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Forum Post: Trump's Army; Scorched Earth

Posted 4 years ago on Oct. 16, 2020, 3:09 p.m. EST by agkaiser (2557) from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Trump's ads claim to protect Social Security and Medicare. His base are among the lowest paid Americans. Most can afford only free education. So they have very little of it. They often disparage "book learning" and are most proud of their religion and righteousness. The secret of Donald Trump's popularity with his followers: People who believe themselves to be morally superior are the easiest to fool and manipulate.

So while Trump says he is protecting SS etc. The reality is quite different. But Fox News and QANON don't stress real facts. Let me mention a couple of the "oversights."

The suspension of the payroll tax is a move toward defunding Social Security. see: socialsecurityworks.org

And he is buying votes and weakening Medicare to aid Pharmaceutical stockholders by the $200 Pharma gift card. Instead of helping reduce drug prices as promised he's subsidizing Big Pharma and robbing the trust fund to do it. How many morons will fall for this shit? Well, the brown shirt terrorists will no doubt volunteer for Trump's Army.

Check out: "Recruiting for Trump's Army" https://www.armyfortrump.com/ https://www.armyfortrump.com/forms/election-day-team

Trump claims economic success. What does that mean to Donald Trump? Wall St. is booming while the real economy is dying of the parasitic disease that is the FIRE Sector. Then comes Covid 19. Donald has and will continue to fix the only thing he can: The blame! That game is the only one he understands. He knows nothing about the FIRE sector operations, a cancer on the economy, of which he is a passive beneficiary.

In Jacobin Magazine 10.06.2020: "The Top 1 Percent Owns Nearly Everything in the US. We Need to Seize Their Wealth." https://jacobinmag.com/2020/06/united-states-class-based-wealth-distribution

Is Trump responding to the growing awareness that he's going to lose, with a scorched earth policy. Sabotage Social Security and Medicare. No Corona relief.

And does anyone know what happened to my first $1200 relief check? I still haven't received it.

Video link https://youtu.be/8NwPzeAQnck



Read the Rules
[-] 2 points by MaryS (529) 4 years ago

Thugs and liars: https://youtu.be/S9tI5osQM-4

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 4 years ago

YES VOTE and also note MLK's cousin Christine Jordan had been voting in the same polling place for 50 years and had never missed an election. In 2016 when she went to vote - she found out she'd been purged from the voter rolls! Don't be put off from voting but do note this is an incredibly important story:

multum in parvo ...

(a lot in a little)

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 4 years ago

Vote Out Fascist Trump!

It's imperative to vote the fascist out.

America has never had a fascist leader before Trump and we need to get him out asap no matter what. That is the most important thing we have to do.

Then, once the fascist populist is gone, we can start fighting for our progressive values again. It's unfortunate but we have to do this. We have to vote for Biden. We cannot continue with a fascist dangerous government under any circumstances or we will end up like Nazi Germany.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 4 years ago

"The Story of Our Mad King Will Live on Well Past the Election"! by Thomas Wright:

"Donald Trump is now an intrinsic part of the narrative of America." An insightful article, which ends...

"Future historians might conclude that in the end American democracy was strong enough to survive Trump—that is, if the election takes place without disruption. If Trump wins, then all bets are off. He'll feel utterly vindicated and will believe that he alone represents the will of the people. It is a short step from that level of hubris to an attempt to fundamentally remake/even undo key elements of American democracy and the country’s global role.

"Trump is now an intrinsic part of the story of America — its very first mad president. The only major question left is .. whether the story relayed decades and even centuries from now will end with what Trump did to America or with what America did to Trump. That will be answered soon."

I will also refer U and other readers to the other three shown articles by the same author, who is from The Brookings Institute. IF Liberals like him didn't kowtow to the RW, we wouldn't be here of course!!!

et veritas vos liberabit ...

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 4 years ago

"The People v Donald Trump" by Jeff Wise:

fiat justicia ruat caelum!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 4 years ago

"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Biden’s Win, House Losses and ... What’s Next for the Left?" ... by Astead W. Herndon:

"On Saturday in a nearly hour long interview shortly after President-elect Biden was declared the winner, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez made clear the divisions within the party that animated the primary still exist. And she dismissed recent criticisms from some Democratic House members who have blamed the party’s left for costing them important seats. Some of the members who lost, she said, had made themselves ... “sitting ducks.”!"

respice; adspice; prospice ...

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 4 years ago

The Dems on the right are trying to say that the party should listen to the likes of John Kasich! John Kasich! And, not AOC who is probably one of the country's most beloved politicians.

Will they learn? I agree with "The Nation":

"John Kasich Contributed Nothing to Biden’s Election, So Why Should Democrats Listen to His Claptrap?"

"Kasich claims the left harmed Democrats. Wrong. Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and movements boosted turnout and helped swing key states."


[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 4 years ago

"We win by promising and delivering bold solutions ... that put people over corporations.

It’s that simple." says Rep. lhan Omar when she Tweeted the following centrist article ...

"The competing theories over how to protect Democrats’ slim House majority, explained"

ad iudicium?

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 3 years ago

Thankfully, Joe Biden is governing more from the left than any predecessor other than maybe FDR or JFK. He's far from perfect for a true radical lefty, but I'll take it, especially as a foil to what could have been had Trump won.

"Joe Biden is giving left parties the world over a masterclass in how to use power" by Jonathan Freedland


[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 3 years ago

Re. Biden, hope U are right & also fyi ...

per aspera ad astra ...

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 3 years ago

"First 1/6 Hearing Reveals What We Already Know: It Was a GOP Riot" - by William Rivers Pitt:

Meanwhile, this important report from Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez ... from Democracy Now!:

respice et caveat!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 3 years ago

So, "Nine months after his January 6 coup attempt, former president Donald Trump, flanked by leading Republican Party officials, delivered a nearly two-hour fascist rant at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines on Saturday before a crowd of several thousand far-right supporters.

"Trump’s speech served as the unofficial kick-off for his 2024 presidential campaign. Prior to and during the speech, Trump was embraced by leading members of the GOP establishment .. confirming that the right-wing party is continuing its transformation into a fascistic party under the personalist leadership of Trump, with paramilitary militias such as the Proud Boys & Oath Keepers serving as armed auxiliaries." from . . .


[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 4 years ago

Trump's base is eroding. He's let them down.


Vote Biden to crush Fascist Trump, then we fight on for progressive values.

[-] 3 points by agkaiser (2557) from Fredericksburg, TX 4 years ago

I voted on October 14. At the top of the ticket were Biden/Harris, MJ Hegar and Wendy Davis. I voted for all the rest of the Democrats on the ballot. Corporatist light is better than outright fascist.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 4 years ago

We are not safe as long as ANY Republican holds ANY public office.

[-] 1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 4 years ago

Excellent choice!

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 4 years ago

"The Top 1 Percent Owns Nearly Everything in the US ... We Need to Seize Their Wealth."

because clearly, it needs repeating!

[-] 2 points by agkaiser (2557) from Fredericksburg, TX 4 years ago

What's most unlearned is that by it's own burden, the concentration of wealth is clearly unsustainable. We don't know when the ultimate collapse will come ... only that it's as inevitable as the increase of debt by compound interest.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 4 years ago

Consider "No Matter how the President spins it, the Trump Economy Is Busted" by Mike Ludwig:

omnia causa fiunt!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 3 years ago

"Trump Fans Were Duped Into Donating Money to Whatever He Wants to Use It For"! by William Rivers Pitt:

Consider once again that .. "A new Trump scam has surfaced -- and yet again, he's fleecing his base."

e tenebris .. tenebris!

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 4 years ago

Trump plan is to not control Covid.

Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff admits:

“We’re not going to control the pandemic,” Meadows said during an interview on CNN. “We are going to control the fact that we get vaccines, therapeutics and other mitigations.”

Pressed on why the U.S. can’t make efforts to control the pandemic, Meadows said: “Because it is a contagious virus just like the flu.”


So, there it is. They are going to treat this deadly pandemic of Covid 19 like the flu even though it is 5 times deadlier than the flu.


Bye bye Donald.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 4 years ago

"THE KEY TO BEATING TRUMP'' .. The essential, practical information right now with 7 days to go:

‘'There are just 7 days left until Election Day but in many states, voting has already begun. Over 68.5 million ballots have already been cast .. as voters mail in, drop off, or cast their ballots at early polling stations. tRUMP has already undermined the election by casting doubt on the accuracy and safety of mail-in ballot system, a system he himself used to vote in Florida’s primary election just this year and has not yet committed to a peaceful transfer of power if he were to lose.

"On The Count, Rep.Pramila Jayapal discusses early voting and how to prepare for Trump’s efforts to steal the election,Alana Sivin shares her voting experience and the kind of community connection that bucks voter suppression and the co-hosts break down the 2020 ballot so that you can make sure your vote is counted."

NB: Two extra useful links to explore: https://nextgenamerica.org/ and https://www.commoncause.org/

respice et prospice ...

[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23828) 4 years ago

Hand deliver your ballots now, do not mail them anymore.

Mailing is too risky this late, 10/27/20. Also, do not put anything in the mail that doesn't need to go in the mail. Let the USPS collect the ballots.

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 4 years ago

Yes "hand deliver" your ballots now! The USPS has enough to do right now and posting ballots now could well end up arriving late, being futile & then; NOT even be counted! Also consider the following:

respice; adspice; prospice ....

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 3 years ago

Trump requested a mail-in ballot for a local municipal election in Florida, according to Palm Beach County records. This, despite his frequent attacks on voting by mail.

What a disingenuous jerk! Wake up people! Quit believing the liar!

He was vaccinated too!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 3 years ago

"Trump’s “Chinese Virus” Tweet Led to a Huge Rise in Anti-Asian Tweets" ... by Sharon Zhang:

ipse dixit!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 3 years ago

NB: "Spree of Anti-Asian Violence Has Long Roots — Including Terror in 1990s Philly"! by Scott Kurashige:

respice; adspice; prospice ...

[-] 0 points by grapes (5232) 3 years ago

Trump actually caught this terrible SARS_CoV-2 virus and developed a rather severe case of CoViD-19. Don't blame him for wanting to be vaccinated as early as possible. He is doing the right thing. He is in a high-risk ( at least obesity and advanced age ) category. It's a calling for the U.S.A. to impose Global Public Health Socialism with American Patriotic Characteristics since Red China's Global Public Health Bioweapon-Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics has failed so miserably. It's actually rather obvious why our shantytown foothill folks/folk, being animals not plants, abhorred the "resettled" folks'/folk's "liquid-gold wealth endowments" from up high: they're settled high in transit, like Trump, Mao, Xi, and Pootin. I like the chamber-pot balanced precariously atop the head while one kneels within a circle as being the best circus show.

I would certainly try to be vaccinated as soon as I become eligible but I won't cut in front of the other needier people before then. The fastest way to get through a bottleneck is to obey the traffic cop. I heard of people who laughed at how the Germans would wait in a long line/queue for exiting an Autobahn instead of cutting in front of the others and trying to merge back in ( this is much more our American individualistic way, primarily by the younger drivers who haven't figured out that such cuttings into line/queue had often led to horrendous traffic backups slowing down everyone due to the stalled cars during merging { arbitration between cars takes time; this is actually an excellent way to increase GDP if one applies this to most medical expenses as is being done in the U.S.; who should pay them ? the patient, the patient's family, the medical provider, the hospital or clinic, the patient's employer, the culprit who caused the patient's hospitalization, the culprit's family, the culprit's insurance company, the patient's government, which government program: for old people, poor people, disabled people, or for veterans; every kicking around of the medical bill football increases the GDP, eventually culminating in the medical bill Superbowl; guess which U.S. political party has a lot of attorney supporters for creating many intricate and arcane rules or regulations and which party has a lot of business owners being sued ? } at the contention point, as a chaotic flow delivers a lower flow rate than a laminar flow; I'm actually still very glad that most American drivers haven't become stupid enough to start honking { sound waves don't move cars; wheeling into vacated space does ! } incessantly to "¿clear?! the backup" unlike the drivers from the other far more idiotic countries; of course, the U.S. imports immigrants from many countries including the ones with idiotic honky-tonky habits so it helps to own and operate a higher quality { i.e. better sound-proofed } vehicle in areas where idiotic immigrant { or even native-born-but-infected-by-the-imported-honking-virus } drivers abound, just like legumes providing strictly controlled tunnel-confined access to the nitrogen-fixing bacteria.) Have people ever heard of German efficiency ?!

Germans got their tasks done faster but my German instructor told me that they just got to go on vacation a lot more, en masse in synchrony, and got stuck sitting together in scenic traffic jams { when they have exceeded the road's "channel capacity" despite their vehicles' and operating habits' creating efficient laminar flow } instead of the Americans getting stuck still working in their workplaces. Starting even before birth, "Life is a series of bottlenecks" but students have a different flavored one: "Student life is a series of man-made crises, such as Secondary School Entrance Examination and Gaokao (高考--it pays to be number one like the U.S. so that trillions upon trillions of dollars can be created at national will)" Apparently to some people at least, German automobile exhaust somehow smells better than the burnt frying fat at an American often-foreign-owned fast food joint. 》Jawohl, mein Herr, das Fartvergnügen gefällt mir wie ein hübsche Mädchen !《

Mailed-in ballots worked very well, unlike the baseless hoopla about rampant fraud in the 2020 Election. There were definitely some wrong counts but they were insufficient to change the result. Yeah, the U.S. voted for the Biden-Harris breakthrough vaccine for the Trumpery virus. Let's hear the World breathe out in unison the sigh of relief.