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Forum Post: Time for Action

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 9:42 a.m. EST by EveyH (3)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The message has worked and people are finally talking about important issues instead of just sweeping everything under the rug. But now we need action, we need to prove we are the 99% and we are a collective power and we will be listened to and its time to finally make our vote count. The republicans will never take us seriously and the democrats just assume they already have our vote and its still business as usual but we can change that - As Long As We Stand Together! The Republican Primaries are coming up. If Everyone changes their registration status to Republican we can vote in the primaries and it will force the republicans to listen to us and prove we do have the power to change! We can show the GOP we have the power to decide who goes to the election and we also show the democrats that we can take there power away just as fast by collectively writing in a 3rd party on the democrat nomination as well. Politicians will be forced to start paying attention if you hit them in the only place they care about - The very power they hold! The republicans can choose to ignore us and we can stand behind the weakest candidate to go up against Obama - or they can start listening and make some changes. The same goes for Obama, he can start leading or we can all write in another name on the ballot. This election can NOT be business as usual. We cannot let these tired politicians assume they can give us a moment for a few months and expect everyone to go back to sleep for another fifty years. The elections are here and now but it takes us all to make a difference. The idea of standing behind a politician simply because of how he would appoint a supreme court justice member is about the dumbest thing I have ever heard yet the debates focus more about religion and abortion rights than things that actually put food on the table and keep people safe. A lot of good the supreme court has done this is the same body of government that decided a corporation is a person. We need to take back our elections, take back our government and take back our country. We can also control the obnoxious tv campaign ads by public boycotts of the networks who are playing them. We can force the debates to be less about what church you go to and more about you plan to get us out of debt and why Equifax lowers my credit score if I CANCEL a credit card so I can reduce my debt yet the government lives so far out of there means and barely takes a tumble! If I have to listen to campaign ads for the next year I want to hear why taxes are the lowest in fifty years yet there are still NO JOBS and not a shred of evidence to say taxes control jobs - Last time I checked supply and demand controlled jobs. I know its not perfect and I would like nothing more than to see our entire electoral process given back to the people and do away with ridiculous districts and the same two parties but unfortunately the elections are here and now and this movement is too young to change that just yet but its a start - And I for one can not go another 4 years of this nonsense.



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[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

I hear you. But you're barking up a tree with no cat in it. The current voting system, the electoral college, needs to be changed or there is no point in running a third party candidate. Here are some articles explaining the problem.



[-] 1 points by EveyH (3) 12 years ago

but its not going to be changed in a month and we can hurry up and wait or do a little now

[-] 1 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 12 years ago

I might suggest americanselect.org.

I have been on there a few times and it looks like a promising way to break this two party choke-hold, but it's never been tried before, so I'm holding my breath.

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

This country is way too apathetic to pull this off...

[-] 1 points by EveyH (3) 12 years ago

Quite possibly true

[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 12 years ago

You are in the propaganda trance. The Green Party will destroy that liar Obama in the general election. That will force Democrats to vote for the Green Party candidate to prevent the Republican nitwit from winning in 2012.

Please wake up today. Every day lost will protect the CRIME FAMILY with all their ridiculous lies you whiners keep believing.
