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Forum Post: U symbol on food, 99% of us don't care about it.

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 4:05 p.m. EST by tahsali (13)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It is the rich Jews that are destroying the USA. Take a look. Don't believe me. Bloomberg, Schwartz, Lehman, Goldman Sachs, etc. Get it? Jews don't care about the non-chosen people, which we are. We are 99% they are the 1%, but own most of the world now. Look at the U symbol or KSA or K symbols on food. It means it is Kosher. YOU the 99% are paying for their kosher food and they make billions for it because the symbols are patented. They use religion to highjack the food system and we think kosher is better, it is not. They steal our money and do not support anyone but themselves. Again, Wake up America, your freedom is being abused by wealthy Zionist Jews. International Jewry is destroying the world again.



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[-] 2 points by ComplexMissy (291) 12 years ago

Oh, no, c'mon--don't make it about religion! That will just cloud all the issues.

[-] 1 points by ramous (765) from Wabash, IN 12 years ago

hater propaganda. take your anti-semitism somewhere else troll, this is a peaceful movement.

[-] 1 points by tahsali (13) 12 years ago

it is patented. Check your facts. Never watch south park, jews are democrats. Check your cabinets. K, star, U, K in triangle, hebrew signs on all of your food. And yes, you are paying (collectively).

[-] 1 points by tahsali (13) 12 years ago

Check the facts. It is patented and you are paying for it. It is not about religion. That is what they want you to think. I will not fight with you. You are all correct to stand up and fight. Maybe you are not aware as you should be. Look yourself. Read yourself. I am only informing. If I am wrong then I am wrong, but I have checked many times, over many months. I have Jewish friends, I have contacts with them, it is not about hating, it is about the truth. Certain groups related to that particular race are stealing from all of us. It is fact. Look at Wall Street, New York Times, Washington Post. I say no more. You find it out yourself, since I myself can not convince you.

To take something away from someone else - to profit by another's loss - is more unnatural than death, or destitution, or pain, or any other physical or external blow. To begin with, this strike at the roots of human society and fellowship. For if we each of us propose to rob or injure one another for our personal gain, then we are clearly going to demolish what is more emphatically nature's creation than anything else in the whole world; namely, the link that nites every human being with every other...Nature's law promotes and coincides with the common interest...If people claim that they have no intention of robbing their parents or brothers for their own gain, but that robbing their compatriots is a different matter, they are not talking sense.

[-] 1 points by equazcion (688) from New York, NY 12 years ago

The U symbol doesn't make anyone money due to a "patent" (or a trademark, which is what I think your ignorant brain was attempting to come up with). If you're going to troll racism it's more effectively done based on actual information. Do some research and then get back to us.

[-] 1 points by barthw52 (41) 12 years ago

Lol, try getting a job writing for South Park or something..

[-] 1 points by LincolnCA (160) 12 years ago

I have no time for conversation about Jew this, Jew that, but I'm certain the tea party has open arms for you!