Forum Post: To everyone who contributed to the 99% Declaration
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 7:33 a.m. EST by publicus1
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Everyone raised great points and THANK YOU! I hope everyone runs for delegate in your congressional district to vote on and contribute to the final list of grievances. This list is only a sample of some of the issues so stay involved. The drafting committee is now going to propose the plan to the various general assemblies across the USA. Hopefully they will approve this plan of action to organize the movement. Peace
The drafting committee is heading into Manhattan now. Please show your support by spreading the word of the Declaration and the Action Plan. We have tried to include the top 20 points but the final version will be left to the delegates of the National General Assembly.
publicus1, I LOVE the Declaration.. but have you seen today's calender? ... I think the the99percentdeclaration deserves more attention than it might get today... too much going on... anyway Best Luck ;)
This is what democracy looks like. Driven by and for the people.
Thank you!
This is what democracy looks like. Driven by and for the people.
Thank you!