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Forum Post: Uber Serious Question re...sex

Posted 13 years ago on Sept. 11, 2011, 3:31 p.m. EST by anonymous ()
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Is it appropriate to have sex during a months long protest. Cause Im not sure I can wait until it's over.



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[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Dude, like maybe you too can your sexin snap on Twitter and TV, too!

I heard that with the whores on seventh avenue you can find some comfort there...

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

if you are in a tent and keeping the noise down is it still lewd?

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

It has been on my mind too. This and pooping. I guess we'll find out. Of course the worst case scenario is just frustration. Oh well.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Some of these questions are just f#@king stupid.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Stupid is as stupid posts

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

i think that would fall into the realm of public lewdness ... but hey ... if the people around you are cool to not complain then go for it

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

I think there is a Scores near the protest site if that helps.

[-] 0 points by anonymous () 13 years ago

Yes that helps. I believe if we explain our cause to the strippers we can get them on board and get free lap dances.