Forum Post: We are being flimflammed.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 6:20 a.m. EST by HankT
from Charleston, SC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Here is the situation: Corporate stock can be diluted justly or by flimflam. Shareholders have been flimflammed, giving a slight edge to the corporation. This edge has been exploited for hundreds of $billions during the past decade. Corporate aggrandizement is fueled by draining the middle class’ savings from the market. This furtive swindling funds executives, legions of lobbyists, political campaigns, acquisitions, etc.
Can you see through the concerted attempt by the GOP to establish SS market accounts? How about the GWB tax cuts?
The middle class is being impoverished leaving a widening wealth gap. The democracy is being crushed. An aristocracy is rising.
The continuing joblessness and recession is recapped in a one sentence loop. Companies dilute their shareholders at will and they cut jobs when commerce ebbs.
SEC has been an inept guardian / a rogue cop / a traitorous gang leader.
I am Hank Tanaka, a retired computer financial systems analyst. STOP THE FLIMFLAM! Sound the alarm. Alert the Administration. Harangue Congress. Enlist everyone. Send FAXs.
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