Forum Post: Want jobs here, then Buy Made in USA products
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 11:14 p.m. EST by madeinusa
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We cannot complain about the lack of jobs in the U.S. when we continue to purchase Chinese and other foreign products. The only way to reverse the trend and bring tax dollars back is to BUY MADE IN USA products
“How do I do that when everything is Chinese?” Answer: Most individual items DO have Made in USA available; Avoid big box stores, search online, and contact the manufacturer if you are not sure
“But Made in USA products are too expensive.” Answer: Not true. While the initial cost may be more (in some cases), over the life of the product it is actually less expensive due to repair and/or replacement costs. It is cheaper to buy quality than quantity. Don't you remember your parents and grandparents fixing things rather than buying new replacements?
Everytime you buy a foreign product you are sending a large portion of that money into foreign hands; money that used to stay here and provide good paying jobs and tax revenue for your Local, State, and Federal government. China's economy is booming while we are in recession.
Everytime you buy a foreign product you are giving the corporation more reason to continue the outsourcing trend
Everytime you buy a foreign product you are eliminating a U.S. job. This job could be your relative or neighbors.
Everytime you buy a foreign product you are lowering your wage. It gives companies and opportunistic politicians the opportunity to call for “streamlining” “lower wages” “lower health-care benefits” “lower taxes for the rich” “lower Social Security” “lower government/the peoples services”
Everytime you buy a foreign product you are probably purchasing an inferior/cheap product that will most likely fail making it a waste of money. You may have to replace the product several times making it more expensive than the American made equivalent.
Everytime you buy a foreign product you could be putting yourself and your children at risk by exposure to lead, cadmium, and other toxic materials. Foreign products DO NOT get tested nor is there any consumer protections for these products.
Everytime you buy a foreign product you are destroying the middle class and their/your neighborhoods. The loss of wages and ultimately their homes provides a decrease in tax revenue and invites rich slumlords to take over once working class areas turning them into neglected slums. Local services such as snow plowing and street paving decline and taxes go up.
Everytime you buy a foreign product you are helping the rich get richer. Fact is that while the ranks of the middle class dwindle, the rich are gaining complete influence and controlling the direction of Federal and State governments. We have no say when these people are in control. We are losing our voice. Money is #1 to certain individuals/entities. Re-gain control and reverse the trend by using your purchasing power and buy/demand products Made in USA!!!
19 Facts About The Deindustrialization Of America That Will Make You Weep
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This is a consequence of buying cheap Chinese junk at WalMart:
very upsetting...hope all the billions are worth it...
Actually, food products are safer from Canada right now. Canada has banned many chemicals that we still enjoy.
yes i agree. we need stronger regulations in the US
Here is a consequence of buying cheap Chinese junk:
very upsetting
Buy local, eat local, 'travel' local.
Words to live by!
Thanks for the post. You can also thank the unions for the job vacuum here and far east export boom
no thats republican and corporate democrats trade policies starting with the giant sucking sound of NAFTA then Chinese WTO.
Correct, that too. Let the pro barrack people understand his part in this
Yes, we need a leader to export more than import! Obviously, we have a problem with our people having valuable work!
Automation brings wonders. A thresher can do the work of a score of serfs. I don't need them anymore. Why share? They did none off the work.
Then we should stop having babies since the world is overpopulated anyways.
My statement about how the economy should change for us: "Ironically, lets get back to the 1950's with those great old cars that were made so well and beautiful like Christine. Now we are stuck with plastic junk from every other country. This is just one example. Great structurally built homes are a thing of the past too. People like us were working and felt good about the job they did at the end of the day. Now, we are getting Masters Degrees to work at McDonalds shoveling out the new BBQ Monster Burgers. This is ridiculous! I want quality products made by my neighbors and myself and we should all be able to retire at a reasonable age with dignity and respect and not taking on the welfare checks! Agree?"
I commented on another post that we need to go back to the 1950's with quality and pride like the car Christine. We have to start re-utilizing our own resources and band together as a nation. Stop thinking of short term profits.
I still don't believe that American made cars are of a better quality than those made in other countries. They are getting much better, but they are not there yet.
Koch Brothers suck!
I will still buy my car from Asia, at least I know it works
never had problems with our fords over the decades