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Forum Post: [DELETED]

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 24, 2011, 7:22 p.m. EST by anonymous ()
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[-] 8 points by nucleus (3291) 13 years ago


"This position does not pay" anyone other than you. Capitalizing on the work of others is the problem, not the solution.


[-] 0 points by nucleus (3291) 13 years ago

Why rush to the TROLLs defense?

Yet another troll account, Algee = richardkentgates.

[-] 1 points by Algee (182) 13 years ago

Are you saying that I am a troll?

[-] 1 points by nucleus (3291) 13 years ago

Do your research on richardkentgates aka richardgates, richardkgates, richardkengates, MOrichardgates, fredastaire, etc. before you jump to his defense.

Assuming of course that you are not just another one of his aliases.

[-] 1 points by Algee (182) 13 years ago

Sorry didn't know, I delete my post. Viva la revolucion!



[-] 3 points by Marquee (192) 13 years ago

Mr. Gates: Piss Off.

[-] 3 points by RogerDee (411) from Montclair, NJ 13 years ago

I have my blogs, Thank you.

[-] 0 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

From my limited understanding of the internet, it's the sites that link to you, and that you link to, that can increase your search visibility, assuming you feel your work warrants increased visibility.

[-] -2 points by RogerDee (411) from Montclair, NJ 13 years ago

My writing has reached a tipping point where monetizing my blogs are the next step. My writing is frequently on the front page of Daily Kos, I have followers, my writing gets retweeted and reblogged. My activities get in the papers, my picture gets in the papers.

Its time for me to take advantage of that.

[-] 2 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago


this is hilarious. mr gates is a known long term troll around here, but hes inviting you all to come to his blog site.


[-] 3 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 13 years ago

and your point is?

same problem.

Whats amazing is your gall. You have been trolling this forum. And now you are offering and promoting a blog space? lol. You and he are in the same business. coral and co opt the movement into walled gardens in order to minimize the impact by denying the movement organizational and network infrastructure.

[-] -3 points by Glaucon (296) 13 years ago

My God, you and gawdoftruth need to get a room.

[+] -5 points by Glaucon (296) 13 years ago

My God, you and richard need to get a room.

[-] 1 points by sophiaomni (289) 13 years ago

I think that it is an interesting concept and worth supporting. Seems like a win-win for everyone involved.

[-] 1 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Don't bother with this website. It's ugly and the owner just wants to get content for free so that he can make money from your hard work. This .com has been purchased in 1997 and the owner is still desperate to find writers. This should tell you how bad his rankings our. This is one bad mashup. By associating yourself with Richard, you are associating yourself with spam. That's not good for your reputation. Next.


[-] 1 points by tulcak (698) from Prague, Prague 13 years ago

no one needs you to accomplish this. and who are you? can you tell us who you are or who are all of you involved? names?



[-] 1 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

DO NOT respond to any ad that does not clearly state the pay, whether here, Craigslist, or elsewhere. If they don't state they pay, they are ASHAMED to tell you.


[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Citycommons doesn't have good ratings so it can't really help other sites looking to better theirs.


[-] 0 points by thefutureisnow (223) from Newark, NJ 13 years ago

Will i get slammed with needless insults when ever i talk about Obama because i think he is the safest choice for pres in 2012 , but i really don,t mind all that much when some people respond with degrading insults i had to stop my self from actually playing into some of the troll drama , i will hit up your face book thanks , happy holidays,

[-] 0 points by weepngwillo2 (277) 13 years ago

We don't have to be coralled into one place, whether it is a blog community (which by the way is working, when I google search the name, it has the top spot on the results page...never been able to do that before), the OWS forum, the OWS protest locations. I see it as one more chance to spread the word. The only place I am seeing censorship besides the major media, is here on the forums.

[-] 4 points by nucleus (3291) 13 years ago


"This position does not pay" anyone other than you. Capitalizing on the work of others is the problem, not the solution.

[-] 1 points by Edgewaters (912) 13 years ago

Every forum on the internet has censorship, except the unmoderated ones - and they're not exactly pleasant places to be.

If you ask me, this website is being flooded with trolls and cranks. It could use a bit more moderation, not less.

[-] 1 points by weepngwillo2 (277) 13 years ago

I agree that more moderation is needed. There needs to be enough to keep this space a place where people feel free to share ideas, can expext positive criticism, a welcoming of new ways to get the word out. In other words a place where all of the 99% can come and bond through the united cause of political corruption.

The censorship I see is coming from other posters and not the moderators. Instead of valid posts and points being voted up and discussed in a mature fashion, too often discussion seems to devolve into another way to divide us against eachother.


[-] -1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

i still don't understand this idea about a blog forum is comparable to corralled live stock. if I can come here and get a better perspective by trying out my arguments, then why cant i take my new understanding and write a blog about it while promoting it on discussion boards, face book, twitter and other places. a corral entails i go there and never come out. or am i missing something?

[-] 1 points by weepngwillo2 (277) 13 years ago

Sometimes I get the impression that people are trying to limit the number and diversity of how the messages are spread. I too think that we are in agreement. The more places we can share ideas, the more people will see them, the more opportunity for change we have.

[-] 0 points by OccupyNews (1220) 13 years ago

I think you two are in agreement. Being on different websites is better than only being on website.

Wouldn't it be great if all interactions could be summarized as...no no, you too actually agree with each other, you just don't realize it.

[-] 2 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 13 years ago

yeah, and it usually works that way in reality. but the internet seems to be me arguing with myself. lol

[-] -1 points by REALamerican (241) 13 years ago

I would be very interested in contributing my opinion, pay or not. I enjoy intellectual discussions and read the news constantly!

[-] -2 points by Glaucon (296) 13 years ago

[+] -4 points by Builder (4202) 13 years ago

'Twas the nite b4 xmas and orl thru the 'ouse, nut a critta wuz sturrin, nut even a mouse......