Forum Post: Tweet to Twitter
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 18, 2011, 6:38 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If Twitter is supposed to be a social media. What is wrong with tweeting 1st time contacts to several dozen address's that have chosen to follow me? Or to contact several dozen individuals who have chosen to follow me. If that is too much traffic that is one thing it is another if you are censoring free speech and communication between individuals who have chosen to keep in touch by following. I would understand your being upset if I were trying to make sales, but I'm not. I am new to Twitter so maybe there is more to it's use that I need to learn. But if it is a problem as to how many tweets I put out in a short period of time, perhaps you could implement an addressing feature for direct messaging ( tweeting ) that would send the tweet to more than a general post as these individuals have already chosen to follow me. Being able to select receivers makes it much less of a hit or miss proposition as to whether those who are following me get my communications or not as they will receive a notification. It should be up to the recipient to choose whether to accept or not. I mean they already are given a block feature if they so choose to use it. Right? I mean I'm knew to this Tweeting but I've already blocked some porno sites that sent me contacts. So being a social media if I or anyone else has important information to share, should that not be our choice and the choice of the recipient? I mean if they don't want the contacts they can always block using the feature you already supply. Social media is interaction.
Thank you.
Were you the one banned for two days for tweeting about NDAA and FEMA?
No I was tweeting this one about SOPA
When I first started Twitter, I got banned for using some sort of defollow/follow program.
Something on their site? Or was it a program of yours?
No, it was some thing I found on the internet.
Sorry, I don't really tweet. I find it hard most times to write something with 140 characters or less. Twitter is not my cup of tea. However, I am grateful for what you did.
I googled their guidelines and this is what I came up with.
Your more than welcome. We need to communicate and educate to stimulate awareness and thereby stimulate participation and action.
My approach to Tweeting is to have a short intro and attach a text link.
Yes, I have been making it my mission to get the word out. I just wish that most Americans were more pro-active when it comes to standing up for their rights. I think that we had it too good over here for way too long. They are going to get the rug pulled out from under then, and realize that they should have been protesting when this bs started. In this sense, I say we should be more like the European people. They would have been out there protesting in the streets the minute they heard of a bill like NDAA--they would not stand for this threat to their freedom.
Well we may be slow to anger, but I think the only thing keeping people quiet until now has been them looking for a place of support a movement to support, as this is something that politics has not provided and everyone has seen that. Now I believe that we are stirring a hope for change. We will see, and I believe that we have many dark days to weather ahead before things will begin to get better.
Yes, we are stirring up hope and change. This is why these draconian bills are being made. We are a threat to the one percent.
Check out this short commentary on how our freedoms are being lost daily. It is an eye opener.’S-ALL-ABOUT-CONTROL#pl-62886862
I will but for now I've got to call it a night.
Good night.
Yes, I will have to do the same very shortly. Good night.