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Forum Post: TO: president@whitehouse.gov

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 5, 2011, 12:04 p.m. EST by alemaine (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: As someone who supported and contributed to your successful 2008 Presidential campaign, I have been deluged with missives requesting further contributions and continued support for you 2012 campaign. I’m taking this time to address you and your staff directly: Because of your stupendous inattention to the crimes of Wall Street, and the dereliction of your consuls in the SEC and the Department of Justice, I can no longer support your bid for re-election. Instead, I intend to vote for a candidate who is commited to liberty and justice. If such a candidate does not appear, I will join the revolution in the morning. Sincerely,



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[-] 1 points by SeriousLevity (5) from Omaha, NE 12 years ago

All three rating agencies are guilty of fradulently triple A grading financial instruments. Where is the investigation and prosecution?

[-] 1 points by noahtron (48) from Montreal, QC 12 years ago

i'm afraid that no president is capable of fixing the problem that exists in government and industry. that's the reason for these protests - they must come up from the bottom and remain independent of political ideology.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 12 years ago

Not to mention the wars. I distinctly remember him saying on the campaign trail that he would END the wars and bring the troops home.

May I say it - Ron Paul is the only candidate committed to liberty, freedom, ending the Fed, restoring sound money to the people.