Forum Post: Time for a mutiny...
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 9, 2012, 12:15 p.m. EST by JuanFenito
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Jart is acting like a paid troll. There is no one else who could have done any more damage to the occupy movement or stagnated the visitorship of this site. I will get banned for saying this, but I hope someone at least sees this first...
i think its cool to hear each others different opinions, even if we dont agree, hell what else would there be to talk about? LOL Its a sign of freedom to be able to say whats on your mind. What I dont like though is the commercials, the ads to go to tv shows, or websites that are off the topics.
check out my signature
OWH supporters...This is all part ot the future of the Occupy movement. We now shall move closer to the gates of the White House. We are preparing for this move as a write as our lawyers are regaining our property, and freeing the few brothers and sisters that were detained. OWH is now in full swing. We now tell this President and illegal congress that they are only guests in our house and we evict them. This is our message going forward. This is the world and direction of the GA DC...Occupy the White House Now!!!
We need to unite. This site is tearing the movement apart.
Originally this site was "an autonomous affinity group" and a working group at NYC GA, . However it is no longer listed as a working group and the original link ends up at the Group Directory. Hmmmmm.
Can you provide at least one example of one of her actions that created damage to this site? That is, unless you're already banned of course.
Is it not enough that this site has gone from a bustling hub of organization to ten regular users? That's what happens when you attack a colony of ants with a flame thrower. You burn the house down.
Knowing which particular actions caused this could help us remedy the situation. If you can't even identify the problem in part (I'm only asking for one example), how can you even begin to look for a solution?
Banning people at the drop of a hat. I have been banned for asking numerous legitimate questions and trying to further discourse. It as if they do not want people to support this movement, as I do, but if I keep getting banned I am growing more disenfranchised. Like I said, the moderators and administrators have done more to destroy this website than any group of stupid Glenn Beck trolls. It's like the people running this site are working for Faux news.
Your OP targets jart specifically, and only targets jart. However, all your complaints seem to be about moderation. Jart is this site's programmer, not one of this site's moderators.
I fully agree that the moderation on this site is no good, however, your OP is also no good as it completely targets the wrong person. It seems more like an anti-jart posting than a posting about moderation problems.
I barely knew him
Dropkick Murphys - Johnny I hardly knew ya
I read it and agree
Disinformation is not good. Please post at least a few of Jart's "writings", so others can investigate and be weary.
I didn't see a mention of writing or reference to any. What he is saying is that this forum is being operated outside the mandates set forth and agreed to by every GA in the country.
What is a "GA"?
General Assembly
stupid people deserve to be poor
o wait, that was me
What makes people "stupid" or "removed from intelligence" is their inability or lack of desire to: ASK QUESTIONS of authority.
Asking a question, after all, is simply ASKING.
Everyone should desire: FREEDOM from IGNORANCE
one might say, anytime a man seeks a position of authority over another man it is to either take away his freedom, his right of something, or to keep him in ignorance. im just saying, one might say... they might... i mean, maybe if it happened to you then you would agree... maybe...
I'm thinking you've never tried to wrangle a room full of trolls.
Jarts done a commendable job, all things considered.
I'm thinking I ran a chatroom for two years and it's easier than you think to protect your users from trolls.
This is an open forum, not a chat room.
If fact the Occupy chat was one of the first things the trolls started bitching about being thrown out of.
Code is code dude. In fact all the languages have only minor variation making it so easy to learn. Where is the email conformation form? Oh I know," in case the government wants to track users we don't want to be responsible for having that data", well this place still documents your IP, so there is no anonymity even without collecting email and she knows it. So why not do what it takes to control them? Preserving the ability for people to troll the forum but penalizing users for their natural reaction to the consequences of that choice?
Try posting some crap in the actual OWS forum or chatroom and see how long you last.
I have been in the chatrrom many times, never banned and have been allowed more freedom to share my resources in the chat than on this forum. What exactly do you think I've been posting? Let me share with you the link that got me banned.
it's a pdf from a lobbying firm that offered to tear down Occupy from within. Not sure who you think I am but it aint thrasy if that is your beef. I was posting that link on thrasys comments because I got tired of his shit and it fits his MO.
You were spamming that link! You published it about 20 times in the same posting. Spamming is against the forum rules. Own up to your spamming Richard. Come on!
You should also own up to the fact that you are EconomicCrack and JuanFenito.
Actually, Juan is formerly Thrasy. I'm richard. I would use my real name but....
I am not Thrasy. I don't know who that is, although I am guessing you mean thraysmaque? What makes you think I am him?
oh, my bad lol. I made an ass...
It could be much better with a few tweaks.