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Forum Post: Understand your enemy

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 9:27 a.m. EST by Jerry (11)
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[-] 1 points by SpreadEagle (15) 12 years ago

I would have to agree that "Capitalism", per se, does not have to be bad. Perhaps we should make the distinction between "Productive" and "Predator" (parasite) Capitalism. Profits from Predator activities should be taxed at higher rates than Productive (job creating) activities. So, much so, that it discourages such.

[-] 1 points by AN0NYM0US (640) 12 years ago

We just need clear cut rules, think of economics as a game. "Capitalism by Hasbro"! Without proper rules, we can just buy all the properties and start with all the money in the box.

This is what is happening in capitalism. I don't think it needs to be controlled, but there should be clear cut guidelines. What is happening now, is that people are looking at the poorly written rule book and finding loopholes and winning the game by cheating. We need better written rules.

[-] 1 points by SpreadEagle (15) 12 years ago

Rules and regulations have to control something. That something has to be defined properly . The idea that making profits by manipulating markets and making money off of money, is as beneficial to society as investment in tangible assets,(jobs,infrastructure,industry) is erroneous.

[-] 1 points by AN0NYM0US (640) 12 years ago

That is just it, you make rules that prevent the manipulation

[-] 1 points by SpreadEagle (15) 12 years ago

Agreed, we have to establish a new paradigm of "Constructive/Productive Capitalism".