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Forum Post: Update - March Upon Fox News (Zuccotti Park @ 9:00 a.m.)

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 1:49 a.m. EST by JProffitt71 (222) from Burlington, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I spoke with puff6962, and we wanted to amend that if you participate in this event, be mindful of allowing entrance into Fox news. If we were to prevent them from making their broadcasts, it would play right into their "OWS wants to oppress America" narrative, and it would be nearly impossible to reason with that. You can still camp around them, and through your own creativity ensure that there is nary a moment of peace for them, wearing them down and drawing attention to their agency. Just make sure you maintain the higher ground, and allow them the ability to stumble on tv.

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[-] 1 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

Thanks for posting this. We need to ping pong it so that it, and the other OCCUPY FOX NEWS topics stay on top tonight.

[-] 1 points by JProffitt71 (222) from Burlington, VT 13 years ago

I'm afraid I have to get to sleep, but I am glad to have got this posted up. If this really goes down, I would hope that one of the three of these cropped up, leading to the other two. I'd also like to thank you for your efforts in starting, or amplifying this. I feel like it is very hard to put your ideas out there and persist until you are heard.

[-] 1 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

Ya, too many Chiefs, not enough Indians.

[-] 0 points by l31sh0p (279) from Sand Fork, WV 13 years ago

Down with Fox News and their facts; maybe you should watch it some time... you may learn something.


[-] 0 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

I am an Independent.... however, the idea that you would try to disrupt a media entity because you don't agree with them is beyond the pale. We have freedom of speech and press (and by extension news programming) Whether or not you like, agree, believe or whatever, you have no right to try to shut them up.........

If this were a perfect OWS world and we were all living under direct democracy would ANYONE with opposing opinions be even allowed to speak up? Or would this become a country like Cuba, if you don't tow the line you are imprisoned.

There are two sides to every coin... and Fox News has the right and should be allowed to conduct it's business just as MSNBC........

[-] 2 points by JProffitt71 (222) from Burlington, VT 13 years ago

This is precisely why when I read about plans to physically block it, I asked about changing the tactics to merely call attention to it. Fox News will harass OWS if it damn well pleases, so by the same logic we have every right to tell Fox News that it is not telling the truth, that we do not stand for it. I think it is irresponsible to allow someone to continue spewing their perceivably misleading dribble unabated when that ultimately affects the attitudes of society which then affects the entire world. I will not let Fox perpetuate the attitudes that will bring the world to ruin without a hitch.

[-] -1 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

I get it they harass you so you get to harass them... very grown up.

Look have you ever listened to some of the nasty, hateful, arrogant things that come from pundits and commentators on MSNBC? Why is that okay? Because they agree with you?

I watch both MSNBC and Fox as well as CNN, I also read The Nation and other publications, some lean left, some lean right. As I said there are to sides two every coin and if we don't listen to both sides how can we form an opinion on something. I don't care if Fox likes OWS or not..... I don't care if MSNBC agrees with the "righties" or not. I just want to know what is coming out of both sides.

I like to use my own mind to make decisions not someone elses idea of what is right or wrong. You should try it sometime.

[-] 1 points by powertothepeople (1264) 13 years ago

It isn't just because we disagree with them.

Fox is creating a media monopoly, Fox News is slanted, everyone talks about Rupert Murdoch, what is less talked about is Roger Ailes and his Republican ties and his life long dream of creating a right wing propaganda machine that is now coming to fruition with Fox Cable News.

You can keep on banging that drum you bang and pretend to be "Independent" but you're just doing the same old concern trolling you did on your other name.

You're pro Fox News, you care nothing about objectivity and MSNBC is not the equivalent, let alone the New York Times, no matter how much you keep banging that drum.

Where news is concerned, the NY Times makes every effort to be objective and never went to Court nor joined the Fox suit to fight for the right to lie.

Where opinion is concerned:

The NY Times features columns from Ross Douthat and David Brooks.

"Room For Debate" is one of their regular features on the website:


They take one issue and five or six "experts" from different disciplines with different points of view debate it.

What does ANY Fox News outlet or subsidiary do that is the equivalent of that?

Fox News is low brow, vitriolic GARBAGE.

There are not two sides to the Fox coin. They only present one side.

For the information of anyone interested, here are the media companies that filed amicus briefs in the Fox right-to-lie lawsuit:






[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

It really amuses me that anyone that doesn't agree with your way of thinking 100% is a troll. You really have a hard time with anyone that thinks independently.

As I said I really don't care what any of these so called "news outlets" have to say. And if you think one is any better than the other it is you that is "drumming that drum".

[-] 1 points by powertothepeople (1264) 13 years ago

You don't amuse me, you annoy & disgust me.

You aren't called a troll because you disagree, you are called a troll because you lie and the lying troll shoe fits.

Stop making names to come back and troll and spread your misinformed opinion here.

[-] 1 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

I don't know who you think I am but you are wrong...... and I'm sorry you are so angry, it must be miserable carrying around all that hate.

[-] 1 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

We have laws against libel and slander.

However, when a news organization spins lies on a daily basis they say that they are entertainment. They argue in court that they do not have to tell the truth.

It's shameless and if you do not think that Fox News is destabilizing our democracy then you are simply misguided.

[-] 0 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

And you are drinking too much of the left wing Kool-aid. I could say the same about MSNBC..... that's why the paranoia that you all display over Fox is so absolutely beyond the pale.

Just the other night Ed Schultz made a claim on his program that the Ford Theater in Washington DC banned O'Rielly's book about Lincoln.... Not true.... the book is being sold in the Ford's gift shop. And the theater issued a statement to say as much... So how is MSNBC any better than Fox....

I have heard Lawrence O'Donnell make statements about the right being stupid, uneducated and worse.... Big deal, I don't go to either of these stations to get the truth about anything..... I listen to them to find out what the issues are then do my own research on them. Anyone who believes everything a "news" media entity tells them deserves what they get in the end.

[-] 1 points by powertothepeople (1264) 13 years ago

MSNBC's morning news program features "Morning Joe" himself, a Republican. Then there's that white supremacist, John Bircher loon Pat Buchanan.

On the weekends, they don't even run news or opinion programming they run that reality-prison garbage.

How do you figure MSNBC is all-liberal all the time or all-Democrat, all the time, the way Fox is all right wing, all the time.

You want to see left wing news? Go to DemocracyNow.org.

Then you can talk about "left wing kool aid" if you still want to.

You are a banned concern troll reincarnated under a new name, you fool no one.

[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

Do you want to compare the number of inaccuracies coming out of CNN, MSNBC, BBC, or the New York Times with those generated by Fox news?

[-] 0 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

NO... I have no interest in arguing this with you.... I am not defending Fox but I refuse to say that the others are any different.... There is very little real journalism or news broadcasting on any of the stations you mentioned... most of them are pundits with opinions... and they are all entitled to them. And if you think the NY Times doesn't lean left I doubt that you even read it....

At any rate, I'm done with this "conversation", and don't like engaging in a back and forth with people that adopt a mantra just for the sake of promoting something, no matter what side it leans to.

[-] 1 points by powertothepeople (1264) 13 years ago

"NO... I have no interest in arguing this with you.... I am not defending Fox "

haha yes you are.

If you don't want to picket Fox headquarters, then just stay home.

It's that simple.

[-] 1 points by JProffitt71 (222) from Burlington, VT 13 years ago

Would you support this if it held msnbc and other msm organizations to the fire as well? I could understand that, and I can tell you that the perceptions of msm in general is not positive among the majority.

It is my conviction that fox is absolutely vile, and with overt slogans like "We tell the truth," juxtaposed with numerous falsified accounts, it embodies unethical manipulation of society.

[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

Fox News viewers are consistently the most uninformed and misinformed. They do worse than participants who report no following of the news. That is frightening.

It is a disservice to their viewers and it is a disservice to this country. So, how do you change that?

[-] 3 points by cmt (1195) from Tolland, CT 13 years ago

Fox fired Jane Akre for refusing to distort the news. The court upheld Fox's contention that it had a first amendment right to lie.


I've never seen anything else like this from any other news organization.

[-] 1 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

Thanks for posting this. I wonder how many other times this has occurred over there?

[-] 2 points by cmt (1195) from Tolland, CT 13 years ago

This came out because of her lawsuit. It is the only instance I've heard of. It seems likely that people would quietly leave for somewhere else, rather than taking them on as she did.

[-] 0 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

And NPR fired Jaun Williams for telling the truth.... MSNBC fired Keith Olbermann because... well I guess because they didn't like what he had to say... it happens in all of them.

As I said if you watch ANY television news to get the "facts" you are going to be disappointed.

[-] 2 points by cmt (1195) from Tolland, CT 13 years ago

The claim of a first amendment "right to lie" is a first, though.

Olbermann got fired because he was insufficiently respectful to management. Nothing new there.

[-] 0 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

I'll agree there... but the police use the same tactic with suspects... and that has been upheld as well.

I guess Freedom of Speech doesn't mean Freedom of Speech, only if you tell the truth.... I suppose that is why it is called Freedom of Speech.

[-] 0 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

I'd really have to see some facts on your first claim. Not because I think Fox is so wonderful but because I don't believe American's are that stupid.

"So, how do you change that?" Well you don't do it by repressing their freedom of speech. Once you do that it is a very easy step to repress someone elses and then at some point someone will be repressing yours. You do what you do now, speak out against it. Make sure people that do not have the facts get them.

[-] 0 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

Thanks for the links..

The first two were referencing the same poll out of New Jersey.... and as there were only 600 people polled it leaves me a bit unimpressed... and did you read that that poll said MSNBC viewers didn't do much better?

The last two also referenced a poll out of Maryland... also a very small number of people polled... and that one also showed that MSNBC wasn't that much higher.

I watch all the major cable news outlets and it's obvious that each of them have a political ideology but I haven't seen where any of them deliberately mislead the viewers.

I have to think that either 1, the viewers polled aren't paying attention or 2, they are unable to cognize the information they are given.

Just my opinion of course.....

[-] 0 points by puff6962 (4052) 13 years ago

You know, they probably did an analysis of variance and 600 was a sufficient number to provide the statistical power for their results.

[-] 0 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

I suppose that would be right.....

[-] 0 points by FrankieJ (86) 13 years ago

Agreed. The whole Fox infatuation here is idiotic. I think I'm on the Democratic Underground site sometimes.

[-] 0 points by sinead (474) 13 years ago

LOL! It really does sound paranoid doesn't it?