Forum Post: Vision for America
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 5:08 p.m. EST by lochnersm
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A Vision for America must be a goal that is desired by as many people as possible, and be made as clear as possible. Vague goals and differences of opinion from the conservatives of the country will not lead to a successful outcome. Therefore, what I'm presenting to you is a Vision that will only hurt the 1% of Americans who profit off the one major flaw inflicting our government.
Before I get into the logic, the first thing I want to do is ask you if you share my Vision and whether you think it's a Vision that would be shared by all.
Full Employment: We do not lack workers, we lack money. Idle workers are a symptom of an unproductive society. A productive society will ensure everyone who wants to work will have the opportunity to do so. At full employment, a worker will not have to fear losing their job since they know they can obtain another one, whereas an employer will be more willing to concede more equitable benefits to productive people instead of cutting them.
Food: Free access to select foods. For example, apples and oranges are provided to all at no cost to the consumer. Providers can sign up with local govts and provided they adhere to the guidelines of the local government, will receive reimbursement. End of hunger in the country, use of local resources to provide food, removes incentive for poor people to stay poor to obtain food stamps, and assuming local govts select healthy foods reduced risk of certain health conditions.
Shelter: A place to live for one and all. Everyone will have the option to live in govt provided shelter - think basic apartment living. Private owners of apt complexes can apply with local govts to ensure reimbursement of free living. People may wish to move out of homes into these complexes, which would result in more productive use of land space.
Healthcare: A basic form of healthcare provided to all. What defines "basic" would ultimately have to be determined by politicians. Whatever coverage a person wishes to have beyond basic can be purchased through private providers. For example, if govt determines it would be too costly to cover cancer, then people will have an incentive to avoid causes of cancer and/or purchase add'l insurance.
Public debt: Paid off according to the previously agreed upon terms to never go into again. Public debt is a symptom of the aforementioned flaw and once corrected will not be a burden anymore. Never again will we have to weigh the importance of providing education against our ability to borrow.
Education: Provided to all. This can be limited by saying only education in any job that is govt funded will be provided. For example, healthcare is provided so free education to be a dr. will be provided. Why make it harder to increase the number of drs. in the country than it already is with the enormous tuition costs? Also, at any time a worker dissatisfied with their job will have the option to increase their knowledge and find a job more compatible to their personality.
Taxes: All but eliminated. In order to increase the chances of victory, it's imperative to consider the legitimate gripes opposing viewpoints have, including the Tea Party. Income taxes are a slight against liberty since threats of imprisonment to pay them is extortion. It also reduces the cost of doing business thereby reducing costs of purchases. The only tax that would remain is a universal property tax. This helps ensure that only productive people own land or the rich that own it will gradually have their wealth eroded if they decide to just live off of their wealth.
Technology is the impetus for the dawning of the new era. For the first time all of humanity can instantaneously communicate on a global scale. We can control our birth rate with the use of safe effective birth control. We have the resources to feed and house the world’s population. Most all human suffering is manmade or worsened by greed and lack of empathy. Technology has also given us the ability choose our destiny. We can continue the current trajectory: depletion of resources, growing inequalities and war. Or, we can choose a new way.
The path to enlightenment, equality, and sustenance is attainable with a united movement. Part of that movement is time bank. Time bank is a network of humanity. Organized on line. Completely transparent. All inclusive. Hour in. Hour out. That’s it. No person’s hour is more or less valuable than another.
A worldwide time bank can be started now. With enough participation it can catalyze the transition from the current corrupt monetary system to a society where money is irrelevant and each person is valued. Fear and greed will paralyze this movement. Hope and imagination can propel it.
Time is the Substance from which I am made. – Jorge Luis Borges
All these are fine goals, but there must be a comprehensive strategy to achieve all of them at the same time, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to support a Presidential Candidate – myself – at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
I recommend putting these in the form of a demand for a specific law or constitutional amendment. We can't demand reality to be a way, we can only modify our institutions to encourage reality to be a way.
Here are my proposals, additions and comments welcome:
Sounds like communism to me
Hmm... Does the current system sound like communism to you? The object is for govt to only step in to pick up the slack where private industry can't/won't. Private industry doesn't care if people die of starvation, so govt steps in to ensure survival of all without providing an incentive to stay poor. And just because govt is funding the goods/services, it doesn't mean that private industries aren't involved. For example, Shop Rite could receive govt funding by adhering to the guidelines of govt in providing select free foods.
Additionally, anyone can make as much money as they want and they will only pay more taxes than someone else if they own more land than the other. See Vision for America Part 2 -
Free everything. Tax everyone at 100% and use the government to redistribute wealth and goods. See? I did your whole post in 15 words.
Not exactly. First, everything isn't free. Only enough to ensure survial and the opportunity to be a productive citizen. Not everyone can have steak, for example, unless they work for it. Additionally, taxes would be reduced to only those who own land and at a much lower rate and simpler manner than currently. Anyone who wants to live solely on govt provided goods/services may, but then that would be a boring life. Anyone who wants to experience life will have to work for it and will have that opportunity. So see, you didn't do my whole post in 15 words.