Forum Post: this is where I stand
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 10:09 p.m. EST by kennethwalter1
from Blaine, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
big business is not only choking america and its citizens, but is also choking the world by controlling markets, preventing vital advancements in fuel econemy like the fuel vapor carborator and hoarding all their money for meaningless items like fancy cars while billions suffer and starve, and the earths resources continue to be depleted with no current chance for change because of their greed
Very true, all for greed, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to support a Presidential Candidate Committee at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
end bush tax cuts , rebuild America bridges and roads , invest in middle class not banking class thats the occupy wall street message.
Stiglitz and Krugman know the way
The Solution can be found in a man of unwaivering consistency for over 30 years!
If you want to be taken seriously turn in your computer right now. You are literally burning coal with every key stroke. And that computer? Complements of corporate america.
I drove my car 2 miles and wasted the energy my computer uses in a year
And if you want to be taken seriously, address the points instead of attacking the speaker. Deny they control markets, control governments, and pollute while giving back the least they can get away with.
You may be right...but as long as you are addicted to their goods (your computer, Facebook, etc.) nothing will change
Which is why I have advocated shopping holidays, boycotting, even refusing to make Christmas purchases. A new friend has advocated yard gardens instead of grass. Proposing ideas takes only a little more energy than being flippant. It is also a way to input positive energy instead of negative divisiveness. And cutting ourselves off from communication is such a bad does not put the elements back in the ground.
Well I truly hope it works, I agree there are too many greedy people out there. But just remember where EVERYTHING around you comes from.
I live a very modest life, as materialism does nothing for me. I do think the computer is a worthwhile investment, however.
end bush tax cuts , rebuild America bridges and roads , invest in middle class not banking class thats the occupy wall street message.
Beware - according to many, that is not the OWS message. That actually sounds like the Obama message - er jobs bill - er campaign slogan...
er dont care what it sounds like but these things are what occupy wall street stands for.
There are some who support (or want to support) this movement that would disagree with your sentiment. In fact, the "first official release from OWS" doesn't really follow that:
This "unofficial collaborative list of demands" doesn't really match your opinion either:
And since the General Assembly hasn't released its official demands - I guess I'm just not sure where you are getting this. I've talked to a lot of people in the movement that don't really support Obama... just sayin'.
I say thats just spin that republicans inside the movement say which gives the media the right to assume that ows has no message and are wild they are the 99
So who can/do you trust inside the movement? If every post (no matter how logical or illogical it may seem) that differs from your opinion comes from some conspiratorial Republican plant, then who do you trust? Are you the official spokesperson for the movement? How/why should you be trusted?
There's a lot of people in this movement who in fact, dare i say it - don't want this movement to be a R versus D thing -- and here you are espousing the message of the current administration and wanting to see it a "D" thing... I don't know, that's a good way to turn off a potential well of support from the middle don't you think?
no clearly you are the one in question you read some things I stand for what the hell are yours then becuase you are misleading from the facts
Here's just a few (in no particular order):
Repeal the health care bill and implement sensible legislation that addresses the root of the health care problem (rising costs).
An end to empirical expansion and the move toward a one world governance. The United States IS and SHOULD REMAIN a sovereign nation. Withdraw membership from and all support to the U.N. and kick them out of NYC. Withdraw all treaty agreements that cedes sovereignty to any foreign entity. Stop all unconstitutional warring immediately.
Withdraw occupational military forces from the more than 130 nations in which we have troops deployed, bring them home and use the military for the intended purpose as outlined in the Constitution. National Defense.
Term limits for ALL elected officials.
Institute a ban on private funding of all elections.
But this isn't about me, now is it? This is about your claim to speak for the OWS movement, which I now find out is just your opinion (your words, not mine). I'm not misleading from anything. I'm simply discussing YOUR post, YOUR words, and YOUR opinion (to which you have assigned the utmost authority) -- so again I ask, how/why should you be trusted when your opinion is in contrast to many of the closest sources of the movement's?
this is tea peeper conspiracy not one time did you mention jobs you are no better than 9 11 truthers get rid of the UN One world are you the devil
Your retort is a non-thinking, adhominem attack, and one that I would expect from one of the sheep herded along with the rest.
The "jobs" problem starts somewhere right? Let's back up and actually try a little critical thinking here because I was hoping I was actually engaging with someone who could do it for him/herself, but obviously, I misjudged you. Sorry - it won't happen again.
I'll leave you to ponder this though - and maybe you'll see where my demands and your demands really do come together to serve a common purpose working toward a common goal... if not, it's your mental block, not mine. I'm open to rational discussion even with people like you who appear to think otherwise.
If the government did not spend beyond its means and operate in deficit spending mode all of the time, would it need to tax people more in order to finance its obligations? Billions of dollars are wasted every year on waste, fraud, and abuse, foreign interests, unconstitutional warring, unconstitutional federal level departments, empire building, subsidies, etc... Reduce government spending - the root of the problem. This will allow the government to not have to use threats of tax increases to raise revenue, create market stability and certainty, and encourage growth. Businesses are sitting on trillions in capital because market uncertainty is stifling their desire to spend it. Withdrawing treaties includes trade agreements that are forcing jobs overseas, and forcing the government to operate under china's terms of monetary manipulation - keeping us uncompetitive. Start at the root of the problem...
Funding bridge repairs is a short-term fix, but does nothing to inject capital for long-term growth - especially from a government that is already overspending as it is. FIX the ROOT of the problem and stop band-aiding.
Anyhow, like I said before, it's not about me, it's about you and your claim to speak for OWS with your opinion - and the fact that you outright reject my input even when I give you links to show you why I stated from the beginning where you are a bit off base with OWS leaders. But hey, you're like a dog pinned into a corner, biting back - I get it. I would imagine that since you refuse to address my questions earlier, then we're done talking. I can't make you drink the water, i can only lead you to the river.
then change your lifestyle