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Forum Post: U.S. to impose drug policy GLOBALLY

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 3:59 p.m. EST by Mets (53)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The sad thing is that there is no mention of the Private Prison lobbies that undoubtedly had influence in passing this bill:


One of the biggest problems in this country are private prisons lobbying for harsher sentences and more ways to punish people. Just the fact that Prisons operate as a profit generating company in this country is just plain wrong.

This issue NEEDS to get more press.



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[-] 1 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 12 years ago

Agreed. Though I hope that after all the partisanship in Washington, it should be unlikely for a Democrat-controlled Senate to consider any Republican-sponsored bill from the House, let alone this one. But if passed - the courts and the First Amendment have always been the place where these censorship bills fail. Without them, the OWS website would long since have been banned.