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Forum Post: This Is Hysterical

Posted 10 years ago on April 15, 2014, 9:11 a.m. EST by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

In light of my recent conversation with shadz66 - which you may find here I felt it worthwhile to kick back, and have a relaxing and fun filled moment laughing at the hilarity of

. . . Dust Bowl Libertarian Ignorance and Stupidity . . .


scumbag libertarians



Patrick Buchanan: in the sick bastards own words


  1. On race relations in the late 1940s and early 1950s: "There were no politics to polarize us then, to magnify every slight. The 'negroes' of Washington had their public schools, restaurants, bars, movie houses, playgrounds and churches; and we had ours."
  1. Buchanan, who opposed virtually every civil rights law and court decision of the last 30 years, published FBI smears of Martin Luther King Jr. as his own editorials in the St. Louis Globe Democrat in the mid-1960s. "We were among Hoover's conduits to the American people,"

    • opposed virtually every civil rights law and court decision of the last 30 years
  2. In a September 1993 speech to the Christian Coalition, Buchanan described multiculturalism as "an across-the-board assault on our Anglo-American heritage."

- **September 1993: "an across-the-board assault on our Anglo-American heritage."**
  1. "If we had to take a million immigrants in, say Zulus, next year, or Englishmen, and put them up in Virginia, what group would be easier to assimilate and would cause less problems for the people of Virginia?" ("This Week With David Brinkley," 1/8/91)
  1. **Writing of "group fantasies of martyrdom," Buchanan challenged the historical record that thousands of Jews were gassed to death by diesel exhaust at Treblinka: "Diesel engines do not emit enough carbon monoxide to kill anybody."
- **"Diesel engines do not emit enough carbon monoxide to kill anybody."**
  1. In a 1972 memo to Richard Nixon, Buchanan referred to one of George McGovern's leading financial contributors as a "screaming fairy."
  1. In a 1977 column urging a "thrashing" of gay groups, Buchanan wrote: "Homosexuality is not a civil right. Its rise almost always is accompanied, as in the Weimar Republic, with a decay of society and a collapse of its basic cinder block, the family." (New Republic, 3/30/92)
  1. Attacking what he considers the "democratist temptation, the worship of democracy as a form of governance," Buchanan commented: "Like all idolatries, democratism substitutes a false god for the real, a love of process for a love of country." (Patrick J. Buchanan: From the Right, newsletter, Spring/90)
- **"Like all idolatries, democratism substitutes a false god for the real, a love of process for a love of country."**
  1. In Right from the Beginning, Buchanan refers to Spanish dictator Francisco Franco as a "Catholic savior." He called Franco, along with Chile's Gen. Pinochet, "soldier-patriots.
- **He called Franco, along with Chile's Gen. Pinochet, "soldier-patriots!**
  1. Buchanan devotes a chapter of his autobiography -- "As We Remember Joe" -- to defending Senator Joe McCarthy.
- *an entire chapter!* ** to defending Senator Joe McCarthy!**

shadz66 on Pat Buchanan back in February:

U'll recognize that it's from an 'Old School Conservative' - NOT a Neocon or a Neoliberal and sadly these days an 'OSC' can sound and be more 'radical & pro-99%' - than what passes for 'liberal' in USUK etc. !!

yeah-ya - old school conservatives - racist, xenophobic, authoritarian, homophobic, and completely content with torture and assassination throughout every nation in South America that dares attempt any form of socialism . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . stupid fuking repelicans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

< ~ ahem ~ >


"How Bill Kristol Purged the Arabists", by Patrick J. Buchanan.

Posted 1 year ago on May 30, 2012, 12:20 p.m. EST by shadz66 (18104)

Unbelievable. This shady shadz66 is not going to convince me that he has - or had - no idea this Puchanan is a racist right wing xenophobic libertarian conservative fuck. He's been posting him for the last two years . . . and he had no idea . . .

No Way. No. Fucking. Way.

The proof is at the bottom of the article, the final paragraph of copied text. It makes an unmistakeable declaration: shadz is a libertarian liar and one percent crier for hire. No serious Anarchist of the kind shadz purports to be would post anything containing this as a closing statement:

Patrick Buchanan has been a senior advisor to three Presidents, a two-time candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, and was the presidential nominee of the Reform Party in 2000.



Read the Rules
[-] 3 points by Fresh1 (7) 10 years ago

Not funny. Not effective. This convinces nobody of anything. Please, what is your point? That man influences nothing.






[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

This was the Pat Buchanan piece that I copied for Mr.Dog and which he singularly failed to address & so it is copied here in its entirety for more objective and less parDisan consideration but that sure is a funny RP video tho' - 'Ron Lol' more like - watch it and giggle, then read the short article & get serious :

  • ''Resist the War Party on Crimea'', by Patrick J. Buchanan :

With Vladimir Putin’s dispatch of Russian troops into Crimea, our war hawks are breathing fire. Russophobia is rampant and the op-ed pages are ablaze here. Barack Obama should tune them out, and reflect on how Cold War presidents dealt with far graver clashes with Moscow.

When Red Army tank divisions crushed the Hungarian freedom fighters in 1956, killing 50,000, Eisenhower did not lift a finger. When Khrushchev built the Berlin Wall, JFK went to Berlin and gave a speech. When Warsaw Pact troops crushed the Prague Spring in 1968, LBJ did nothing. When, Moscow ordered Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski to smash Solidarity, Ronald Reagan refused to put Warsaw in default. These presidents saw no vital U.S. interest imperiled in these Soviet actions, however brutal. They sensed that time was on our side in the Cold War. And history has proven them right.

What is the U.S. vital interest in Crimea? Zero. From Catherine the Great to Khrushchev, the peninsula belonged to Russia. The people of Crimea are 60 percent ethnic Russians. And should Crimea vote to secede from Ukraine, upon what moral ground would we stand to deny them the right, when we bombed Serbia for 78 days to bring about the secession of Kosovo? Across Europe, nations have been breaking apart since the end of the Cold War. Out of the Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia came 24 nations. Scotland is voting on secession this year. Catalonia may be next.

Yet, today, we have the Wall Street Journal describing Russia’s sending of soldiers to occupy airfields in Ukraine as a “blitzkrieg” that “brings the threat of war to the heart of Europe,” though Crimea is east even of what we used to call Eastern Europe. The Journal wants the aircraft carrier George H. W. Bush sent to the Eastern Mediterranean and warships of the U.S. Sixth Fleet sent into the Black Sea. But why? We have no alliance that mandates our fighting Russia over Crimea. We have no vital interest there. Why send a flotilla other than to act tough, escalate the crisis and risk a clash?

The Washington Post calls Putin’s move a “naked act of armed aggression in the center of Europe.” The Crimea is in the center of Europe? We are paying a price for our failure to teach geography. The Post also urges an ultimatum to Putin: Get out of Crimea, or we impose sanctions that could “sink the Russian financial system.” While we and the EU could cripple Russia’s economy and bring down her banks, is this wise? What if Moscow responds by cutting off credits to Ukraine, calling in Kiev’s debts, refusing to buy her goods and raising the price of oil and gas?

This would leave the EU and us with responsibility for a basket-case nation the size of France and four times as populous as Greece. Are Angela Merkel and the EU ready to take on that load, after bailing out the PIIGS—Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain?

If we push Russia out of the tent, to whom do we think Putin will turn, if not China?

This is not a call to ignore what is going on, but to understand it and act in the long-term interests of the United States. Putin’s actions, though unsettling, are not irrational. After he won the competition for Ukraine to join his customs union, by bumping a timid EU out of the game with $15 billion cash offer plus subsidized oil and gas to Kiev, he saw his victory stolen.

Crowds formed in Maidan Square, set up barricades, battled police with clubs and Molotov cocktails, forced the elected president Viktor Yanukovych into one capitulation after another, and then overthrew him, ran him out of the country, impeached him, seized parliament, downgraded the Russian language, and declared Ukraine part of Europe. To Americans this may look like democracy in action. To Moscow it has the aspect of a successful Beer Hall Putsch, with even Western journalists conceding there were neo-Nazis in Maidan Square. In Crimea and eastern Ukraine, ethnic Russians saw a president they elected and a party they supported overthrown and replaced by parties and politicians hostile to a Russia with which they have deep historical, religious, cultural and ancestral ties.

Yet Putin is taking a serious risk. If Russia annexes Crimea, no major nation will recognize it as legitimate, and he could lose the rest of Ukraine forever. Should he slice off and annex eastern Ukraine, he could ignite a civil war and second Cold War. Time is not necessarily on Putin’s side here. John Kerry could be right on that. But as for the hawkish howls, to have Ukraine and Georgia brought into NATO, that would give these nations, deep inside Russia’s space, the kind of war guarantees the Kaiser gave Austria in 1914 and the Brits gave the Polish colonels in March 1939.

Those war guarantees led to two world wars, which historians may yet conclude were the death blows of Western civilization.

fiat lux et fiat pax ...


[-] 2 points by Fresh1 (7) 10 years ago

WTF is wrong with you?








[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Which ''Nazi occupied nation'' ?! Which 'Nazis' ?!! PB's warblings on other matters are of li'l interest to me and I'm certainly not using him ''as a compass'' lol, however I will use his 'Anti-War & Empire' words, especially to show any 'ever conservative Americans' that War & Empire can be opposed by them too !!!

You display the distinct zealotry (of Zen, lol) of the recently {semi}-converted - whilst still unable to shed the deeper [MSM induced] programming of a life time of deep programming. Having been taken to shake 'Tricky' Nixon's hand as a child and having once voted for a 'Republican' probably doesn't help overcome your internal conflict between your pseudo-progressive head and your small 'c', conservative heart.

This is what leads you to erroneously believe that Hitlary Clinton would be good for the US or Global, 99% ! Nope !! She's a creature OF the system and a Neocon, Neoliberal, 0.01% Oligarch Stooge !!!

e tenbris, lux ...


[-] 4 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

There is NO ''defense of a man'' nor any ''taking direction'' fool and d'you think Hitlary disapproves of any of the above ?!!! You're a going no-where-fast, stuck record !! You are also seriously in danger of boring me on this 'Good Friday' - but you do get kudos for mentioning Pablo Neruda ! Now coolly consider ...

fiat justitia et fiat pax ...


[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

No ''leaf'' dolt ... just information .. as usual. I never said I was a ''fan'' and I always preferred Gabriel Garcia Marquez [RiP] :

requiescat in pace ...

[-] 0 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

parDisan - I like it. well maybe not - it seems so infantile to do such things on this site. a serious non partisan site run by radicals. that is what it says at the bottom right? who would do something so silly and pointless - like republishits, or democraps and even worse to put in a capital letter - so stUpid. who would do such a thing - only someone infantilized by the elite education and propaganda system to believe in a system of voting where the population is asked to ratify elite decision making. by the way check out the domhoff video I posted on "who rules America" - points out the two party duopoly. also I just listened to a project censored report about Rwanda and how both bush 1 and Clinton are really responsible for what went on their. showing once again - for those who cannot see what is in front of their nose - how both parties agree on most of what goes on in the country and the world.

[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

I think that you'll gain from reading this, given the tone and timbre of your thoughtful comment :

multum in parvo ...

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

looks really interesting - no time to read it now - thanks

[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Save it for later and I do suggest tandeming it with the following :

fiat lux et fiat pax ...

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

also very interesting - what are you trying to do?? I have no time as it is - seems I spend all my time responding to the hunters of Nazis and foul mouthed dogs with brown toenails (that's what it seems from what I am reading). now you want me to read more info that shows the complicity of both parties in the American empire - no please no! just heard this from Webster tarply - he is giving the history of the formation of ukriane and it's german Nazi roots. I wonder if the great white hunter (of Nazis) will go there and confront them - do you think? anyway he quoted this latin phrase -principiis obsta (et respice finem) - made me think (fondly) of you!

[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

''Resist the beginning and remember the outcomes'' - I do like that. It's good advice really. Post what is important. Not sure about Webster Tarply but 'Stepan Bandera' is a name to juggle with in this context :

But save the reading .. it's Easter dude !!! Go crack an egg !! Solidarity !

pax, amor et lux ; hic, nunc et semper ...

[-] 3 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

Right on. Thanks


[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

I wasn't talking to you or didn't you notice that? since you are here (don't you work?) by - extra-judicial murder, assassination - I assume you are referring to our fearless leader and his assassination agenda - The Obama administration’s assassination of two U.S. citizens in 2011, Anwar al-Awlaki and his 16-year-old Denver-born son Abdulrahman, is a central part of Jeremy Scahill’s new book, "Dirty Wars: The World Is a Battlefield." The book is based on years of reporting on U.S. secret operations in Yemen, Somalia and Afghanistan. While the Obama administration has defended the killing of Anwar, it has never publicly explained why Abdulrahman was targeted in a separate drone strike two weeks later. Scahill reveals CIA Director John Brennan, Obama’s former senior adviser on counterterrorism and homeland security, suspected that the teenager had been killed "intentionally." "The idea that you can simply have one branch of government unilaterally and in secret declare that an American citizen should be executed or assassinated without having to present any evidence whatsoever, to me, is a — we should view that with great sobriety about the implications for our country," says Scahill, national security correspondent for The Nation magazine.

[-] 3 points by nazihunter (215) 10 years ago

These guys are being too tough on you. Just because you hate Obama and Kennedy and love Nixon and Schultzey and Bush and you won't take on the right about any of their bullshit, doesn't mean you're a Nazi. I mean you scolded those mean Ukrainians for their anti-semitic remarks. So, what right? That doesn't mean you're good at the same kind of double talk we've come to expect from the right. No? OK, Now you say Kennedy likes the 1%? Their tax rate was 70% when Kennedy was president. Baddd argument. So, you're a guy showing a whole lot of partiality saying there's no difference between the twp parties? It's like saying because you have tits and a vagina, it doesn't make you a woman I mean it could be, it's just not very likely. Come on, just go on Breitbart a couple times and shit all over them. Just a couple times If you can't even earn a little street cred, what are we supposed to think?

[-] -1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

sorry that your reading comprehension and logic skills are not up to speed. just because I said Nixon was better in domestic policy than Obama or Clinton doesn't mean I like him. just stating a fact. as to Nazis - you are the hunter - you should know this already - everyone does but not you??
Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis. Stepan Bandera and the Legacy of World War II

By George Eliason

Global Research, March 17, 2014


EU politicians that supported the Maidan Revolution are voicing concerns bordering on fear about how much control Ultra Nationalists have over the government in Kiev. Chancellor Merkel’s government is telling her she can no longer afford to ignore the Ultra Nationalists in Ukraine. They are scared Germany will be responsible for setting up a new Reich. It’s time to strip away the rest of the veneer and take a look at what’s really there.

Forget about the Nazi symbolism, and ultra-nationalist exuberance. I will even grant supporters of the current government that much.

Every important ministry, from education and social policy to policing, prosecution and national defense, is headed by Ultra Nationalists. In every aspect of national life, Ultra Nationalists now determine what it means to be Ukrainian and all the policies needed to enforce it.

Even Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk falls among this moderate majority. For generations his own family has had a proud tradition of service to the Ultra- Nationalist cause and has won awards for their service. Before Maidan it hurt his chances for election. After Maidan he didn’t need to worry about election.

What is Scary

In an OpEd in the LA Times, entitled “Ukraine’s Threat from Within,” Director of the School of International Relations at USC Robert English very concisely warns that “the way Ukrainian Ultra Nationalists whitewash Bandera history, which is their past, makes the present and future all that much more scary.”

The Banderas, or Banderites, are activists in the Ukrainian Ultra Nationalist movement that is now in control of the government in Ukraine. Under the militant leadership of Stepan Bandera in World War II, the ultra-nationalists organized the Ukrainian Waffen SS Galician, Nichtengall, and Roland Divisions that collaborated with the Nazis and were responsible for the genocide of over 500,000 people. Following the war, however, Ukrainian Nazis were the only group to escape trial at Nuremburg for crimes against humanity. Moreover, neither the Banderas, the Ukrainian Waffen SS, nor any other Ukrainian collaborators have ever apologized for their participation in genocide.

In the landmark work on the subject , Genocide Committed by Ukrainian Nationalists on the Polish Population During World War II, Ryszard Szawlowski characterizes it this way:

“…the Germans have long admitted to their crimes, and have apologized for them publicly …. [The] president of the Federal Republic of Germany, Roman Herzog, [said] in his speech in Warsaw on August 1, 1994 … ‘I bow before the fighters of the Warsaw Uprising, and before all the Polish war victims. I beg forgiveness for what the Germans did.’ Russian president Boris Yeltsin, when he kissed monsignor Zdzislaw Peszkowski on the hand, whispered the words ‘I apologize’ ….

“Ukrainian genocide committed against the Poles during World War II surpassed German and Soviet genocide …. [It] was marked by the utmost ruthlessness and barbarity, and … up until the present day, it has been denied or, at best, presented with reminders that all is “relative’ or other such evasions.”

[-] 3 points by nazihunter (215) 10 years ago

Ohhhh, I think you like Nixon. While you're pissing all over Obama, you seem very skittish about the right. You know what skittish means? If you're an anarchist, pisssssssss all over Dick. Come on, just do it. You're going on about Ukraine is a ruise. Remember the IOWA tests? I did just fine in reading comprehension. Oh, you don't believe in education. Forgot. Sorry. This isn't about Ukraine, sorry. This is about you. You're insulting everyone who disagrees with you. You're shitting on Democrats continually while giving a pass to your rightie lovers. You're to discourage dissenting opinion. Then you turn and call yourself an anarchist? I think not. You can discount it 99.999% and offer incentives even. I ain't buying.

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

have you noticed that you do not (really I should say cannot) respond to what is written but want to continue on your own not so logical path? my first response was to shadz and that was about Clinton's (and others yes I agree) complicity in the Rwandan genocide. the next one was to the dog boy and was about Obama's assassination of American citizens (among many others). the latest one was about the Nazis in positions of power in Ukraine - would you like to comment on any of the above. no you can't without showing your hand Nazi hunter. and just when I thought we had come to the point of reasonable discussion. just so you know - I ain't selling!

[-] 2 points by nazihunter (215) 10 years ago

I think I did. What is my hand? You're not selling? Really? You seem to be pushing pretty hard to me. Reasonable discussion would involve agreeing with you. I can't agree with someone who talks about a 2-party duopoly and then places 99% of his attacks to one side. Then you just get mad and insult people who don't agree with you. But, you see, we have to...because you're WRONG!

[-] 0 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

you are right that much of what I post is an attempt to balance the democratic partisans here. this is a radical site - don't you know. an equal opportunity critic of BOTH parties. radical - says so at the bottom. had you been to zuccotti you would understand better. there were plenty of your type there but they were forced into civil discussions and because of that forced into the background when nobody would agree with their democratic party shilling. no I am not wrong about the things we disagree on. we agree on much I am sure (sorry if that insults you) - the supreme court sucks - the extreme radical right is insane but they don't really scare me. the mainstream "liberals" scare me since they are in power and do not seem able to keep from destroying the world. but you are becoming very boring and I should have known from the get go - who the hell would puff out their chest and proclaim that they are a nazihunter when all they do is sit in their office and write dopey shit on a radical website - childish. go find some - I will pay for the flight

[-] 2 points by nazihunter (215) 10 years ago

I'm not a democrat. Doesn't matter what it says at the bottom. Your bitching is all to one side. I know I'll regret asking this, but 'why do the mainstream liberals scare you?'

[-] 0 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

hey, how about Haiti - that is a really good one. most people do not know the shameful disgusting things Clinton did there. disgusting - or maybe Yugoslavia - another place where the mainstream elite media has completely misled the educated part of the population - the "political class." I was going to mention something about kennedy but I will not - no need to try to annoy you - I seem to do that by the mere act of breathing!

[-] 0 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

where should I start - korea, Vietnam, nafta, Iraq sanctions, tpp, drones, Haiti, hugo chavez, fidel, - the driving down of the middle class and the poor while funneling money to the rich by both parties (now you can make the case that the dems do it slower than the gop and I wont argue too much but still). not sure which one I should take on first - what do you think. how should we proceed? or maybe you know from the list exactly what I mean. an you are not a democrat? I am a bit surprised though I did not make an assumption like some here. then what are you - a radical anarchist or "independent" - a weak term don't you think. I like this type of non insult conversation more than our usual - just in case you were wondering

[-] 2 points by nazihunter (215) 10 years ago

Sure, start with Haiti. Mention Kennedy if you want. The problem is you didn't address the fact that the elite had a nice high rate of taxation that didn't change, whilst under successive pugs their tax rate more than halved. Oops! Nothing scary there. Now they pay the least. You didn't discuss that inflation was next to nil under Kennedy while it went to the wind under Nixon and was double-digit by the time Reagan made it to office. You see, the right wing crimes are so numerous and vile, funk & wagnells would need to recruit everybody on the internet to get them down. Insidious, yes, that is the word. They are a most vile bunch. But, go ahead, you want to talk about the democrats. So, tell us about Haiti, I'm listening.

[-] 2 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

now I know it is a lot to read so don't fell obligated - do some looking yourself and you should find all you need to know to indict Wilson, daddy bush and Clinton - check out papa doc and all other presidentsI was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. in between will be found complicit - but look up smedley butler - "

[-] 2 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

is it your reading skills that are weak or your memory - don't make me look it up again - I waste too much time on you. kennedy dropped the top rate from 91 to 70% and many on the left criticized his plan for the fact that most of the tax breaks went to the rich. I will give you that Nixon and Vietnam were in large part responsible for high inflation but inflation is a good thing no - not hyper inflation but isn't the Obama admin trying to crank up inflation? doesn't inflation (moderate that is - don't put words in my mouth - not that you ever would!) redistribute wealth?? it is the bankers and the bond holders who hate inflation since it erodes their wealth. I lived and worked through the inflation of the 70's and life was good. my wages went up. the value of my house went up and my mortgage payment went down! nice! the crimes of Nixon are similar to those of Clinton and Obama - the number of dead is higher for dick but the crimes are similar. ..............................................as to Haiti - wow - do you really need to be educated on the crimes of the u.s. against Haiti. we can start with smedley butler form the years of another great liberal president, Wilson - "I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents." .......................................let's move past the papa doc years ( I hate to bore you with long winded pieces) to the clinton years. since you are good at research I will leave to you to flesh out the details but Clinton squeezed that poor country or more accurately thee poor people in it causing much death and suffering. as usual for the brown people of the world. a good place to start your research is Emmanuel Constant. I will give you a heads start - "After the 1994 U.S. and UN-led multinational occupation restored Aristide to power, Constant escaped to the U.S.. He was detained by INS officials in 1995 and prepared to be deported to Haïti to stand trial for involvement in the Raboteau Massacre.[1] However, in a December 1995 interview with Ed Bradley on 60 Minutes, Constant threatened to divulge secrets about his relationship with the CIA during the early '90s. In May 1996, after receiving Constant's threat, and intelligence that there was a plot to assassinate him should he return to Haïti, the Clinton administration ordered the INS to release Constant.".............and what happened after Clinton released him?? ...................again from wiki - Following the violence at the aborted national elections of 1987, the 1990 elections were approached with caution. Aristide announced his candidacy for the presidency. Following a six-week campaign, during which he dubbed his followers the "Front National pour le Changement et la Démocratie" (National Front for Change and Democracy, or FNCD), the "little priest" was elected President in 1990 with 67% of the vote in what is generally recognized as the first honest election in Haitian history. However, just eight months into his Presidency he was overthrown by a bloody military coup. He broke from FNCD and created the Struggling People's Organization (OPL,Organisation Politique "Lavalas") – "the flood" or "torrent" in Kréyòl.

A coup attempt against Aristide had taken place on 6 January, even before his inauguration, when Roger Lafontant, a Tonton Macoute leader under Duvalier, seized the provisional President Ertha Pascal-Trouillot and declared himself President. After large numbers of Aristide supporters filled the streets in protest and Lafontant attempted to declare martial law, the Army crushed the incipient coup.[28]

During Aristide's short-lived first period in office, he attempted to carry out substantial reforms, which brought passionate opposition from Haiti's business and military elite.[29] He sought to bring the military under civilian control, retiring the Commander in Chief of the Army Hérard Abraham, initiated investigations of human rights violations, and brought to trial several Tontons Macoute who had not fled the country.[29] He also banned the emigration of many well known Haitians until their bank accounts had been examined.[29] His relationship with the National Assembly soon deteriorated, and he attempted repeatedly to bypass it on judicial, Cabinet and ambassadorial appointments.[29] His nomination of his close friend and political ally, René Préval, as Prime Minister, provoked severe criticism from political opponents overlooked, and the National Assembly threatened a no-confidence vote against Préval in August 1991. This led to a crowd of at least 2000 at the National Palace, which threatened violence; together with Aristide's failure to explicitly reject mob violence this permitted the junta which would topple him to accuse him of human rights violations.[29]

1991 coup d'état[edit]

In September 1991 the army performed a coup against him (1991 Haitian coup d'état), led by Army General Raoul Cédras, who had been promoted by Aristide in June to Commander in Chief of the Army. Aristide was deposed on 29 September 1991, and after several days sent into exile, his life only saved by the intervention of US, French and Venezuelan diplomats.[30] In accordance with the requirements of Article 149 of the Haitian Constitution, Superior Court Justice Joseph Nérette was installed as Président Provisoire to serve until elections were held within 90 days of Aristide's resignation. However, real power was held by army commander Raoul Cédras.[31] The elections were scheduled, but were canceled under pressure from the United States Government. Aristide and other sources claim that both the coup and the election cancellation were the result of pressure from the American government.[32][33][34] High-ranking members of the Haitian National Intelligence Service (SIN), which had been set up and financed in the 1980s by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as part of the war on drugs, were involved in the coup, and were reportedly still receiving funding and training from the CIA for intelligence-gathering activities at the time of the coup, but this funding reportedly ended after the coup.[35] The New York Times said that "No evidence suggests that the C.I.A backed the coup or intentionally undermined President Aristide."[35] However, press reports about possible CIA involvement in Haitian politics before the coup sparked Congressional hearings in the United States.[36]

A campaign of terror against Aristide supporters was started by Emmanuel Constant after Aristide was forced out. In 1993, Constant, who had been on the CIA's payroll as an informant since 1992, organized the Front for the Advancement and Progress of Haïti (FRAPH), which targeted and killed Aristide supporters.[37][38][39]


[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

and who said anarcho capitalism - a contradiction in terms no?

[-] 1 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

I really would rather not engage with you but there are a couple of points I will make. so first of all the democrats are in the white house and majority in the senate correct. the gop is in control of the weakest part of congress with the nut job tea party types seeming to get all the press. seems to me that it is correct to say the liberals are in power (even though I do not really consider the Obama admin liberal - ok that would be a long discussion and I will leave that to you.) you are correct that the list is 30 yrs old - I would say more like 40 but no matter. of those 30 years we had 8 of Clinton and now 6 of that sweet talking goldman loving guy in the white house


[-] 0 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

well said





[-] -2 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

and our assassinator in chief - can we get an iggy button for him


[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

''Leading US newspapers - “The Wall Street Journal” & “New York Times” - have been beating the war drums. The most-watched TV network, Fox, is a mouthpiece for the War Party. Millions of Americans and Canadians of Ukrainian background are naturally deeply concerned by events there. Israel is now involved in Ukraine.

''Too few voices urge calm and restraint. President Putin is being demonized into America’s leading hate figure. Few in the media dare say that Putin is reacting in Russia’s interests to NATO’s foolish push right up to his borders.'' from :

pacem in terris et veritas vos liberabit ...


[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

''Fox is a mouthpiece for the War Party'', yes - but who do we think may make up this ''War Party'' ?!!!

fiat lux et fiat pax ...


[-] 5 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

D'you reckon that some Democraps may also belong to this 'War Party' or would it just be composed of Repugnants in your considered opinion ?!

cave - bellum se ipsum alet ...


[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Pork Barrel Corruption & Skulduggery !!! Interesting !! Two outta three good links but don't go bandying 'anti-semitic' at me please ! Also - tho' I copied it to you elsewhere, I'll repeat it here on this thread too :

ad iudicium ...


[-] 5 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Very Well Said - as funnily enough that was exactly my own reaction in a nutshell to this bollocks : https://occupywallst.org/forum/tiny-house-living-off-the-grid-heres-how-to-do-it-/#comment-1029037 !!

verum ex absurdo ...


[-] 4 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Why are you spaming me with your attention seeking b-s here ?! You are the one who used to vote for RepubliCons !! Now of course - you exhibit all ''the zealotry of Zen'' ... and of the recently CONverted to DemoCrap smoke and mirrors !!! Trapped and deluded in your 'Manichaean Binary' or otherwise, either re-read our interactions along this entire thread OR .. conversely, reflect on the likes of these maybe :

Where, ''Abby Martin interviews Reza Aslan, historian and author of the best-selling book 'Zealot: the Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth', discussing how he arrived at the conclusion that Jesus was a revolutionary political leader rather than the peaceful prophet characterized by mainstream culture.''

e tenebris, lux ...


[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

You're a shameless bore and all your b-s has been answered here on this thread ! STOP ... making out like you have the least bit of affiliation or affection for Salvador Allende you hypocrite !! You have no 'self-respect' but you do seem to have protection here on this forum but then again, so did GF.. and now look what happened to her .... melted down here and then made like a 'Rhode Island Red' to 'cluck off' - & left to go tend to her fragile yet overblown ego in private !!! Such it is for bullies + fyi, 'Mr.Foghorn-Leghorn' :

veritas vos liberabit ...


[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

WakeTFUp & stop acting like a bear with a sore head and take something for your hang-over, LoonDog !

So shall we see .. IF we can possibly get your Utterly Self-Defeating thread up to 100 comments now ?!

verum ex absurdo ...


[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Yawn ! All said before b-s and all comprehensively batted out of the ball park already !!

Re-read our exchanges on this thread as a reminder for your amnesiac alcoholic ass !!!

As you professed interests & thoughts about 'Education In The U$A' recently, then fyi -

I warned you about your language several times already and you should stop that really.

ab absurdum(b) ...


[-] 4 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

RiP - Rubin 'Hurricane' Carter :

You're your own 'nightmare in a damaged brain' 'NoZen'/'MadDog' !!! Now @ #99, I appended the above in memory of R'H'C & I leave you & your psychic-spasms & malodorous brain-farts to come up with #100 !!

Where, ''Abby Martin interviews Reza Aslan, historian and author of the best-selling book 'Zealot: the Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth', discussing how he arrived at the conclusion that Jesus was a revolutionary political leader rather than the peaceful prophet characterized by mainstream culture.''

requiescat in pace et vale ...

[-] 2 points by flip (7101) 10 years ago

I read the book and there is not so much new there but it was very good. I am wondering what part of you comment was right wing the reference to the hurricane or jesus?




[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

You are right ! It is abundantly clear that ''you don't even have the decency to be ashamed'' about your antics here !! Nor of your 'unashamed' championing of that Neoliberal, uber-Neocon Pin-Up and 0.01% Stooge, Hitlary Clinton - on This pro-99%, OWS forum !!!

I knew nothing about Buchanan's thoughts re. Salvador Allende - who you rightly surmise is a very well regarded figure of 'The Left' but you, yourself are NOT really of any known version of 'The Left' are you ?!

I'm limited sometimes (but mostly not, lol) by not being a Yank re. knowing the full history of people like PB .. but anything said to you is quite irrelevant because (in your own words) as you - ''tend to be rather impervious to bullshit like that. And as far as friends go, don't worry. I wont' be mad at them. ..... In fact, there is not one single person in my life today that I cannot cut loose in a heartbeat - all they need do is insist there are aliens. Not one.'' {from your own reply here : https://occupywallst.org/forum/anti-politics-hating-government-while-ignoring-pri/#comment-1029181 }

And there we have it in a nutshell really. You are yet another 'alienated' ; atomised ; cut off from fellow citizens ; short of friends ; disaffected from family ; xenophobic loner ... who is rapidly morphing into a mean-spirited misanthrope. Sad but also instructive and representative of a wider society in turmoil too.

I have wasted lots of time on you this Easter [cf : https://occupywallst.org/forum/tiny-house-living-off-the-grid-heres-how-to-do-it-/#comment-1029176 ] & I suspect there's more time that is to be wasted yet but IF I can attach links and inform others, then it will not have been a totally useless exercise. Ergo see ...

Thanx very much for trying your spammy shit on me on this very good but forgotten (my me, if not others lolol) thread too : https://occupywallst.org/forum/occupychristie-trenton-nj-over-inauguration-weeken/ & reading it will give good insight into several issues - not least the behaviour of 'The DNC Faction' here on this OWS forum.

e tenebris, lux ...


[-] 4 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Shilling for HitlaryC makes you .. the resident 'Conservative' around these parts, you dickless, half-wit !!! Fuk u & your bullshit ''primer'', you clueless, right-wing ScumDog !! This is the language you understand and here are the links that you need to read & watch with regard to the last link below !

Your affiliation for this War-Whore, Neocon, Neoliberal, 0.01%er's stooge marks you out as the definitive toiletmouthed, shit-for-brains, pseudo-progressive, actual-arch-reactionary around these parts, mthrfkr !!!

Your outright shilling for Dems is in the open now LoonDog !! Your pig-ignorant, bullying bullshit will NOT go unanswered as this is OWS, where ''voting for the status quo'' is seen for the utter bollocks that it is !

ad iudicium ....


[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Scared ?! Of Hitlary ?!! Damn STR8 we should be .. 'scared' !!!

It was actually more than just 'The Daily Kos' tho', wasn't it ?!!

It was Your much admired HuffPo too & did u see the video ?!

e tenebris, lux ...

[-] 3 points by stevebol (1269) from Milwaukee, WI 10 years ago

Why should we be scared of Hill? She won't be getting my vote but she doesn't scare me.

[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

I think that you answer your own question very well below steve and please try to remember that ... .. .

fiat lux, fiat justitia et ergo - fiat pax ...


[-] 4 points by stevebol (1269) from Milwaukee, WI 10 years ago

You know what would be scary? If Hillary, or Romney for that matter was president right now with the turmoil going on in Ukraine.

THAT would be scary.



[-] 1 points by stevebol (1269) from Milwaukee, WI 10 years ago





[-] 2 points by stevebol (1269) from Milwaukee, WI 10 years ago

I wouldn't be surprised if Putin isn't relishing a Hillary presidency. Putin isn't exactly like the drunken party animal Yeltsin that the Clintons are used to.

[-] 0 points by stevebol (1269) from Milwaukee, WI 10 years ago

Hillary can say anything she wants to but if she's going to run for the presidency she needs to step up her game and not make such careless comments if she wants to win.


[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Your conniptions, contortions and convolutions in trying to fit 'square peg Hitlary' into 'round hole OWS' - say that it is - YOU, who is 'Captain Squirm' here dorkus maximus !!! Cherry pick 'The Daily Kos' by all means numbnuts and dissemble about the 'HuffPo' all you like 'SquirmDog' !! However it does not cover your bull-shitting ass re the other links - does it ?!

Now watch the short Joe Scarborough Video & 'Truth-Out' Dog & also stop suckling on Hitlary's right tit and don't forget her hubby's crimes either ''fkwad'' :

et bonnitas non est pessimis esse meliorum ...

(& it's not goodness to be better than the worst)


[-] 4 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

I'm ''having a hissy'', am I ?! LOLOL !! Says the toilet-mouthed, bullshitting bully-boy & Master Of Hiss !!!

I never said that you said ''she was the OWS candidate'' !!! HowTF could she be, ffs ?!! PB - is Your past and your cantankerous, curmudgeonly future too, you de facto, right-wing-nut, Neocon-tit suckler ! Shall we move onto the 'Neoliberal' bit now, you brain-damaged ; narcissistic ; Empire-loving ; repetitive bore ?

too fkn funny for latin ...


[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

Consider - being boring is the height of social faux pas on an internet forum & re. abv & blw : WRONG !!!

temet nosce ...



[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

What the flying fk is THAT ?!!! A blast from your 'Libertarian' past ?!! OR a deeper expression of desire ?!

I'm busy and juggling a bunch of stuff right now - but don't worry IF you're feeling left out 'cause your turn is coming, as I've a bunch of grey-boxes from your Hitlary loving ass too. Re.blw : gd rply bt mstly wrng.

caveat ...





















