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Forum Post: Union Group Speaks for the 99%: Releases 9 Demands

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 10:16 a.m. EST by avidcomrade (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Hi there,

I am concerned that an arm of the AFL-CIO is orgnazing around the demands of the 99%. I am on their email list, and they sent an email with the subject "9 demands of the 99%".

I know this group intimately, and I am very concerned of the Occupy message being negotiated without the inclusion of all of us. Unions can be helpful, yet, have notoriously played a part in maintaining the status quo. Additionally, while the SEIU and the CWA of come out strongly in support of the Occupy Movement, the SEIU just came out in support of Obama, who has done nothing to address the concerns of the 99%.

Read here, and spam them with messages not to be co-opting our message, nor negotiating behind closed doors. Unions have the ability to negotiate with the Democratic party, and leave our priniciples in the dust. They've proven it time and again, and we must force them to stay true to the agenda of everyone. Here's the link: http://ninedemands.com/petitions/working-america



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[-] 4 points by JoeThePatriot (153) 12 years ago

Do you know why the unions support Obama? Do you know why the unions support OWS?

It's because the Republicans openly support the destruction of unions and the OWS movement

How hard is it to connect those dots?

Stay off the Kool aid for a week and it will become vividly clear

[-] 1 points by OneVoice (153) 12 years ago

AFL-CIO supported NAFTA and as far as I'm concerned this large union has a different agenda then most state unions. I would love to see more unions affiliated with this organization cut their ties.

[-] 1 points by farmer88 (40) 12 years ago

What I think is funny is that you seem to think that all of OWS would be able to agree on demands. Aside from possibly re-enact the Glass-Steagal Act, most of the demands are too ridiculous or outrageous for everyone to agree on.


[-] 0 points by breakingcode (137) from Newport, KY 12 years ago

Once they stated that they were "Union members" that means that they're representing "The views of Unions" first and foremost. Last time I checked, Unions are a vast minority of the population. Good call,...but on the other hand OWS is .001% of the population, they have no more claim on "the 99% than anyone else and use it falsely just as much.

[-] -1 points by Daniel1984 (44) from Wiley Ford, WV 12 years ago

I am a member of a union, and they are scabs. Don't trust the unions they are in the pockets of the corporations.


[-] -2 points by 53percenter (125) 12 years ago

What did you expect considering SEIU and other unions STARTED OWS! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0PlElVWshk&feature=related Note the post date of the vid above.

Then see this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKqHL8eJZO8&feature=player_embedded#!

You are all being played.