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Forum Post: This is America! We are supposed to be the best country in the world! Let's act like it.

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 1:55 p.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic (5827)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Tyler Dirden in Fight Club said it best...

"It is only after we lose everything, that we are free to do anything."

I hope we don't have to lose all our rights before everyone wakes up and realizes our government and our capitalistic society has been hijacked. Capitalism is about profiting on products. The best companies with the best products are supposed to grow and rise to the top to benefit human beings. That is capitalism. Making profits off the expense of human beings is not capitalism. Infiltrating our Government in aims to make more profits at the expense of our laws is not capitalism. Sending our industries overseas and utilizing poor working conditions and even sweat shop labor is not capitalism. genetically altering food which takes out nutrients and replaces it with filler and chemicals is search of more profits is not capitalism. Our system has been hijacked by corruption.

After talking with some other people here I have come to this The supreme court is as bought as congress. Check out mccain feingold, the first time they tried to reform campaign financing. The Supreme Court ruled the reform unconstitutional toward corporations because it bans free speech. It's not unconstitutional because the constitution exists for people. Banning corporations from financing politicians is not banning freedom of speech. Because 100% of US citizens will still have the freedom of speech once the financing ban takes place on corporations.

Why isn't the limit at least the same level actual people are limited to? That level of inequality is unconstitutional. It gives them an advantage over actual US citizens. The whole route how corporations attained the rights of people is unconstitutional. It's no different than giving my house the rights of people. A corporation is not a US citizen. It has US citizens working in a building. But the building is not a US citizen. Which is why I and so many others suggest adding a constitutional amendment clarifying that only US citizens can participate in government. And to be a US citizen you also have to be an actual human being that has attained citizenship through birth or the process already set in place for citizenship.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all People are equal, that they are endowed with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."

This is being infringed by corporate influence and government corruption.

Television is estimated to have an 80% impact on who a person votes for.

"The corporate-state media exists primarily to ensure that the public picks extreme sides, demonizes those on the other "side," and NEVER, EVER unites against the real enemy of the people - the ruling elite parasites who quite literally plot against democracy and the best interests of the public."

Conservatives and Liberals. Let us put all of our differences aside and focus on what we all can agree on and what we all know is true.

The government has become corrupt on a lot of levels. Congress has passed laws that infringe on our rights in the constitution. One big example, the so called "Patriot Act." They have passed laws that make bribery legal. One big example: Lobbyists, corporate, and even union financing and their relation to drafting legislation and financing members of congress who voted to pass the bills. These supposed "people" can donate large amounts of funds... yet you and I, actual people, are limited in donation. This cannot be tolerated. This is the United States of America. We are not supposed to have corruption in our government. This is the United States of America. We are not supposed to have a decreasing dollar value. This is the United States of America. We are not supposed to be shipping industry overseas. This is the United States of America. We should not tolerate a government that no longer functions properly. We are supposed to be the best nation in the world. Let's act like it! Together we can uphold that American standard!

We need to reform Campaign Financing and make it illegal to accept corporate, organization, group, committee, and lobbyist funding. We need to add an amendment to the constitution declaring that only U.S. citizens on an individual level can donate to any type of campaign at a limit. I suggest making that limit 5 thousand dollars.

We can properly settle our differences after we get this corruption out of the government TOGETHER.



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