable crash happens ( inevitable ) - that - their hoards are gonna be worth nothing. There is no program of qweasing that will be able to save them - current qweasing is only gonna make the coming crash and burn that much worse as it is all fiction piled on top of fiction.
DK-there has been NO public response to the most recent taper tantrum.The 2 Banksters who did make statements have neither authority nor standing above their own banks.The whole Ebola Crisis,which could have been stopped in August has been cultivated as a Desperate Ploy to Stop the Pitchforks.
[ edit ] Agree - whether the outbreak occurred naturally or not - the outbreak has been purposely mismanaged/handled and is now a huge hysteria distraction. Just in time for the midterm elections - what a break ummm scuse travesty for the whomever in office.
edit-> Monstrously worse however are the thousands of deaths that have been caused to date by the deliberate mishandling of the outbreak.
It's Africa - it's Ebola - WTF - there is no excuse that this has been so badly mishandled - the only explanation is that it has been done on purpose.
Easy Peasy-Those people Over There are NOT Like US! Whatever they have got is their Problem! Why should we Help Them? etc. etc. etc.-why people think Diseases Care about Who you are or where you live is a Conundrum.For REAL.Unfathomaly Foolish.
The thoughts of the Powers that Be - same thoughts they have for everyone who is not them-self. Amazing that there has not yet been even a small nuclear war ( Japan notwithstanding ).
One small scale Nuclear Conflict-coming up!-once started,they will keep 'em coming,hot and Crispy,just the way we like 'em!
Think Puken has the balls to initiate it?
These Debts can never be paid,now.The Debts are so huge that it will take every cent Americans could conceivably earn leaving nothing aside for themselves just to service The Debt.All bets are off.There is no real or imaginary MM.No way.
Welllllllll conceivably. If the interest on the debt were frozen - and - OH - I don't know - taxes were collected from wealthy and successful corporations that have been allowed to skip paying taxes and worse are also being subsidized - and ummm say a Penney for every dollar traded/invested on the market ( in what ever form of transaction ) were taxed and paid into the debt and the trillions of dollars of off-shore hoards were repatriated and taxed.................hmmmmmmmmm
All debts are likely going to be Uncollectable.This sucker is gonna blow.
It sure as hell is - left as things are - it will be a monumental explosion.
Even if things were done immediately as I suggested in my earlier comment ( and that would be a very cold day in hell ) - things would still get incredibly ugly before they got better.
Occupy said "I TOLD youse so,"-TOO BAD nobody wanted to hear it.
Living in denial - still not a blissful thing as true ignorance would be - how dissatisfying when the illness of denied stress catches up in reality - though I suppose not nearly as traumatic as for those who are truly ignorant.
Earlier today, on local talk radio, I heard of an admission by a CDC rep that some of it's funding has disappeared into thin air, that nobody knows where it went, and that the work it was specifically allocated for was not done.
Once again, I find it very doubtful that 'incompetence' is the issue here. Of course, occasional mistakes will be made regardless of who is in charge. But it's funny how often funding goes missing or improperly allocated.
Incompetence my ass. In all likelihood, it was outright theft.
Government corruption is the real epidemic. Otherwise, our two parties could work through their differences and get some legitimate work done. Enough to make a real difference. Something they rarely do.
By the way, I'm having second thoughts about the nurse on the cruise ship. It was reckless and irresponsible for her to run her mouth about her Ebola work in Texas but she may not have done so intentionally for the purpose of spreading more commercially motivated Ebola fear. I have no doubt that it's been taking place from day one but I'm not sure that she was doing so intentionally.
I do find it astonishing that she could be so incredibly irresponsible. I still have every intention of grilling her publicly and by name.
If she checks out clean when she returns - I hope she gets refunded for her destroyed trip - her stupid fault for talking about what she does for a living ( in these hysterical times ) or not - as I am sure the Cruise Ship had some sort of Dr. on board that could have and should have checked out her vitals when the SHTF.
She is likely currently kicking herself for talking about herself socially. I think though that anyone that finds themselves working with such a dangerous illness should be given regular quarantine cool down periods prior to being cleared for taking flights or mass transit or cruise ship travel. People working at the CDC are probably very quiet socially as to what it is they do for a living.
starting with one, if the number doubles each week, 28 weeks corresponds to 268,435,456 cases of ebola and 33 weeks is well over 8 billion. the world may be a lot less fearful 8 months from now!
That scenario is fine for a book, movie, or math quiz but it has no legitimate place anywhere else. It is about as ludicrous and grotesque as the notion that our moon will come to life and eat planet Earth.
Ebola will go down in history as yet another 'it' disease to drive hundreds of thousands or millions of hypochondriac Americans to the hospital out of irrational fear ultimately killing fewer than one out of every five hundred thousand. In all likelihood, A LOT FEWER.
I stand by the guarantee with absolute certainty.
On what assumptions and computations did you arrive at the fewer than one out of every five hundred thousand?
No assumptions except for my DAMN WELL justified belief that we are being played YET AGAIN for the purpose of profit.
Absolute indisputable knowledge of our more comfortable climate, fertile land, abundant supply of food and fresh water, indoor plumbing and modern sanitation practices.
They change EVERYTHING.
Thus, Ebola will be MUCH less likely to spread and MUCH easier to contain here, in the richest and most developed country on Earth.
Common sense requires no 'computation'. Lack of common sense often does.
I stand by the guarantee with absolute certainty.
On April 1st of 2015, you will be dancing your shoes off trying to explain how it came to be that I was dead on balls accurate right all along from day one while your 'computations' were proven to be the greatest blunder in the history of mankind.
I wrote before that the U.S. having a fragmented medical care infrastructure was worrisome. So far the Dallas Ebola incidents showed reproduction rate at 2 or more, definitely exceeding West Africa's.
The U.S. has many bantustans: mental, financial, physical, etc. They are peppered all over this so-called "richest and most developed country on Earth" which happens to hold two lies and a truth that the eelites don't get. The U.S. owes the most to other countries and if it cannot even do basic healthcare right, it has absolutely no claim to the label "developed." It is poor and barbaric.
The fact that you'll guarantee anything measures your poor understanding of probabilities. to say a thing certainly won't happen is no less ludicrous than to say it certainly will.
perhaps more importantly:
what do you stand to forfeit if you're wrong?!
By the way, I take no pleasure in ripping on those of you who lap up the Ebola fear mongering crap being shoveled in your faces. However, I do intend to do everything within my power and within the law to quell the irrational fear you help spread.
Healthcare. A ridiculous 17% of GDP and counting. A wealth concentrating BLOATED PIG of an industry riddled with corruption. In part, because of this outrageous fear mongering 'It' disease CRAP we are fed EVERY SINGLE YEAR FOR A DECADE RUNNING.
Damn right I will be right here on April 1st of 2015 to say I TOLD YOU SO.
Once again, I stand by the guarantee with absolute certainty.
I've been making the same guarantee for two solid weeks now. I have already promised to change my user name to 'Fucking Moron' and post a full page apology to those I criticize for hyping up Ebola in the alternate universe where pigs fly event I'm wrong.
However, the absolute reality is that I will post a full page reminder saying 'I told you so' on April 1st of 2015.
My goal here is not to boast. After all, I'm not the only one who feels that we are being played yet again. But a lot of people are going to waste a lot of time and money over the next six months because of this Ebola fear mongering crap. My goal is to expose the majority responsible for what they truly are.
Disgusting amoral profiteering PIGS.
I've been doing some more research. NBC chief medical corespondent Dr Nancy Snyderman has a long history of promoting pharmaceuticals. She actually had the nerve to insult the majority of Americans who didn't run out and get vaccinated for Swine Flu.
and this sold-out pharmaceutical promoting bitch just happens to find herself to be 'of risk' for Ebola contamination? Again, I'm calling BULLSHIT.
She put herself in that career oriented position in order to make herself an AGENT OF FEAR. The idea, as usual, was to promote more horribly over-priced healthcare intervention. THAT'S BEEN HER JOB FROM DAY ONE.
What the sold-out bitch didn't count on was getting caught for violating her totally unnecessary and BOGUS Ebola quarantine. Again, she knew God damn well that she didn't have Ebola but she wanted the possibility to be considered by many in order to hype up the disease for the purpose of driving millions of Americans to the doctor for more over-priced medical testing and treatment. THAT IS HER JOB.
Now the bitch has lost the credibility that she never should have had to begin with.
I swear on my life that Ebola is being hyped up unnecessarily and intentionally in order to promote more horribly over-priced and usually inappropriate healthcare intervention.
I swear on my life that Ebola will ultimately kill fewer than one out of every five hundred thousand Americans.
In all likelihood, A WHOLE LOT FEWER.
By the way, there is also solid evidence to prove outright fraud within the CDC. Damn right they are in on it.
Well the way things are going - looks like we may have em flying one into each of the 50 states so that they don't overcrowd hospital facilities.