Forum Post: VOTE on how to spend the $300k in donations
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 1:32 p.m. EST by precipice
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Greetings all, I'm setting up a website where we can post ideas on how to spend the $300k in donations. Post your ideas, and then we can vote on whichever we think is the best. Each post is votable, so we can see what everyone agrees on. That will help us reach some sort of consensus on what we think this movement needs most.
Let me know if you have any questions, thanks!
Here is the site
Can you please post the details of income and expenses online.? This will silence some of our critics
+1. need this.
+2 .............
No details on the official web site in their finance section. No documents as per today.
Precipice, Can you please tell the group who you are and if you have the authority and control of the funds? Or, do you know who does?
I bring these suggestions to the NYCGA meetings to help everyone decide on use of funds.
Emergencies, obviously. The food is coming in free, I'd heard. Medicine, more tents, even some way to heat.
do people really plan to be camping out in winter? will we need heat?
A donation to NYPD as a show of solidarity with them. Maybe 10K?
in donuts :)
the world would be better with more donuts.
Hey i saw a vid clip of where the protesters had a table with free donuts on it for the NYPD. We give them donuts, they give us pepper spray without the container.....
Hire a lawyer to find out how to actually get some stuff changed and then do it.
hmm, any sympathetic lawyers to our cause?
I think it would make sense for you guys set up an OWS co-op, limited liability, owned jointly by the protesters. Yes, under the law it would be a (non-profit) corporation... I don't see a way around that.
However you do it, OWS will be taken most seriously if it can use that money to create actual employment for people. You should have a whole website set up for merchandise - OWS shirts, OWS banners, OWS bumper stickers, OWS rubber bracelets (maybe some fancier metal ones, as an ostentatious souvenir for larger donations). A bookstore (online and offline) stocked with everything from Noam Chomsky to the back issues of Adbusters. And instead of simply asking the protesters to clean up the mess with their mops and brooms, how about hiring people from the crowd on a short-term basis to make a living wage cleaning it up systematically? As long as it is a true co-op, with no high-paid executives, there's nothing improper about having OWS make money, and it will do much to dispel the canards about the protesters. It shouldn't be so hard to make money when instead of making profit you're making money for the cause from sympathetic shoppers.
guillotines, tumbrils etc...
buy silver crash JPM
Keep it simple!
vote here
I like this site.
Lobby to create high paying careers for highly educated Americans; for guys and gals like me, including me. =)
I don't want to register, but why not invest in some advertising?
Any good startup would be putting that money into growth. Just sayin'
BUY TENTS and use the money to secure space for the winter months!!
any volunteers for camping out in wet snow? if so, bring in the tents.
Voter registration!
Spend money on plastic explosives and weapons
I totally agree that the time is ripe to vote, and I will absolutely visit this site and cast a vote. But will you please consider additionally beginning to rally around a potential grass roots, Purple Finger Vote?
Net roots are wonderful, but what's to keep uncounted voices from obsconding with the vote? Let's consider starting something on the ground. Ink the fingers of all those who mobilize in purple to keep any one from voting more than once. Develop the survey-like ballots in the General Assembly. Print them cheaply, and distribute them online. Establish a coherent voice and much needed consensus. Draw supporters out of their homes into the Occupations for weekly or bi-weekly votes. Maximize a head count by stimulating short bursts of regular action.
Imagine the mass image of a multitude of purple fingers held high in solidarity, wresting a truer Democracy out of the hands of the corporatocracy, where bullying coporations are now judged to be "citizens". Raise your purple finger and be counted should be a new rallying cry!
Vote herw
Donate it to the Ron Paul campaign.
Invest in a hedgefund?
Invest it on Wall Street, hire a lobbyest or divide it up so that all protesters get their fair share.
Yeah I think we should hire a lobbyist to represent our interests to congress.
Maybe use it to lobby congress politicians if necessary. ...helping... some corporations probably wouldn't hurt to.
it's your right to vote.
Great idea!
I think it needs to grow more, first. Also forget congress for now, I think first OWS should try to get mayors and city officials with a heart elected. Try to reach people without internet too Other ideas for later... build a warehouse or homeless shelters, a lot of manpower can be donated, maybe even with its own OWS radio station?
Lobbyists in DC. get them from the inside as well as out.
Also by setting up workshops and petition drives around the country, we could run candidates in repub and dem primaries and teach average people how to run for congress. then OWS wouldn't be beholden to either party, but show that the average guy can uproot the liars, crooks, and career pols. The average guys could at least ask their opponents hard questions and expose the corruption and hypocracy in our system even if they lost. Our biggest prob as a nation is too little participation by the 99% in the political process.
I'd love to see a normal person in the elections...
The 300K could go immediately to pay for filing fees for new faces in the congressional primaries. Congress has the power of the purse, and that's where the corruption is at it's worse. These incumbants need defeated in their primaries, right where democracy starts. Get rid of enough incumbants in the primaries, and the rest will get back to the peoples bussiness, and not corps'
egoFree Water labels and stickers for all water bottles that are used by occupiers.
Let it be egoFree.
Pay the taxes on it, buy what supplies are needed then give the rest to the community... Feed the hungry, buy cloths for kids, draw a random family whose home has been foeclosed and buy there house back, use it to educate the rest of the 99%, give their money back and only keep the money donated from individuals, choose a random graduate and pay his/her dept, there are a number of things we could do
+1 good suggestions
Send it to Washington to pay down the debt.
washington prints hundreds of millions out of thin air already.
they don't need our money.
Why spend it Its only money Give it to someone worse off than you on the condition that they do the same. Who knows where it would travel.
Freaking port-a-potties
gosh yeah, NYC seems to have no public toilets.
why is this a different website ?
We could donate some of it to the property owners of the park. They deserve thanks.
They're probably rich, but they'd certainly appreciate some gesture of appreciation.
Shampoo for all the protesters. Shaving supplies, deodorant, nail clippers. Toothbrushes and condoms.
I think the protesters should be compensated for reasonable expenses like gas to get to the camp site and maybe cell-phone bills if used to promote Occupy.
Good ideas. I think protesters shouldn't be expected to be babysitted though.
Don't feel like going to another site -- but I will say this:
300k is not a lot of funds. It won't stretch far.
I suggest donating it to Colbert. He reaches a bigger base than we ever would and having a vocal supporter might not be so awful.
You mean pay him to be a spokesperson?
But I thought the movement was against lobbying? Paying Colbert would essentially undermine the essence of Occupy.
Kind of.
He has the SuperPac that he is accumulating to push a specific agenda. It already has funds. A huge donation from #OWS might sway where he puts the force of his efforts.
He can use that money in any way he sees fit and if that's mobilizing and pushing the "Get Money Out Of Politics" agenda --- I'm all for it.
Didnt colbert alreay do a segment supporting ows?
Saying it and being outspoken supporter are different things.
Nice! +1
I like this list
If you can't in good faith send it off to Washington with the belief that they'll put it to best use and spend it in the most effective and efficient way... then you should understand why people don't want to continue to blindly pay more in taxes.
lots of guns.
occupy reloaded
Maybe pay back some of the money being.spent on police overtime to.control you
Spend every last penny on educating the public - Advertising on buses, large billboards, TV & Radio commercial brakes
I thought it was closer to a Mil raised? Where did the other 70 percent go? Who has the money now? Did one of the 99% just become one of the 1%? Too funny. You guys are stealing from each other. Bahahahahahah.
why are you laughing? easy to complain. any constructive ideas? we're trying to help your future generation.
I have lots of constructive ideas. But you can help my future generation by teaching them hard work, and fortitude are what the country is built on. Protesting because someone has more pie than you teaches children nothing. You want constructive ideas for how to get your shit together from me? Here you go:
That should get you through the first 300k. When you find the missing 700, I'll give you more ideas.
lol, hey these are actually great ideas!!! minus the language -__-