Forum Post: this site is like point,no news,no dirwction.
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 10, 2011, 11:21 p.m. EST by rroll1951
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I come on looking for what is being planned,we are we going...instead endless bickering with no one to pick up a good idea and run with it.
Let's all bitch about bitching and then talk about misogyny.
the occupation is a joke. keep make fools of yourselves
Let me help you out a little...the info you are looking for is in the "News" area.......Look up a little....under the fist...see the little thingy that says news?.....ahhhhh it
if thats all of the "news '" there is, then time to give up .too much room here for venting and rambling,and not enough organizing.
Look at the top of this page for what is being planned. That is the banner that says "Monday December 12th West Coast Solidarity. Occupy Strikes Back Fight Goldman Sachs or you can click here
Thats it ? Are you kidding me ? this site is pointless.Sure,its nice to vent,but no one is actually doing anything about an idea.
What do you mean "that is it", uh yeah that is it, almost daily action by thousands of organized people. This is not an organization with a leader, if you have some ideas on action plans we are all ears. you come here to criticise and not offer anything constructive then you are the one to blame for what you seem to not like about this site. This site has organized hundreds of protests and proposed legislation as well as countless off shoots doing amazing amounts of work. Bu tit sounds like you are just here to troll, if you seriously have something to contribute try starting a discussion thread that is constructive and offers up some well thought out ideas.
Go to a local occupation or start one yourself.
This forum is NOT OWS.
This forum has become so TROLL-INFESTED as to be VIRTUALLY AN ANTI-OWS HATE SITE.
It is, in its present state, shockingly unworthy of the Great Patriotic Movement that is OWS.
As my girfriend remarked: "OWS wants to take back the country but is unable to take back ITS OWN FORUM???"
C'MON, OWS, this forum is one of our major battlefields for the hearts and minds of the American people. Please make the Mod Team enforce the official moderating policies against TROLLING!
occupations are now pointless
THis forum IS the OWS website,and forum.
It's not. It's LIKE OWS. and surely for it to be called occupy wall st dot org(as in organization[ha!])
There is nothing planned. Maybe some concerts, breaking and entering... some groups actually get positive things done... By mid-winter, it should be dissolved.
The fact is, nobody knows how to get everyone wants and needs into one unified voice. One group wants one thing, another group wants something else. Even people in the same group can't agree. Then there's the fact that nobody can single anyone out. First they say "the rich", then it's "evil CEOs". But when someone says, not all CEO's are bad, then it's the CEO's that do bad things(every person on this planet does bad stuff at one point or another). No specific target, no leaders(for the most part), and no endgame.
you will be assimilated by the borg troll.
Sigh.... Really?
No not as you will.
9/11 was an inside job, newbie.
We might go here:
Sanders Proposed Constitutional Amendment:
Sanders Petition here:
Rep. Deutch's amendment discussed here:
and you can read repelican reaction here.