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Forum Post: Wall Street has OCCUPIED the souls of many, the future of souls taken for profit

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 12:32 p.m. EST by ThomasPaulMurphy (0)
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I briefly worked for Wall Street and lost my soul to them. I write about it.

Why Satan only helps you if you go somewhere. 11 21 2011

Schizophrenic, why does Satan only help you if you go out of the house somewhere? I have asked myself that many times. It is because it wasn’t to believe that you are its father and that it will be born anew from the hell of its existence the next time that you have “Semen slippage” during your sleep. It (he/she) believes it is you! And after you go out in public and are insulted or influenced by Satan the rest of the Satanic view it as a validation that you are the one to follow. The Satanic see through others eyes but do not want to after a certain age of attainment. And they do not want the world to know that they do. When you are insulted by the Satanic all the eyes of the Satanic clear through the haze and are with you. It is really an animal group type of behavior kind of like when the grey ape starts beating its chest all the rest listen for fear of being torn limb from limb. This does not say a lot for the patriarchal figure of the Satanic. They should have been with the teacher in grade school but were not because of fear. Satan will even try to care you a bit as I have alluded to. He/she is really trying to exorcise demons from you. He/she/it wishes he was exorcised from seeing out of the eyes of the good when he was very young. Some Satanic are good in that they know this is not the way to live when they are older. Satan knows that your soul is being OCCUPYED by evil spirits (that of people). He know that this is true because he has seen through your eyes too and knows of the good work that you do. Some Satanic are good and they know that evil women use your power of creation to make their babies talk younger than they should. The good Satanic also know that your skills are being stolen from you by the “imposters of maturity” in our world. The good Satanic also know they attach to people like you, schizophrenic, and will not let go! When Satan tries to influence by beating its chest at you it is trying to exorcise these demons from you! After all the Good Satanic can not go from house to house and put people out, so how else would you exorcise the evil who hoard to someone? Satan can think of no other way for you to shake them off. And sometimes it is also Satan’s way of being with you when you do something of work next. In this case it is Satan’s way of saying, I will be the one who is quiet and helps him/her. Jesus said to Satan, “Get behind me devil!” What was he saying to Satan was, “Quit latching onto me in the spirit. Quit OCCUPYING my spirit and be one with my spirit by being a quiet spirit as I work.” Or maybe it was like Jesus saying, “Be the good son Satan!” I heard the parable of the talents on the radio this weekend and it fits into this essay, but I won’t go into it, I just mention it for background. The Satanic that beat their chest often have bad stuff in their history ( I am presuming this is true) and they know that their spirit presence with you will scare off those who are OCCUPYING your spirit or soul. It is like this, “The influence of one provides an antidote to another!” Of course you would never know it if you didn’t suffer from the validity of the experience. And of course I am not implying any type of gay encounter in this article. I am not gay. This exorcising of demons is a matter of “INFLUENCE!” To “INFLUENCE” them to leave a person. Often a sick person will become very well when the demon spirits are INFLUENCED to leave from them, as is suggested by Jesus. But if you are a doctor and only rely on your ability to drive demons from someone instead of modern medicine, you are being paid too much!!!! 

Thomas Paul Murphy Copyright 2011 Thomas Paul Murphy

Originally published on 11 21 2011 at: www.themilwaukeeandwisconsinnews.blogspot.com



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[-] 2 points by ciavlad (85) 12 years ago

It is known that : the honest is oppressed; take bribes ; as trample poor law; the poor are despised. Therefore the prudent shall keep silence in that time; for it is an evil time. If so, vote for the petition: http://wh.gov/jkl

[-] 2 points by Pharos (12) from 's-Hertogenbosch, NB 12 years ago

The future has been mortaged! Born a slave to debt & destined to die as slave to debt! At least in prison you HAVE to get fed! Maybe incarcerate everyone, make 'em work for $ 0.60 per day & feed 'em (you can still take $2.50 per week in costs of the feed and accomodations) Re: CNBC programme: Billions behind bars. - Add the Bolivian; "kids must remain w/ parents law" & you CAN convert your entire country to a penitentiary.

  • Take it any way you want but get the point!