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Forum Post: Thousands freed from prison

Posted 5 years ago on July 20, 2019, 10:07 a.m. EST by BrentWeirick81 (-85)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

"3,100 federal offenders being released starting Friday as part of a sweeping criminal-justice overhaul that President Trump signed into law last year"

Told you that Trump is for the average man. You academics can just jump off.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 5 years ago

''U.S. Prisons are Concentration Camps'', by Margaret Kimberley:

"Trump is" NOT "for the average man" & US prison conditions are some of the worst in the developed world! Furthermore, U$A has less than 5% of the world's population but 25%+ of all Global Prisoners! Finally the Private Prison Industrial Complex has its hooks into USG - like Big Pharma & The US MIC!

veritas vos liberabit ...

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 5 years ago

US gov't orders first federal executions since 2003


Backwards we go. Barbarian! Not only are prisons concentration camps, they are now going back to being death camps.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 5 years ago

USA has <5% of Global Population but has 25%+ of the global prison population & the USG has been captured by a Prison Industrial Complex. In the light of this .. State Sanctioned Murder ... very often of people of color who are only afforded a cursory defense, is a shocking truth but NOT a surprise! + FYI:

respice; adspice; prospice ...

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 5 years ago

Private prisons = lavish returns for investors.


Can greed get any more immoral than that? Yes, dumb question, but my god, it's so immoral, makes my head spin.

It's psychopathic to want to get rich through harming others yet we see it again and again.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 5 years ago

''Corporations have privatized almost every part of the public prison system. Now, PE firms are swooping in, seeking lavish returns for investors.

''Today, a handful of privately held companies dominate the correctional-services market, many with troubling records of price gouging some of the poorest families and violating the human rights of prisoners. But the problem doesn’t end there. These companies are often controlled by private-equity firms, which through financial alchemy transform the prison-industrial complex into lavish returns for pensions, endowments, and charitable foundations. And, as successive administrations have ramped up immigration enforcement, they’ve also squeezed money out of immigrant detention.

''The https://www.prisonlegalnews.org/ published its first major story on privatized prison health care in 2000, and abuses by that industry have been confirmed by subsequent media reports and lawsuits.

''In 1833, two years before Alexis de Tocqueville published Democracy in America, he helped write a lesser-known study, On the Penitentiary System in the United States and Its Application in France. The report was generally damning (“the prisons…offer the spectacle of the most complete despotism”), and Tocqueville noted America’s penchant for inviting private profit-making into public prisons. Contractors who exploited the prisoners for labor also profited from selling them essential items.

''Divestment activists will have their work cut out for them. Mass incarceration isn’t just an ugly societal outgrowth that can be lopped off; the excision of these industries would reverberate in unexpected ways throughout the national economy, affecting not just financial firms like HIG Capital but also pensioners from Ohio to Orange County.

''When I mentioned this to Alex Friedmann, he shrugged off the collateral damage. “You know,” he said, “slavery had a lot of economic benefits. A lot of people owned slaves and produced goods, and a lot of ordinary people benefited from those goods, and so on. But nobody today would say, ‘Well, we should have just reformed slavery, improved slavery, reduced it to an acceptable level.’ There is no acceptable level. And that’s my position on profiting off incarceration: There is no acceptable level. It’s inherently morally and ethically wrong.”

The above is excerpted from your simply EXCELLENT LINK [ https://www.thenation.com/article/prison-privatization-private-equity-hig/ ] I've read a lot on this subject & your link blew me away. In reply & in exhaustion, I post this link:

fiat lux et fiat justitia!

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 5 years ago

Sanders will abolish for profit prisons.


"Any system that continues to keep human beings behind bars and in prison beds as a revenue stream is a system that must be drastically overhauled. Private prisons have a greater interest in filling the pockets of their shareholders by perpetuating imprisonment than they do in spending money to rehabilitate and educate.

Financial motives have corrupted our justice system. Perverse incentives fuel the unnecessary caging of our fellow human beings at every step. Along with the private prison industry, these incentives range from our money bail system exploiting and jailing the poor while it frees the rich, to police officers being rewarded based on number of arrests, to prosecutors getting promoted for securing convictions and harsh prison sentences, to billions in federal grants going to states and cities running on autopilot to drive more arrests, convictions, and prison sentences.

There are many ways we must go forward to fix our criminal justice system: abolishing cash bail and civil asset forfeiture, ending the school-to-prison pipeline, and making it easier for formerly incarcerated people to reintegrate into society, for starters. But we absolutely must end the existence of the private for-profit prison industry." - Bernie Sanders

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 5 years ago

Again .. ''Financial motives have corrupted our justice system. Perverse incentives fuel the unnecessary caging of our fellow human beings at every step. Along with the private prison industry, these incentives range from our money bail system exploiting and jailing the poor while it frees the rich, to police officers being rewarded based on number of arrests ... to prosecutors getting promoted for securing convictions and harsh prison sentences ... to billions in federal grants going to states and cities running on autopilot to drive more arrests, convictions, and prison sentences.'' - because it bears repeating! Also fyi - note ...

fiat justitia - ruat caelum!

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 5 years ago

Norway's successful prison system could teach USA some lessons.


Norway's incarceration rate is just 75 per 100,000 people, compared to 707 people for every 100,000 people in the US.

On top of that, when criminals in Norway leave prison, they stay out. It has one of the lowest recidivism rates in the world at 20%. The US has one of the highest: 76.6% of prisoners are re-arrested within five years.

Norway "relies on a concept called "restorative justice," which aims to repair the harm caused by crime rather than punish people. This system focuses on rehabilitating prisoners."

Hence, AOC's speaking about "abolishing prisons."

From truthout:

"What we might call the classic definition of prison abolition comes from Critical Resistance, a grassroots organization founded by Angela Davis, Ruth Wilson Gilmore and the late Rose Braz in the 1990s. Their definition targets a “prison-industrial complex” and summarizes abolition as “a political vision with the goal of eliminating imprisonment, policing, and surveillance and creating lasting alternatives to punishment and imprisonment.”

So, this is quite wonderful that we have a Congresswoman even willing to broach the subject. Perhaps we can get moving on this as we change our society to an ever more "well-being" focused one as these other nations, like New Zealand and Norway have done. It is possible.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 5 years ago

''What is the Prison Industrial Complex?''

How a nation treats its prisoners is a yardstick with which to judge its true level of civilization ... maybe? Punitive or Restorative? Progressive Rehabilitation OR Reactionary Incarceration? The choices society makes surely reflect its underlying ethos. Norway & New Zealand show better way to a USA that is 5% of Global Population yet has 25% of the Global Prison Population! Then there is Capital Punishment & the whole issue about the lack of effective legal representation available for the poor! Finally FYI, see... this link https://incarceratedworkers.org/campaigns/prison-strike-2018 for info re.Resisting U$A's P.I.C.!

errare humanum est ...

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 5 years ago

Over 1 million work for 2 cents/hour or less.

These are prisoners providing what is just about slave labor to many companies who profit exponentially by using the cheap labor and by keeping everyone else's wages down.

Here is a link to a list of 50 companies that use prison labor:


"Every day in the United States, over a million people go to work and make as little as two cents an hour or sometimes nothing at all. They're forced to produce and get punished if they refuse. Today, private corporations are profiting off a new form of slavery: the private prison labor industry is growing at a rapid rate in America, and legislation exists to continually increase the sentencing of prisoners.

The corporations that employ prisoners will surprise you. The problem isn't limited to brands with bad reputations. Starbucks, Victoria's Secret, Whole Foods, and Nintendo have all used prison workers to increase corporate profits. And if you've complained about bad customer service, you might be surprised to learn that many call centers are staffed by inmates."

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 5 years ago

What is the Prison Industrial Complex?

"The Prison Industrial Complex (PIC) is a term used to describe the overlapping interests of government and industry that use surveillance, policing and imprisonment as solutions to economic, social and political problems.

The Prison Industrial Complex is not just prisons themselves, it is mutually reinforcing web of relationships, between and not limited to, for example, prisons, the probation service, the police, the courts, all the companies that profit from transporting, feeding and exploiting prisoners, and so forth."

From: http://www.prisonabolition.org/what-is-the-prison-industrial-complex/

Prison and Capitalism:

"Capitalism is an economic system in which a small number of people maintain ownership and control of the means of production (e.g. Machines, factories, land) and the ways of distributing and making money off those goods.

Two essential needs of capitalism are growth and expansion – e.g. New markets, new products, new colonial frontiers, land to exploit and so forth, as well as a surplus of labour. The prison industrial complex has effectively created a whole new industry to make the rich richer and profit from the caging of human beings. Prison is also a tool to control the ‘surplus labour’ (e.g. Real people with real lives and needs) of working class peoples."

The Prison Industrial Complex creates that surplus of labor that capitalism needs to thrive. It thereby lowers ALL of OUR wages by providing the surplus of CHEAP/almost FREE labor.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 5 years ago

''S.Carolina Prisoners Appeal to UN ... for Relief from Torturous Conditions''! - by Kelly Hayes:

fiat lux et fiat justitia ...

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 5 years ago

Shocking conditions in SC prisons.

"Can you imagine living without sunlight? Many of us experience seasonal affective (SAD) disorder in the winter months, causing symptoms ranging from depression and lethargy to thoughts of suicide. SAD can also exacerbate the symptoms of some mental illnesses, like bipolar disorder. But while grey skies may be depressing, or even hazardous to our health, most of us can’t fathom what it would be like to go over a year without sunlight.

For prisoners in South Carolina’s Level 3 prisons, this scenario is all too real. Prisoners held in the state’s high-security prisons spend 20 to 24 hours a day in 9 by 11 cells with small windows that have been covered with steel plates. The people housed in each cell have no access to rehabilitative services or educational programs and are not allowed any freedom of movement outside their cells.

People imprisoned in South Carolina prisons say guards have committed serious abuses, such as withholding water from prisoners and arbitrarily subjecting prisoners to solitary confinement. Prisoners also face deteriorating conditions, such as mold problems, rotting food, contaminated drinking water and a lack of access to showers."

“Most people don’t understand just how awful prisons are in the U.S.,” Mills told Truthout this week. “Most prisons in this country do not come close to meeting the Mandela Standards established by the United Nations for minimally humane incarceration.” While Mills and his colleagues work to defend the rights of prisoners in Illinois, he says he and his colleagues are in solidarity with prisoners all over the country. “We join the call by prisoners in South Carolina for the United Nations Human Rights Council to open an investigation into the human rights violations in the U.S.,” said Mills."

From truthout article: https://truthout.org/articles/south-carolina-prisoners-appeal-to-the-un-for-relief-from-torturous-conditions/

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 5 years ago

Note: ''Locking People Up Doesn’t Make Us Safer, Abuse Survivor Says'' by James Kilgore

ad iudicium?

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23828) 5 years ago

Scandinavian prison system rehabilitates prisoners and returns them to the community. Also, it is not a political issue but one left to professionals to make decisions about each prisoner. Perhaps it's a model American prisons could learn from.


[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 5 years ago

'Incarceration Rates Remain High but Most States Saw Prison Reforms in 2019' by Victoria Law:

From your link - note: "... northern Europe’s closed facilities operate along the lines of humanism that American prisons abandoned early, under a host of pressures -- such as overcrowding & the push to make prisons profitable by contracting out collective labor and the use of unpaid prisoners as private farmhands and since 1973, the rise of an $80 billion mass incarceration industry." Solidarity for 2020.

fiat justitia et prospice ..

[-] 0 points by grapes (5232) 5 years ago

The DPRK in North Korea fits the definition above of Capitalism extremely well. When Donald John Trump met Kim Jung-un, who was the RealBillionaire slaveowner operating a huge global Prison Industrial Complex dispersed worldwide? Was it the one who huffed and puffed and then passed out from an asthmatic attack or was it actually akin to an epileptic seizure? Who could win our Farterland's Trumpery Award?

There's a freedom index which can indicate how stable a country is and can therefore affect most dealings with that country. Yep, listen up, you folks who care about the account balance of your investments such as in 401(k) and IRAs. Countries which allow high degree of freedom despite political turmoil ( watch the market reactions to the recent U.S. impeachment inquiry; they were pretty hohum so the U.S.A. was perceived as being rather stable despite the potential lack of "the stable genius" being in charge; additionally, this boring-ness together with the U.S. economic growth rate still being better than many other developed countries' make the U.S.A. a good investment destination due to its good "transfer function" ) are good destinations for investments. On the scale of freedom index, we have: DPRK < Red China < Russia < U.S.A. Those countries that have to resort to curtailing the access to the internet are worse risks than those which don't. For example, Red Fuckgina bans YouTube but anyone there who pays for VPN can access YouTube so Red Fuckgina is definitely a worse risk than Farterland. Red Fuckgina allows tolled access to YouTube so it values $$$, especially foreign reserves needed to buy raw materials it needs. It's why it hasn't crushed yet the Pearl of the Orient which is causing discomfort in its throat. It doesn't want its torrent of your retirement investment money in global bond index such as MSCI to be choked off so yeah, watch Red Fuckgina and the Pearl because a significant chunk of your globally diversified retirement "money" invested in bonds may become vaporware ( a superheated liquid can change its phase and turns into vapor spontaneously.) It's why I really don't want that to happen because Shitterland people's retirement lifestyles are at stake ( have they tried eating pet foods yet? a very bright and curious child told me that they tasted rather bland, probably due to their lack of salt to prevent pets from getting kidney diseases; in their old age, if the Shitterland people had been careful by not eating too much salt, not having sexually transmitted infections' kidney scarrings, etc. and thereby having kept their kidneys healthy, they can cash in one of their kidneys for food by selling it on the five-star-rated OrgoMart [resort].) Think about if Red Fuckgina may burn your retirement $$$ to make you eat pet food and sell organs to compete with poor Indians' and cadavers' of Red Fuckgina's dissidents. Divest. There is a slave-holding medieval kingdom which doesn't allow ordinary folks access to the internet at all but unlike Red Fuckgina, it won't poof away Shitterland nation's retirement "money" but it can certainly poof away the 18++ holes of golf on a piece of Africa inhabited by a more docile relative of the crocodiles. What a potential killjoy!

Can you guess where the various kings and dictators invest their own retirement "money?" Not in their own countries, of course, but abroad ( often in Shitterland ) for diversification. It's a very important reason why their countries often stay unimproved. They essentially work for what they may actually call "Satan" when they talk to their own people. Of course, one can argue that they are safekeeping their countries' money in their own personal accounts as a rainy-day fund. My Mom did this when she cut out all of my lunch allowance ( yeah, I couldn't go out for restaurant lunches anymore with my friends so I had to make new friends at lunchtime - that was tough to bear; Mom did get up early every school day for years to prepare me a breakfast to eat { cutting back on free school meals is how our Shitterland's Shittoad-in-Cheatose handicap the children of the lower-income families in order to generate more poorly educated surplus labor to depress wages and make available more and cheaper warm moist holes for the dickheads to slither in and out of } and a hot lunch to bring to school.) Eventually, I realized that she was fattening up her coffer so that she could plunk down all of that allowance money plus all of her own savings from her many years of work in order to charter a Boeing 747 to fly the three of us to Tokyo at 39,000 feet, altitude, and then take the transglobal flight on a Boeing 707 to New York at 37,500 feet, altitude, before our entry visas to the U.S.A. expired in just days. Although I wish that she had articulated better about the reason why, I don't call my Mom a corrupt dictator, though a matriarchal socialist dictatorship it was. If I had been more observant, I would've figured out why my lunch allowance was terminated since I had participated in the discussion years ago about Germany ( my suggestion ) or the U.S.A. ( Dad's suggestion ) as our target-country of migration ( I suppose that my Big Brother due to his friend and classmate having gone to the U.K. for graduate studies { he indirectly influenced me much with what he had left behind in reading materials and academic tools, probably due to having seen me reading my Big Brother's textbooks; he accurately predicted many years in advance my occupation! } would have suggested the U.K. but I don't really recall that because he was probably still at work at the time when the discussion took place.) It's not good enough to have a lofty goal. It's important to devise and have the courage and persistence to pay for and carry out a feasible plan to its fruition. "You campaign in poetry. You govern in prose." didn't quite cut it for Obamacare due to the Demonkrapts' corrupt practices. I say, "Campaign with a vision but govern with grit." The wherewithals make success possible. Neither my Mom's Socialism nor Grandpa's { i.e. Dad's Dad's } socialist largesse "ran out of other people's money" because they used their own { she used my lunch allowance, too.} Socialist states which have run out of other people's money and try to suppress Socialism's failures are hellish to live in or with ( guess what these states are.) I don't fear "Socialism" or "dictatorship" as much as some other people ( e.g. Medicare-for-all as the default healthcare option is probably good for the U.S. because a nanny state which cares for all can be good despite the ignorance of some beneficiaries; e.g. I favor disallowing, for health, the freedom of the children who had played in the neighborhood garbage dumps not to wash their hands with soap and water before eating their lunches ) because of my experience with my Mom. She gave me and my Big Brother much freedom but more leeway to me which my Big Brother called "favoritism" but I think that it was likely due to my stabilizing effect on our family ( Mom herself told me so regarding my beneficial influence on Dad's mellowing since he loved me for being in some sense the nuclear-bomb-age ¿Peace? capstone of our reunited family which had been torn apart by many years of wars and revolutions and preposterous accusations and animosity eventually overcome by the sacrifices of the unsung heroes and heroines acting in Mercy and Grace; I could date my parents' quarrels fairly well by the James Bond movies my Big Brother and I went away from home to watch as they argued with each other, sometimes about family finances because Mom told me of her piling on Dad once when he wasn't a loser but took much risk; although she could get furious if we, her two boys, tried to deceive her, she never gave any "loser" a hard time; yep, I was definitely a "loser" at times; although she didn't punish me for my Tora! Tora! Tora! I got it that I had terribly misbehaved.)

Reducing surplus labor tends to increase wages so population control through birth control, ¿pornography?, masturbation, diseases, famines, wars, accidents, stresses, smoking, alcoholism, drug abuse, accelerated aging, and immigration/emigration etc. is a viable means. The most important one of all is women's power because women have the gates to birthing between their legs so more women's power to keep their legs closed in any of many different ways will lead eventually to increased wages by alleviating the competition for livelihood in the race to the bottom.

Patriarchs largely agree that self determination by women is a bad thing, due to its being contrary to the Will of the Supreme Fascist who had created women to serve men's animal needs. My research in the Bible indicates that Eve had probably been made out of a spare rib of Adam, near to his heart but far from his brain. Ripping a piece out of Adam who had been created in the image of the Supreme Fascist made him infertile, transperfect ( 畫蛇添足, 画蛇添足 ) and fallible, with election candidates barred as in Moscow, via his ¿porcine? desire for completion with Eve as she was, "the bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh." Sin entered via the weaker sex. Women who were created in response to Adam's wish to become paired like the animals, having a mate, thus became the origin of all of men's faults. That's why some societies stoned the women who had been raped. It's obvious that the women had exposed themselves, lured and aroused men to their animal instincts ( the craving for the feeling of eternal life via fertility, perfection, and infallibility originally bestowed upon them for ruling over all of the Supreme Fascist's Creation.) Fascism is great, even years ago when epilepsy seized the turkey's butt plug in East Turkestan. Amen.

[-] -1 points by grapes (5232) 5 years ago

We should lock up all of the child kidnappers and terrorists. They are easily identifiable by using my Mom's criterion of their having downward-pointing nostrils. I used her criterion while I was roaming as a kid around my "birthplace of the wooden gods" shantytown and our many square miles of "backyard playground" beyond it. I've never been kidnapped or terrorized. It worked!

I frankly can't understand why our Afghan and Iraq wars could drag on for so long because we really only needed to shoot dead all of those people whose nostrils were pointing downwards so that their nostrils point sideways. In yet another c0untry, turkeys are planning to flock in to peck at the debris to be left behind by the DT-ed P. americana.

It is not necessary to succeed in order to persevere. As long as there is a margin of 
hope, however narrow, we have no choice but to base all our actions on that margin. 
America and Russia have one interest in common which may override all their other 
interests: to be able to live with the bomb without getting into an all-out war that neither 
of them wants.
As quoted in "Some Szilardisms on War, Fame, Peace", LIFE‎ magazine, Vol. 51, no. 9 (1 
September 1961), p. 79

obtained from the wikiquote article about a former student of Albert Einstein's who had probably convinced Einstein to seek asylum in the U.S.A. and thereby spared him from the Nazis' { death camps perhaps? } Einstein subsequently succeeded in becoming a refugee in the U.S.A.

It's why I don't need an AK to shoot at the legs of the asylum seekers. Just imagine Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi, John von Neumann, Leó Szilárd, Edward Teller, Theodore von Kármán, etc. being shot dead, crippled, or even worse driven to work on the Red Team against us. All of them became refugees in the U.S.A. (a modern-day lunatic [ saner than insane, though old-fashioned ] asylum [ of creativity, idiocy { a "moron" may just be a flattery,} or both? ] ! ) Many of them form the nuclei of the intellectual, scientific, and technological foundation for the U.S. postwar defense supremacy.

Peace and prosperity are what we seek but if wars of all kinds stand in the way, so be it. "Eternal wars" are never "eternal." Bring them on! The earlier they start, the earlier they may be concluded. Martin Luther's Reformation took many centuries of wars to sort out the boundaries. Why should we think that we are any luckier than our forebears, now that Globalism's Greed has already broken down the walls of the infectious-disease-isolation ward?

When the British Navy had imposed a blockade on the North American colonies' harbors in reaction to the tit-for-tat involving primarily various tea-mercantile-trade-and-tax-related issues, the thirteen colonies in America sent delegates to confer with each other about how the colonies could or should respond, they being Christians instinctively agreed to say a prayer first to God before tackling the mightiest empire in existence. There they got stuck immediately because they were of different denominations and accustomed to saying different prayers. Eventually, even the radicals compromised and agreed to a prayer. If they couldn't even solve the problem of saying a common prayer, as the mighty British Empire crushed the colonies one by one, it would surely hang all of them as rebels separately (partly due to they and their colonies not hanging together in [the guerilla-warfare and collusion-with-France] resistance.) Here was the religious breakthrough of the U.S.A. which eventually became embodied in our First Amendment prohibiting the Congress from making the government religious.

The U.S. is the most religious country in the World and largely Christian but it's a pre-gallow-mutated materialistic ("God's work on Earth must truly be our own!") form of Christianity. Does it matter which particular prayer one has muttered before one takes on the fight against the mightiest empire in existence? Not really to our forebears, because saying the prayer needed to be gotten over with quickly, so out of that experience uniting thirteen then-colonies/later-states into one, came our motto: "Out-of-Many, One," "E PLURIBUS UNUM," etched on every coin and printed on every federal reserve note. The First Amendment created the accommodation space which much later worked well { despite Judaism not being a Christian denomination } with granting refuge to the Jewish scientists and intellectuals fleeing Nazism, amongst many others of different religious faiths. Christianity may be two thousands years old but U.S. Constitution-compliant Christianity is very modern, less than two-and-a-half centuries old.

Hmm, I've started wondering whether a bidét soaking could count as a baptism or a conversion to Christianity. Is there any church which takes bidét baptisms as being valid? How thoroughly must one be soaked for it to become valid? All of these can be useful information for the younger generation.

[-] 0 points by grapes (5232) 5 years ago

It's still a long way for the U.S. to catch up to Red China ( primarily Xinjiang but Hong Kong's peace may not last for long; Taiwan seems to be the best place { most linguistically and culturally compatible but risking being "reunified;" in tough times it's still better to be living with someone with guns should a shoot-out eventually happen; join the Taiwan military forces to learn fighting skills and become useful one day; WPTO will need frontline troops } to garrison Hongkongers on the frontline to retake the mainland; still remember 國民黨《反攻大陸》? every place that cannot retain its young people dies ) and the DPRK (apologize and pay the judgment penalty for the wrongful death of Auto Warmbeer as the slaveowner has much money from crushed-skull enterprises.) We have already had free-range death camps for a long while, though, because we still don't require exit visas of those people leaving the U.S. or its territories.

The BBC brings up the uncomfortable truths about human rights violations of the DPRK. It's a reason why the U.K. is a global superpower. Right is Might.

Cavemen may not understand how soft power can be stronger than the left-right-circumspect SR-71-monitored (Washington state can't be left behind for long without some radioactive tap water) Bam-Bam hard power (whose sa-usage leaves many deaths, injuries, much heartbreak, and destruction behind, actually being the result of a total power failure.) The U.K, Frau бабушка, has much soft power which has even trapped the overly aggressive most massive land carnivore of all !!!

I remember how as a three-year-old kid how greatly I enjoyed watching my Big Brother's pants being pulled down and having his plumpy butts spanked by Mom. With his attitude of "guilty until proven innocent" and "I really don't give a shit about the innocence of others," he "won BIG" and ¿BIGGER? butts because I, his little brother, had to return the girl next door's iridescent slipper. Hahaha!

Mom tried to beat a shit out of him. Even she failed.. butt... post pacem asinae!

[-] 0 points by BrentWeirick81 (-85) 5 years ago

Better than your man Obama. The average man is being protected. You guys just want your power back.

[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2557) from Fredericksburg, TX 5 years ago

Still kissing tRUMP's rump, ---

I'll give you it's a lot bigger ..."Better than your man Obama"... but you get no points from me for kissing anyone's ass.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 5 years ago

Still kissing tRUMP's rump, as U continue to imagine that U live in a democracy, whereas it is actually a demoCRAZY deMOCKERYcy, huh?! And howTF do U think Obummer Obomber - the Oblahblah is somehow my "man"?!! U are either a liar, or a vulgar propagandist, or can't think outside The Duopoly Delusion, if U think that the U$A's "average man is being protected" by tRUMP, The Repugnant GOP OR The Democraps!!! See links below, address the points in my first reply &/or try to go get a clue ...

et temet nosce!