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Forum Post: This is a serious movement. Eventually we will need an alternate seat of government, no matter how small or ineffectual its beginnings.

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 2:39 p.m. EST by CarryTheGripsUpToTheAttic (133)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I have suggested Kansas City, Kansas. The new high-speed internet is there. Also close to food sources

Please don't make it harder on yourselves by insisting on nowhere else but the island of Manhattan. It's hard to imagine setting a higher hurdle for yourself than living outside, in the most expensive location in North America, that's crawling with lawyers and cops funded by the 1%.

Manhattan is the old way. The internet is the new way.



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[-] 1 points by 1000heroes (13) 12 years ago

I agree, Did you see Peter Joseph's video on the possible transition yet? http://youtu.be/1SQqjTxI3vc

[-] 1 points by Cyclops08 (31) from Carlisle, IA 12 years ago

"Close to food sources." you mean like, farmers. Family farms are "for profit" entities--they need to make a buck just to live.

If you plan on growing your own food, where will you farm? The entire state is either privately or publicly owned. You can't just, confiscate someone else's land or the locals will start shooting at you.

Further, how will a shadow govt do two things... 1) How will you protect yourself from arrest and imprisonment on sedition charges? 2) How will you enforce the laws you enact? or even collect taxes?

[-] 1 points by WeHaveDemands (186) 12 years ago

Interesting....but, any "alternate seat of government" plan would be complicated, I think, even in Kansas: lots of opposition locally, lots of space for infiltrators and saboteurs to set up their own camps too, in some ways a crowded city environment might be better....That said I'd like to to see the movement via mass mandate force Obama and Washington to institute immediate and radical CMAPAIGN FINANCE REFORM and STRICT LIMITATIONS (or even outright banning) of SPECIAL INTEREST LOBBIES...

I think that is doable and I think it would make a real difference...