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Forum Post: Time for Political Action

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 8:40 a.m. EST by Frogmastr (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It's time to take some political action. I suggest that Occupy Wall Street run write-in candidates for every office in the U.S. occupied by do-nothing, self-agrandizing politicians - whether Dem. or Rep. It should be a protest vote on the part of the people. Online marketing and social media could keep costs to a minimum. It doesn't matter who we run as those currently in office are incapable of accomplishing anything, so even an imbecile can't do any worse.



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[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 12 years ago

I think OWS should morph into OLB, Occupy Liberty Bell or OIH Occupy Independence Hall. Have small peaceful assemblies all winter long spreading the word about the National General Assembly starting July 4th in Philadelphia. Ask the people of Philadelphia to invite their fellow Americans into their homes for the NGA and coordinate this all winter too. Have occasional "occupations" throughout the winter, growing in size as the spring approaches, the WE ARE THE 99% growing louder with each event. This keeps the light shining and the movement looks smart, smells like a rose. Imagine the city of Philadelphia's population doubling or tripling for four days in July 2012. Some ideas are just plain better than others. NGA NOW all roads lead to Philadelphia https://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/

[-] 1 points by PatriotSon01 (157) 12 years ago

The corporations are the enemy behind Washington. They are the ones that need to be dealt with. They Lobby or 'pay' the politicians who vote for their laws. Focus is needed. Education of the ignorant and apathetic will lead to awareness and action. The disinterest in politics of this country has gone on long enough.

[-] 1 points by ramram (3) 12 years ago

Potential Goals: I feel with technology there are ways we can take back control of our country. We need to get rid of $1 dollar=1 vote and get back to 1person=1vote. To do this we need to eliminate the power of lobbyists and reduce the power given to our politicians who are money grabbers who do inside trading (legal for politicians) and get bribes (thru there legal political fund raisers) and consulting etc.

To do this we should make the politicians only administrators and move to nationwide or at least a broader pool of electronic internet based voting - this could be all registered voters, this could be state senators and representatives. The power would move out of DC and reside back with the people or states. This would reduce the power of the lobbyists and allow the states to have more control.