Forum Post: This is not going well
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 7:58 a.m. EST by timeisnow
from Rockford, IL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
When Presidential candidate Herman Cain came out and called the protestors lazy and unimportant people that just wanted hand outs, the media fell in love with him. Now we get to here this * name over and over again. The Media will not support us and will anyone on tv that does not. They will misrepresent, dismiss the facts, not show the police brutality in the cities, and run us to the ground by making us look like lazy drug addicts just looking for free money.
Many people in these protest want different things not just money. Let's start with the 1% just paying taxes, that would be a start. When low income families that do work can barely offord to live in this debacle we call a democracy, we pay a higher percentage of taxes then the rich. Our government tries to boost the economy by giving them billions of our dollars that they just put in a bank to make them more wealthy.
Americans do buy into all the garbage that fox news and other media put out there, And yes a lot of the 99% do. When i watch the stuff they say and the people they put on there it just makes me sick. The government and the media are telling us were idiots right to our face and that we would be nothing without our corrupted politicians or the fat cats on wall street.
Most Americans, 99%, will beleive the media and the garbage that they report. The movement will be destroyed. Then we can all go back to being slave zombies that dont mean anything to our government other than votes, or the rich other then figuring out how to get the rest of our money.
Fact is we need something big to happen, something that will wake up america and the rest of the world. The world is wrong, the people that run it are wrong, but they have every advantage...Until we really can wake up the 99%
Something big IS happening. This movement is spreading like wildfire. We don't have to worry. Let's not rush things. Here's why
Bad Cop No Donut !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are something big that is happening. You want to change minds? Go to the news articles online that misrepresent us and show them otherwise. Be respectful and act like an adult while correcting the facts.
A lot of trolls out there attempt to drag us into arguments. Remember, you would not be arguing with just them, but with everyone that reads your comments later. Reply with hatred and people will judge you by that. Take the high road, it demands respect.
Here is an blog post on Forbes website about an interview I gave.
We can affect things!
First, it's wrong of you to group 99% of Americans into one group. You think the media is the only group that skews the news? If I understand correctly, the OWSers are NOT in the income demographic that puts them in the top 1% of wealth holders. So how in the world does that give them/you the right to tell the world you represent 99% of the people???
I've created a platform for voters to VOTE on a revolution - it is a true democratic process to address what a large group of voters would want. But even within this democratic process, it would take only about 30% of the voters to create a revolution - I'll never claim we represent 99%...
N-O. You can't "vote" change into a corrupt system. It doesn't even matter how great or not great the person is. A corrupt system has to be dismantled and rebuilt.
that's the point of my candidacy holly-maria
spend some time at to understand.
We should take the media's blackout and then slander approach to mean WE ARE GETTING SOMEWHERE. I would state the Ghandi quote, but I'm sure you've all heard it. We are at the "mocking" stage. Soon we will be at the hating/fighting stage. "Then they listen." THIS IS EXPECTED. DON'T STOP.
Thanks for the concern.
Who cares what the media thinks? BE THE MEDIA. We cannot allow them to dictate the agenda. When something happens that they didn't report on but should of, take a sign down a busy intersection and show every car that drives by. And who cares about the naysayers in the forum either... this is the internet. Trolling is par for the course, no matter what the cause is.
The media fell in love with Herman Cain when he beat out Mittens and Perry in the Florida poll. I find it a strength that he's come out swinging and dismissive. We're not a mob, and we don't want Cadillacs. The movement is growing. You're able to see beyond the Fox hoopla; I am; a bunch of other people camping in our cities are; we're not so special. Herman Cain's in the 1% - of course he's scared of this movement, and needs to attack it.