Forum Post: Time For A New Strategy
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 29, 2011, 7:14 a.m. EST by littlebiggygirl
from Hesperia, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
city by city occupy has eventually led to eviction. it's time for a new strategy.
The municipal government has made it's move and the WHOLE WORLD is watching.By shutting down all the Occupy encampments the municipal governments are showing the whole world that they have total control over anything that threatens the federal government. This is the Occupy's "moment of truth". The WHOLE WORLD is waiting for what your reaction will be to the government stepping all over your voice. After the police throw all your belongings away they went to their stations, dusted off their hands and said, "Well that takes care of that." I don't have any answers for anyone but I do know this Occupy must show back up and show up big. The municipal government's are also waiting to see what the next move will be. As I am sure you already realize it will come to the point, if the movement stays healthy enough, that National Guard will be brought in. Especially with the troops coming home. A organized mass demonstration would be cool, because the government's are hoping this will all just disappear into thin air. If most of the corruption can be dealt with a lot of the other problems will naturally correct themselves. GREED - now there's a real problem. It's been around since the beginning of time. Greed is a sickness just like hoarding is a sickness. Greed should be combatted just like all the other countless addictions in this world. When a person shows signs of greed they should seek professional help. They are mentally ill and should be treated for the symptoms they suffer from. How could amassing more money than one person (or family) could spend in a lifetime be a healthy mentality? Society should look at greed the same way they look at any addiction. That is if everyone really wants a healthy society to live in.
The question is, 'How much are we willing to be pushed around and given the moniker of Good and Patriotic Citizen' while we watch our freedoms whittle (and in some cases gush) away? Inaction now shows that the establishment will just push a bit harder. Inaction there and they will wipe out/ arrest every individual. A group is power; a group of individuals can be taken apart little bits at a time and conquered. We are being conquered and this movement is done for, before it ever got going.
Valentine's Day March on Washington
Its time to be more proactive in educating the public.
Let's get White Whale first! Someone call Captain Ahab!
We can always occupy here. We won't get one peep from one soul.
The Revolution starts here!
It doesn't help to focus on one thing. It says you dislike big corporations but what new? Maybe try branching out a little
Their asking us to boycott some air show today because it has military ties. I'm giving you direct evidence to boycott a car rental company because they made the parents spend years of their lives defending their dead daughters' honor. I don't think I'm asking too much. Besides, all we would have to do is bring some signs and stand there. The support from the folks for OWS would be astonishing.
You have the right to peacefully assemble. However, there are many things that can be done like flooding legislator inboxes with e-mails. You could also protest by asking supporters to do a kind of rolling "boycott". boycotts probably hurt the bottom 5% most but if (without prior notice) you just called on supporters to buy at Target one day and abstain from going to Wal-Mart then employees will still have to be brought in at both stores. Then switch back the next day or roll to another pair. If we have a lot of backers, retailers will see the day by day sales swings. Just a probably bad idea.
You also have the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. OWS has banged the drum of their 1st Amendment right to assemble but apparently either can't READ the next few words or can't understand what they mean.
Yes? What is your suggestion for a new direction?
Useless trolling for hits on a site which has nothing to do with the post.