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Forum Post: Tips for living outside

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 10:10 p.m. EST by Farleymowat (415)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Now that winter is about to be here in full force, here are a few pointers for living outside: 1.) Stay dry. Getting wet is the fastest way for hypothermia to set in. Keep rain gear with you at all times, and wear it before the rain starts. 2.) Drink warm fluids. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate, whatever. This helps keep the "inner fire" burning. Try to eat warm meals as well. 3.) Layer your clothing. This is a must. If it warms up, take a layer or two off. Sweat is as bad as rain, and can be worse. 4.) Move. If you get cold, walk around the block, or do some activity, to get your body generating heat. If you start to overheat, back off. 5.) No cotton. Cotton absorbs liquids and does not provide insulation when wet. Use polypropylene or wool. This was the number one point the old timer who taught me how to live outside in winter made to me. 6.) Wear proper footwear. Boots with felt liners, like sorrel, or iceman. 7.) Use your brain. If your clothing sucks, get into a warm place. If you can't get warm, go inside. You can occupy later.



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