Forum Post: Wall Street - U.S. and China
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 14, 2011, 3:14 a.m. EST by MarcKnight
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
As Wall Street and Federal Reserve Banks are the Satins (Lucifer’s) of the U.S. Economy; China Global Manufacturing is Antichrist of the world; it poisons its own rivers, its own people with its industrial revolution; plaguing its people health with industrial toxins. Like America, China continues to enslave its people into low paying, slave labor work environments; while China’s elite wealth continues to grow dramatically off the backs of its economical enslaved masses. The industrial plague of China has spread its industrial curse to Africa, South America, poisoning their cultures with slave manufacturing, while slowly rapping those countries of natural environmental resources; leaving only dangerous toxins and economic despair in its wake.
Workers in China average between $0.20 (twenty cents) to $0.55 (fifty five cents) hour. The average monthly wage in China is approximately $100.00 a month. China seriously limits any goods from other countries from being sold in China. Most of what is allowed into china is for manufacturing use only. China is a primarily self-sufficient country; it manufactures its own goods and sells them to its own people. This is similar to how America was from 1950 to 1971 in the height of America’s industrial age; where the American people truly had the opportunity to prosper with the companies they worked for. In 1971 President Nixon changed all that when he helped make the U.S. Currency the dominant trade currency throughout the world and at the same time removed the American currency completely off the gold standard. There by giving the U.S. Currency no material value except what people placed upon it, or perhaps what the government may estimate its value to be. Nixon’s actions and agreements with various foreign nations resulted in opening the doors for the trade and economic catastrophe which we are plagued with today.
Trade with China is currently one of the greatest hindrances on the American economy. Approximately 80% of America’s consumer goods come from China. This has in return resulted in the decline of the American economic structure. Chinas pillaging campaign on America forges on; taking more money out of America then it puts in. This must come to an end in order for America to survive. Otherwise American workers will eventually find themselves begging for work, for their mere existence; enslaved to a Global Corporate form of “New World Order” way of life. China continues to import toxic, poisonous goods into America; that is sold to unsuspecting innocent American consumers. From children toys, food products, building materials, to industrial equipment, etc. These products are not only hazardous to our health, but are a detriment to our environment. Their reminisce fill our landfills, poisoning our air, soil and water ways. Asian Carp plague America’s rivers, destroying American natural fishery habitats. Chinas wealthy are slowly buying up America, from mineral mines, major shipping ports, shopping centers, investing in and controlling major corporations, to buying up United States Debt. Chinese and Russian Organized Crime Syndicates flood America and European countries with illegal immigrants, knock off goods, drugs, and prostitution. It is now suspected that Chinese Syndicates are now printing the highest quality of counterfeit American currency ever seen in American history and filtering it into the American economy. Aiding in the devaluation of the American dollar. China has the American economy by the throat and is slowly choking her, till nothing is left. China is the worst plague on America, followed by the former Soviet Union, and Mexico, etc. One would have to wonder why China is propagating “Economical Terrorism” on America and the world. Perhaps China’s leaders feel there can only be one true economic superpower, and they are determined to see that China reigns supreme in the end. This would explain their actions over the past two decades.
That's exactly what China is planning on doing. It's too bad most American consumers are too naive to realize it. You can't say they're too dumb, they really don't know the big picture. China has long-range plans to wreck the US economy through its 'China Investment Corporation' along with other means. You are also correct about the counterfeit US currency that they print using the exact same type high-speed presses and rag-paper the Fed uses for our currency, hence the extreme high quality of their finished product. My god people, wake up before it's too late. Boycott China!!!
Thank you for the nice comment and yes we do need to boycott China before it is too late..! They have infiltrated our government with their own U.S. representatives and through lobbyist; lining the pockets of our political representatives. Then you have companies like Walmart, General Electric, etc. who are doing the same thing as china; trying to keep the trade with China open so they can profit off slave labor, while America is being raked bare to the bone. Isn’t greed it just wonderful…? “NOT”
The problem is with the current political flunkies running for president, we are seriously screwed unless we can stand together and in force. It will not be easy; but if we stay united and do not compromise we can make it happen.
Yes, we do need to start a “NO MORE CHINA CAMPAIGN”… The sad thing is people do not take the time to educate themselves on the real issues..!
I agree with your assessment of the current Pres. candidates. There is one little known exception to the "free traders" That would be Buddy Roemer.
Very true. After being on this forum for the past three weeks and learning about the situation, I fully plan on boycotting China and plan on spreading the word. I've been boycotting Wal-Mart for many years but now I plan on ramping it up a bit. Do repost this tomorrow if you can to get the word out.
You need to repost this tomorrow so more people can view it.