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Forum Post: We Are the New Group of World Servers

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 12:12 a.m. EST by Lmurguia7 (57)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Members of the New Group of World Servers stand for the following ideals:

1.They believe in an inner world government and in an emerging evolutionary plan. They can see its signs down the ages. That they may express the significance of this inner world government and of the planetary Hierarchy in varying terms, is inevitable. That they may regard it from the peculiar angle of their own tradition and schooling is also inevitable but unimportant. That which is of importance is that they are in touch with the center of energy which is attempting to guide human affairs; their know something of the detail of the immediate plan, and to the furtherance of this they are bending all their energies. 2.They are steadily cultivating an international spirit of good will and to this they consecrate every effort. They avoid all points of dissension, regarding them as incidental to the point in evolution which the race has reached and they are convinced of the inevitable change for the better which is on its way. They emphasize the point of common endeavor and seek to interpret to the public the trend of the present world efforts as these begin the work of swinging the world on to new paths and producing in the minds of the people new and better ideals.

3.They seek to teach also the fact that the many national, religious and social experiments are only modes of expansion, ways of growth and needed lessons. They seek to point out that the effects of these will be twofold. First, they will demonstrate the usefulness of those lines of thought and consequent methods which will eventually bring about the release of mankind from its present limitations and distress. These experiments are not lost effort. They have a definite place and purpose. Second, they will demonstrate the recognition of those methods and techniques in government and religion which are undesirable, because they spread the virus of hatred, breed class and racial distinctions and are consequently detrimental to world understanding, international good will and spiritual amity.

The major instrument today for the achievement of world unity is the New Group of World Servers. It is as yet only potential but, given opportunity, and the necessary means to go forward with its work, it can make real changes in the public consciousness during the next few years and eventually can swing the mass of public opinion behind it. It can go forward to a large usefulness and can constitute eventually a most potent instrument to bring about the needed unity, peace and plenty. Their usefulness, however, can only be brought about by a strenuous effort and by constant self-sacrifice on the part of all who know something of the aims of the group and what the Plan seeks to bring about.

Esoteric Psychology II, pp. 568-9 (Alice A. Bailey)



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