Forum Post: This will be the lowest, maximum for Arctic sea ice in the record.
Posted 10 years ago on March 7, 2015, 3:55 p.m. EST by factsrfun
from Phoenix, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
You can check it here this is the most important and to be most under-reported story of the year. It will also be the earliest by eight days.
Update 5/20:
I apologize but I must make a correction, in 1996 the peak was reached on Feb. 24th, one day earlier than the Feb 25th of this year. In my defense I will say that the 1996 peak was much higher at 15.426 million sq km as opposed to 14.536 and so escaped my notice when looking at this.
I know this is hard to believe being on the U.S. East Coast; especially if one's up in Boston or New York, but actually this winter, globally, is one of the warmest on record. Thank global warming for all that ice and snow.
The jet stream has shifted and is pulling warm air from the pacific to the arctic and where it is cooled and comes down over the east coast. In years past it would pull that warm air across the states. As a result the arctic is having a huge melt year, we will see it develop over the year and it will be greatly under reported.
I understand global warming is causing the jet stream to meander more; that giving the effect that you say. We should anticipate seeing more crazy extreme hot and also extreme cold in the years to come.
Of course the 1% will blame it on volcanos instead of human action 'cause accepting responsibility for global warming affects is not good for their business.
We are all frogs in a simmering pot which is about to boil. I got an electric bike but now my job is too far to use it. I don't know for sure if had we elected Gore we could have changed it, but I know a party that called themselves "green" killed the planet, or at least sealed the deal, now the next hundred years will be catastrophic, looking forward between the GOP suppressing the vote and the Greens depressing the vote I see little reason for hope.
Crazy to think that the Prez most responsible for cutting U.S. hydrocarbon fuel consumption, and thus Greenhouse gases the most, more than any other Prezident, was George Bush; of all people. When oil prices went through the roof under his administration, U.S. oil consumption suddenly cut to half. Crazy but true.
BTW - those sky rocketing gas prices fed into the meltdown of 2007 -8 - 9- 10 - 11 -12 - 13 - 14 and - yes - continuing - as no one other than the rich criminal bastards who got bailed out (with public money) and the mega corp(se)oRATions who are outsourcing/off-shoring are doing well.
Personnally I'd like to see gasoline go to $10.00 a gallon.
Maybe then all them SUVs and monstor trucks will get off the road.
Personally I would like to see gas prices drop to $0.25 a gallon - then Fracking would be way to expensive a proposition to pursue. Other than that We need the public to change the marketplace by buying into alternative energy vehicles - demanding clean energy alternative.
No body is going to switch to alternative energy vehicles and stop using gasoline so long as the gasoline price is low. If the price of gasoline is at $10.00 a gallon, fracking would stop too because nobody is going to be buying any kind of gas and that includes fracked gas. Instead of people getting into alternative energy what is really needed is that people figure out the alternative to energy; i.e. to consume no energy at all.
the economics favor solar and stationary storage along with electric cars, in 2013 solar was the second largest addition to electric capacity in 2014 it was number one, I think we will stop using oil before we run out, we have to....
I don't think that that was an intentional goal of GWB - rather it was more a consequence of the sky high prices - you can have a supply - but if no one can afford it - you won't sell a lot. There is also the fact that in-spite of GWB and the fossil fuel assholes - the states were implementing wind turbines and solar cells.
I don't think reining in greenhouse emissions was ever on Geoge W.'s mind. Afterall it was he who said "America is addicted to oil. We must increase supply." I just have to chuckle at the fact of the matter. By raising oil prices and trashing the economy, George W. did help reduce greenhouse emissions more than anyone else. Them windmills are just a small fraction of our energy infrastucture to date. And considering what Obama did with covering up for B.P. for all the mess them goons made in the Gulf, its all pretty pathetic really.
''This Changes Everything'', by Naomi Klein ('No Logo' / 'Shock Doctrine')
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Good links, damn shame Nader couldn't find a difference between Al Gore and W Bush back in 2000. Honestly it is hard to say if anything can be done except move to higher ground now, maybe a couple of decades ago we had a chance, but you know people had such a hard time finding that difference.
You won't move on (.org?!) until you forgive Nader for trying to break the RandD-uopoly. Al Gore won that election. You, I, OWS and squillions know that BUT Gore just bottled it when Jim Baker and the Texass lawyers arrived in Florida. Al Gore was in the final analysis more loyal to his patrician, 0.01% class than he was to The 99%. I agree with and share your concerns about AGW and yes - it is now inevitable and so all about adaptation... BUT we have to stop doing more of the same yet somehow expecting different results - politically, as well as societally, industrially, environmentally and ecologically! Good luck to us.
As long as there are those like yourself working to elect the GOP we can never forget!
Let us save up for a summer luxury yacht trip to the Orient via the fabled Northwest Passage with both you and lugano onboard. Advertisements are sure to follow soon. I vote for visiting Fukushima's disabled reactor site to get some real peace and quiet in a true nature's preserve. We should climb Mount Kilimanjaro to see its tropical glacier before it disappears. We can gain perspective into what near eternity, solitude, and transience really mean. Goop and Slick might just be forgotten in the disappearing snow cap of the Sierra Nevada. Kumbaya, my Lord.
ah Grapes are my thoughts just too disruptive for you?
No, I understand the young fire-in-the-belly perfectly. I had been a fire-breathing dragon, too, when I was much younger. As I learnt more, I found out that drastic changes caused too much unnecessary suffering. If one can see farther into the future by understanding the past and present in exquisite crispiness of causes and effects, one can still get to the same destination by rounding the curves more gently.
Contrary to the stupid police propaganda that "Speed kills!" - physics says that "Acceleration kills!" Airplanes travel at high speeds but they kill far fewer people per mile traveled than automobiles. I hope that you had had a happy childhood owning a tricycle. That experience should have afforded you a better perspective about speed and acceleration. I love the pocket-rocket feel of a motorcycle on a wide-open road with wind whooshing by my ears on a warm sunny day. I don't mind speed but sudden acceleration is taboo.
Life is about achieving what is desirable and possible. Looking far beyond the possible and striving for what is a little bit beyond the possible often provide pleasant surprises. When the boundaries are blurred, the angst and angers decrease to allow rationality take the reins.
Keep on bleating like the Hillary worshipping Duopoly adickted Tribal Democrat that you are. Your allegiance is to them first and the 99% come a distant second. Btw.. Congress is dominated by a majority of millionaires who are, on average... fourteen times wealthier than the average American! DorR, elected pols are just Banker controlled stooges!
According to a scientific study by Princeton researchers... the United States of America is not the democracy that it purports to be - but rather an oligarchy, in which “economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy.” - see Obviously Saint Hillary of Clinton will be along in 18 month's time and address herself to all of that!
You love the GOP, you crave the GOP, the GOP gives your life meaning.
Admit it... you are not 100% well, right?
You are the one with Hillary stuck in your head, you do know Bernie is running too right?
You are a political hack here to build your own power base to feed your ego, nothing more.
10th track: (Tossing Shit)
As We have nothing to back-up our stated positions (opt-out fiction) - We will do our best to throw it back on ( put a lie on) any who would ask for details of our non-existent action plans (Ya know......those who put the lie - "to shine the light" - on our bullshit).
13th track: (Stinkle teaming away) "one of our very favorites - we can bully and manipulate the boards by teaming up to stinkle comments or twinkle our BS - but we really hate it if anyone calls us out on it - and it drives us insane if we are subjected to anything like it ourselves."
Stinkle teaming away Stinkle teaming away You know the nearer your proactive destination The more we’re gonna try to stinkle team you away
We know a man He came from my hometown He shared his passion for this world in deeds that needed to be done
He said, world, I live in fear My love for you’s so overpowering and I’m afraid that you will be disappeared”
We had stinkle teamed Him away Stinkle teamed Him away You know the nearer your proactive destination The more we’re gonna try to stinkle team you away
And, We know a woman Became an advocate to support life These are the very words she uses to describe her life She said, “A good day Ain’t got no stinkle team” She said, “A bad day’s when I lie in bed And think of things that should have been”
We had stinkle teamed Her away Stinkle teamed Her away You know the nearer your proactive destination The more we’re gonna try to stinkle team you away
And We know a father Who had a son He longed to tell him all the reasons For the things that needed be done He came a long way Just to explain He kissed his boy as he lay sleeping Then he turned around and headed home again
We had stinkle teamed Him away Stinkle teamed Him away You know the nearer your proactive destination The more we’re gonna try to stinkle team you away
We say "God only knows God makes his plan" We say "The information’s unavailable To the mortal man" We want You to work your jobs Collect your pay To believe you’re gliding down the highway When in fact you’ve been stinkle teamed away
Stinkle teaming away Stinkle teaming away You know the nearer your proactive destination The more we’re gonna try to stinkle team you away
OPEN LETTERS To The Fed. Gov. & The People :
13th track: (Stinkle teaming away) "one of our very favorites - we can bully and manipulate the boards by teaming up to stinkle comments or twinkle our BS - but we really hate it if anyone calls us out on it - and it drives us insane if we are subjected to anything like it ourselves."
Stinkle teaming away Stinkle teaming away You know the nearer your proactive destination The more we’re gonna try to stinkle team you away
20th track "(We really really really are not about Direct Democracy)"
As people could tell if only people paid attention to our activities
Lucky for us the people do not and so we can continue with our politi-speak = talking endlessly while saying "really" nothing at all - nothing of any value - see also: endlessly arguing circular "public self defeating" logic, tossing shit, spouting specious aspersions, trying to hide in the light, etc etc etc
Lucky thing that more people don't ask us why:
"Why don't you take over government for the people from within?"
"Seeing as you don't have a national party in place to successfully run your candidates in all 50 states - WHY don't you run your candidates as dems and reps?"
Well we would just have to say (and we do) that the people can't be successful that way. Better we say - if we all stay away - and just protest for government to get better.
We really do not want people to consider a possible winner by doing things like Bernie Sanders and run as a dem for a real chance to win - and have "more" people running on the issues where they can legitimately destroy their opponents in office or also running for office - by pointing out past voting records showing non support for the people - even showing active attacks on the people - or even calling on them to declare a public stance.
Gosh that would ruin our whole "public self defeating" circular do nothing opt out and just protest logic.
So how many ids do you think Shadz has on reserve?
I don't know and I don't care. See how incensed the stinkle teamers have been the last couple of days at having their BS busted up?
Oooops don't respond here as it would be off topic of this post - but you could respond here
I don't know if you watch this but the melt is full on and this year I believe we will hit a new low.
it least this thread isn't calling for war
if I get banned for calling attention to the planet melting, I'll take that hit, but in the spirit of the recent changes I should be more observant, thanks for pointing that out
The environment, another thing the investors do not care about.
"How to Die of Dumb" by William Rivers Pitt is a great article about Sen. Jim Inhofe and climate change denial but I'm also very sorry to say that a similar statement may be made about our own resident Democratic Party representative - who makes comments like this - without any sense of irony (or decency, IF you see what he said!) - for the fact that his nemesis,''The Greens'' - are actually pretty damn good on the fundamentals of Climate Issues!
It would appear the melt has already started, it will be the earliest and smallest maximum on the record.
The aquifer in Kenya will be replenished.
you think?
Aquifer will be replenished from the melt of the snow (Nevada) and ice of Mount (Sierra) Kilimanjaro. Warmer Atlantic Ocean increases water evaporation rate so there will likely be more water from the sky in tropical regions such as Congo and Kenya.
Climate deniers claimed that Global Warming is a hoax because there was more snow cover in East Antarctica. Hahaha!
A lot of rain across the south now, one of the wettest Mays ever here in AZ.
That is great. Our Great Lakes in Arizona will be replenished.
Greenland's sloughing ice
you could be correct if you haven't seen this it's five minutes
This is the full show footage of the ice sheets falling into the ocean.
They called it, it has been the lowest maximum:
(if only Nader could have found that difference....)
like a US bombing campaign, ice has melted down for decades
again we are back to Nader, the towers would still be standing, Saddam would still be in power, the debt would be paid off...if only he could have seen that difference.....