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Forum Post: Turning A Curse Into A Blessing: Corporation=Person, Person=Corporation...Let's get busy now.

Posted 12 years ago on April 15, 2012, 10:18 a.m. EST by BoycottCoke (275)
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In trying to simply understand this, so if corporations are persons then persons should get the same benefits as corporations. If one is equal to the other then the other should also be equal to the one, don't you think?, I have two meetings today, ill get back to this tonight, please feel free to educate me on this matter. God bless you.



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[-] 2 points by geo (2638) from Concord, NC 12 years ago

Corporations are not equal to real people. They have some of the rights that people do, but not all. One of the worst functions a corporation provides IMO, is shelter from liability of its owners. This is also one of its differences from being a person, people are directly liable for their actions.

As one OWS placard that gets used a lot states: 'I'll believe that Corporations are people when Texas executes one'

[-] 2 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

We know they are not persons. My aim is simply to show how uneven the play field is with this decision from the supreme court. They ( Corporations ) get the benefit of influencing elections, by being treated as persons, while we ( Real persons ) do not get the benefit of lesser taxes by being treated as corporations. If they are equal to us, then we should be equal to them. It is a hypocrisy.

[-] 2 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

But first, think about all the benefits, ALL OF THEM, that corporations get over the "real" persons, now that we are equal to them, thanks to our well informed and fairly balanced Supreme Court, we have the same rights to breaks as they do.

[-] 1 points by geo (2638) from Concord, NC 12 years ago

I guess if you mean that they don't vote nor do jury duty, nor serve in the military, nor are able to be drafted should a draft arise.... LOL


[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

Exactly, we are not saying they are, but the supreme Court says they are, therefore, shouldn't we receive the same tax benefits and loop holes they get percentage wise ?

[-] 1 points by geo (2638) from Concord, NC 12 years ago

Many of the rich do, they offshore bank accounts to avoid taxes, much in the way that US based multinational corporations who sell cars in other countries don't count that as income here in the states.

[-] 1 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

I agree, but wouldn't you agree that if the 99% was awarded such tremendous advantage also, since they are equal to corporations as per the supreme court, then we would have more money available to spend and boost the economy? I think if we use their arguments, ( to defend tax breaks to the rich gives them more money to invest in the economy ), then we can also show how beneficial it would be for all of us to pay 15% or whatever the rate for corporations is. We would have more money to invest/spend, therefore boosting the economy. Ahh, the supreme court can solve all economic problems with a single decision......How wise of them ! BC

[-] 1 points by geo (2638) from Concord, NC 12 years ago

Sure. Plus Federally legalize the sale of cannabis and the Feds can recoup the tax losses from the income tax reduction, when they tax the sale of pot.

[-] 2 points by BoycottCoke (275) 12 years ago

WOW, the possibilities can be endless. I think if we all start talking like this and demanding equal treatment as the person/corporations, with this respect, this decision would be reversed before we are done enumerating all the "benefits" of this unwise ruling.