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Forum Post: truly hurt wall street

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 10, 2011, 2:36 a.m. EST by GODFATHERRNC (9) from Manitou Springs, CO
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

You want to truly hurt wall street this is the month to do it. Don't go to black Friday sales, Big companies count on the sales from this one day. Don't do shopping for the Xmas this year rather save that money take a trip with your family. Put it in savings in a small local bank.If you are going to buy something get it from a something local not a X-box ,ps3 new tv iPad or the other many things wall street counts on us buying. boycott it all trust this if we the 99% would truly stand together on boycotting all big companies they would feel it. Stop shopping Wal-Mart, that pays their employees next to nothing, but puts small local owned companies under every year.Look if we all stand together they will have no chose but to change. You truly want to see change plan the first ever strike on all big greedy companies.I for one would love to see how the greed of the 1% would react if Wal-Mart ,Microsoft,apple,Wells Fargo,us bank,Verizon,sprint, and the list could keep going big companies that the CEOs keep making cuts, To us low end employees benefits and pay to put more in their bank. OWS is not over but it needs to grow to make a change we need to be willing to make a sacrifice ourselves.



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[-] 2 points by nichole (525) 12 years ago

I work at amazon.com and understand their inherent evil, and suffer abusive labor practices endorsed by Jeff Bezos. I just posted this for my own local Occupy and thought to share. Slowly and methodically we can chip away at this beast. Series of small measures, GODFATHERRNC gets it. My post below sounds lame to all these crazy kids talking violent revolution -- shit, the greatest violence we can inflict is to deprive the money-people of dollars. In any way possible.

Many of my ideas may seem "reformist." Believe me, I do not intend them to be so dull and ineffective. I will never forget hearing about the difference between any money-oriented individual and the rest of us. They are conscious of every single dollar that they receive and spend. We can make this difficult, yes, money-making will become as difficult as obtaining oxygen at a high altitude, and spending will be the equivalent to passing a brick-like bowel movement.... OK, so here is where my strategy comes into play, and I will quote mystery man to further my point .... "There will be a transition between now and then. A strong hierarchy like the US capitalist system is not removed by a flick of the thumb. You will need to flatten it piece by piece, by piece by piece." I say, deny the sick Capitalists a single dollar and they will suffer, unimaginably. Every little dollar counts!!! Slowly and methodically we can undermine their hegemony. Every single dollar they are deprived is a victory for the people. Physical violence is laughable. The force you throw so dumbly at them will only come back down on you tenfold!!! We're dealing with dollars here, time to get smart at their game ... we can easily do this.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

Exactly nichole. The bullets of the new revolution are dollar bills. Violence only plays into their hands. The only thing they understand is their bottom line. Only by attacking that will they sit up and take notice.

[-] 1 points by nichole (525) 12 years ago

Exactly, why don't more people understand this? Through my somewhat frustrating and aggravating experiences with my local Occupy, I am getting the sense that too many Occupiers do not have the patience to follow through on any of this.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

You're probably right. I think, by and large, we Americans have had it too easy for too long, at least compared to most of the world. We're used to an abundance of everything imaginable and instant gratification. We've grown lazy, spoiled and impatient. It's going to be long hard battle to change things around for the better. Let's hope it's not too late.

[-] 2 points by GODFATHERRNC (9) from Manitou Springs, CO 12 years ago

My spelling has always been bad I went to a public school LOL. But is is sad to see the same pepole that say they agree with the message of OWS go to McDonald's for lunch a company that has made billions and pays min. Wage to their enployes or shop at Wal-Mart that has underpayed their enployes for years and has more money then anyone. The same pepole that say they want the system to change banking and welsfargo or chase,

We all work hard to make ends I fight everypay day to have food for my kids but Tue CEOs of the company I work for that have no problem buying a new house or car make a policy that if your paycheek is short less then 8 hrs pay you need to wait til next paycheek in 2 weeks to get payed. The problems are all around us we see then everyday. We all need to stand together to see true change

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

Interesting you mention Wal-Mart and McDonalds in this statement. I've been boycotting both of them for years, along with a few other local businesses. Keep pushing this message whenever you can. A valid post, by the way.

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

Fuck Wal-Mart. I'm only guilty of using gasoline to drive my car. I boycott the bad shit. Closed my bank account too. Except the occasional GMO's. Fuck they're in almost everything. I guess I use money too. Nationalize the federal reserve. It's in the constitution.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

Agree on all counts. I've never bought a designer anything, never drank Starbucks and never will, don't have a cellphone although I realize they are a necessary evil. My computer's a freebie given to me by my sister. Have no credit cards anymore and never will again. Gasoline and money, well, they're necessary evils too. Can't get away from those yet. If we get enough people to start thinking locally, maybe we can get this country back.

[-] 1 points by nucleus (3291) 12 years ago

Wall Street has killed itself. It may take a bit longer for it to collapse, but there is no more propping it up now.

BoA is in tatters and very close to not maintaining its capital requirements. JP Morgan is on the hook for Corzine's MF Global and the record $4 billion bankruptcy of Jefferson County Alabama.

The global economy is on its last legs. A Euro banker has been installed as interim leader in Greece to ram through a debt deal on behalf of the global financial complex. The Greek people may very well have a different idea. Italy is teetering, Spain is on the brink, Ireland is circling the drain. The US is in a downward spiral (unreported by corporate media desperate to prop it up). Even China is on the ropes.

It's all going down, it's only matter of time. They screwed us so badly they screwed themselves. I think a Darwin Award is in order here.

[-] 1 points by aahpat (1407) 12 years ago

Stop buying Apple products.

[-] 1 points by OccultWallStreet (5) from Brooklyn, NY 12 years ago

the only way to "hurt" WS is to leak information, not consumer suicide

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 12 years ago

I've been boycotting black friday with my family all my life. That friday is for eating left-over turkey and taking naps.

[-] 1 points by OQPi (162) 12 years ago

Ugh. I hate grammar Nazis.

GODFATHERRNC - I agree and I think that what you're saying is important.

[-] 1 points by Krankie (140) 12 years ago

Your spelling could do with meeting a spell-checker :-) However I completely agree with your sentiments. Instead of wasting our money on "things" that, in most cases, we don't need, we should be investing in experiences with our friends and families. A weekend trip away somewhere will be remembered LONG after material gifts are discarded. AND, you generate American jobs. CORPORATE AMERICA will NOT create jobs in America - face it, and get over it. It is up to US, the 99%, to start creating American jobs by supporting local businesses. I cannot understand why OWS refuses to get behind this message...

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

Some of us have been pushing the 'buy local' and 'boycott corporations' angle for the last few weeks. People are starting to come around, it will just take a while to deprogram Americans out of the uber-consumerist mindset. Corporate America has been brainwashing us for at least thirty years so it will take some time. Keep pushing this message relentlessly and we'll slowly start making some real progress.

[-] 1 points by GODFATHERRNC (9) from Manitou Springs, CO 12 years ago

Their needs to be 2 parts to this to truly hurt the TO BIG TO FALL companys one don't buy from them in any way at any time and push for evryone to not shop black Friday this is the most inportnat day of the year to them they count on big sales this day push for others to not shop no matter how good the deal. And it dose not stop with stores do evrything you can to in no way support corporate in anyway nolonger keep cable but rather get local tv . When going out to eat don't go to a big place but rather go to the family owed place down the road from you we can make c change but it takes all of us

To we need to work out a world wide walk out and strike on big companys evryone from store enploys their managment offeces workers call center enpoloys closes them all down make them have no chose but to offer better benifits and better pay accross the borad.
[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 12 years ago

Agreed. To effect the changes we need will require us to collectively attack the problem from the top through changes politically and to individually attack from the bottom through lifestyle changes. A two-pronged approach. The classic pincer attack used by the military.


[-] -1 points by stevo (314) 12 years ago

Ignorant liberals. Would like nothing better than to shut down Wal Mart. who provides more jobs and inexpensive goods for low income and low educated people in America.

[-] 1 points by GODFATHERRNC (9) from Manitou Springs, CO 12 years ago

You must have never tryed to live off Walmart wage

[-] -1 points by ColbertLovesDanSavage (16) 12 years ago

I would've read your comment if you had punctuation. I read by scanning, and I can't scan if you don't give breaks in your block of text.

[-] -1 points by foreverleft (233) 12 years ago

And why not some nice paragraphs occasionally??