Forum Post: This forum is no longer recognized by Occupy
Posted 12 years ago on Dec. 17, 2012, 10:20 a.m. EST by SoniaFromPoland
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The Occupy movement has removed all endorsements of this forum from their websites. There are several news agencies that point to and AFL-CIO as responsible for the demise of this forum. If you are looking for Occupy resources, please go to
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Why, because we look at matters from all angles?
You probably won't like these articles. I am neither endorsing nor nonendorsing them or their sites. The stated, asserted, or proven anomalies need to be examined however.
"They Shoot Children, Don’t They?"
Even more extreme: "The US Federal Government has now Declared Open & Unrestricted Warfare on America, Americans, & our Children!"
"Sandy Hook Shooting: Victims Killed with Rifle Found in Car – Who Put it There? The Guy Arrested in the Woods?"
"Connecticut massacre, two shooters? Look to Aurora, Colorado"
Much to ponder, much to ponder.
That looks like a fine site, there is no forum though. What demise are you talking about?
Afterwards, the looking glass split into a thousand pieces ...and they wondered why we couldn't see
lol, you guys are funny. I can't wait till the leaked memo comes out on this, including your names. Can you say career dead end with no retirement! :D Have you learned nothing? Haven't you been keeping up with the news? Whistle-blowing is the new model of the contemporary hero. Look Forward to it.
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you?
I'm ready. Let's roll.
Keep it up. I have several addresses of my own. Make sure that this is the direction that you want to go. :D
ooohhh re-he-hely? Did we strike a nerve ;) Don't you worry you little head about me. I don't have the resources to have the fun that will be had when it comes out, and it will come out. Will you be one of those who faces away from the news cameras? :D
It'll be fun. You'll see.
Nope. I'm just sitting here grinning. Babe, you are pretty much done.
You sound like that guy who thought calling my house was a good idea. Please, feel free to make that hole bigger, the one you're standing in.
You sound like that guy that thought it would be fun to walk up into my house.
Because I look forward to leaked info on what is happening on this forum? Hardly. You thought you would intimidate me and now you're backtracking to the victim position.
I'm not backtracking anywhere. Leak all the information that you have. I'm telling you to go ahead. Put up or shut the fuck up. Your daily diatribe is shit.
Well it's good to see the real you finally show up. Refreshing when you can be yourself, isn't it. Now sprinkle in some dignity, a little morality, and you may find yourself on the right side of history. This ruse is up. What you do with that knowledge is up to you.
I have always been the real me. You are the one that has to have sock puppets. So bring it on, sweet pea. Don't stand around and make idle threats. Let's roll. Put up or shut up.
What did I threaten? To laugh at you when this game comes crashing down around you? ...because it will.
You are still running your mouth. Put up or shut the fuck up.
As I said, I don't have the resources. We'll just have to wait for the old mainstream media to do that for us. Hey, they do report on whistle blowers, it appeals to base emotion and is good for ratings.
You don't need the resources. You know how.
So, put up or shut the fuck up.
Another boring division troll.
Sara little tree was no longer recognized by Occupy.So she had to reinvent herself. Than she became Clara springs.A number of others as well.Sonia from poland is just another.But she is a lotta fun.The only fault I have found with her is she can not handle her Booze.
Sara little tree are you up to your old tricks again?
Any time you have a forum there will be people who want to dominate or distract others. There's nothing you can do about it except ignore them.
Shoulda ben done long ago
I saw they lit up 27 flares at the football game last night...
Yet the charade of hiding big money interests among the voice of the people continues. How long before the blowback? How long, not long, because what you reap is what you sew.
It's reap what you sow.
Now about the ALF-CIO.
You did notice that 50% of links at .net were pro-union?
Why aren't you? Did you already forget Lec's lesson?
You cannot speak to what you've never known
Neither one of us can speak about what you are unable to admit.
Like the simple fact that OWS is and always was in support of unions.
It was only jerks on the forum claiming otherwise.
Jerks that BITCHED about the AFL-CIO.
So why are one of those?
Support of unions in no way implies an invitation for them to lead or supplant this movement. But thanks for rationalizing it.
So I take it you didn't even bother to read anything at all on the site you linked to.
Perhaps it would be helpful if you were a little bit more rational and lot less misleading.
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you? Dick, you are the traitor.
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you?
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you?
If it is not paid - what then? - is it here to try and gather a following? - one with no sense of direction - or sense in general? If so it should find a different forum.
I would say so.However , his track record suggests that he has been here specifically to profit from OWS and he had repeatedly failed. Therefore, I am more inclined at this point to suspect that he is getting paid.
A Logical conjecture.
Et tu, Brute?
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you?
Dick, you are the traitor.
Et tu, Brute?
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you, Dick?
I've been told - if you ignore a stain, it evaporates
Who are these "several news agencies"?
Although I could fine nothing at all on moveone( whatever that is) There are MANY links on the .net site in STRONG support of unions and unionization. that would include the AFL-CIO.
Many links in support of the recent attacks on the people of Michigan.
That got pretty short shift here.
So what are you saying?
As it is now, the source code behind this forum is being changed to show shadow-banned posts by IP to the IP that posted so people don't realize they have been censored (shadow-banned). You do not value democracy, free speech, or this movement. You are all traitors of the highest order. If you do not yield, this story will continue to grow until you're answering questions on CNN.
sara.sara.sara do you ever stop trying to fool people?What a vocabulary you posses.It is a shame that your drinking skills are no match for your little mouth.
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you?
That's not an answer.
That's an accusation, and maybe a bit of a threat.
After what just happened in Mi. and Ct. you're worried about being "shadow banned? (whatever that is)?
How about an opinion on unions?
OWS is and has always been in strong support.
Why the dig at AFL-CIO?
Would answering questions on CNN about OWS/Occupy be a bad thing? I mean was that supposed to have been a threat? MSM does not cover OWS/Occupy stories as it gets the public's attention - then their BS stories begin to fall apart and show the origins of the spin - the CorpoRAT owners of the services. sonia is a weak attacker.
I'm not worried. I'm too ugly for network TV.................:)
LOL - U 2 ? - I have been told that I have a face that was made for radio.
According to sonia, they're coming for me!!!!!!
I'll be the face that destroyed a million TVs!!!!!!!
Yay - liberator of the masses from the idiot box. {:-])
I think maybe the sonia bot broke.....................:)
??? - perhaps it is just trying to regroup and figure out how it can stop shooting itself in the foot. {:-])
It's not doing a very good job on that account.
It doesn't even admit the reality of the site it linked to.
Union Yes!
No - it is not very successful at the games it plays. It is in some ways pretty damned lazy - and in others quite obsessed and energetic. I hope it does not have access to any guns.
Anyone who claims to be from Poland who doesn't know the story of Lec Walesa is a phony.
I would now expect it to use google to claim otherwise.
Very creepy video - still makes me laugh though - as the corpoRATist's continue playing the blame the other guy for the shit they do game/program.
[-] 1 points by shooz (15007) 9 minutes ago
Nah. They're too damn dumb for that.
It's video all the way.
Lest we forget. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
You can always count on them to be anti-union, anti-liberal and pro guns.
It's a dead give away every single time. Plus comments about how liberal the press is.
Along with their constant whining about how nobody want's to listen to them.
LOL - an anti union pol
The return to the moveon bullshit is another teller.
You have to wonder sometimes why they have such mortal fear about liberals.
On the one hand they clam them to be totally inept, and on the other this fear of co-option.
They just can't seem to make up their minds, which fearful BS is which.
Out of 8 links on the .net site 4 were about unions.
And WTF is it about complaining about exclusion in the effort to make a better world for all - and then they turn around and exclude? Is there a handbook? No - NO - I did not just say that. Of course corpoRATist supporters have a handbook - they would be lost with out something telling them what to say and do.
[-] 2 points by shooz (15002) 3 minutes ago
The return to the moveon bullshit is another teller.
You have to wonder sometimes why they have such mortal fear about liberals.
On the one hand they clam them to be totally inept, and on the other this fear of co-option.
They just can't seem to make up their minds, which fearful BS is which.
Out of 8 links on the .net site 4 were about unions. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
Nah. They're too damn dumb for that.
It's video all the way.
Lest we forget.
Why are unions and moveon trying to cash in on a movement based entirely on defeating money in politics and big money interests. You are no more than the left wing version of Freedomworks or any other corrupting force in our government. You were not invited to speak for us or over us.
If only we could convince you to do our mouth work.You would make a fine rebel Sara.But please remember no more than two drinks for you.Could not have our spokes woman with vomit on her.
Unions have leaders and Occupy doesn't. That's the problem. I'm pro-union but my complaint against them has always been that they don't know when and how to mind their own business. What's stopping members of unions from participating in Occupy without dragging their union into it?
You're attacking, not answering.
What do you have against unions?
Since OWS is in STRONG support of unions, wouldn't that make your statements patently false?
You still haven't answered who those "several news agencies" are.
Sounds to me like you are just makin' stuff up as you go along.
Why are you so desperate?
Here we go again. Answer the question, traitor.
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you?
GF- I would say let sleeping dogs lie - but I like dogs
I know, right?
It's too late for that. The information this post is based on is already seeping into the media. By the time you pin it down, it will be out of your control. Answer the question.
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you?
Wow! Your desperation is just sweating out over the internet. What is your problem?
Big money talking over the little guy is an act of desperation by infantile minds. Standing for what you believe, something you could never grasp in 100 lifetimes. Why so much effort to avoid the question?
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you?
In character, I see no difference between you and the boy who shot those kids. Morality is not a part time job or something that can be redefined by peer pressure. It's who we are, and this is who you are. This is your wake up call.
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you, Dick?
So now you have addressed part of the MSM problem.
Here such a short time and such a good breakthrough.
Is there hope for your continued growth?
Hey wack-a-doodle, there ain't a question in any of your above comments. Wow, you break the mold!
Why are unions and moveon trying to cash in on a movement based entirely on defeating money in politics and big money interests?
I sense the cause of your desperation, I can hear your thoughts all the way here. Sonia: "Oh My Gawd, they're on to us, all of us!" You got that right sweetie. We're on ta ya, we're on ta all o' yuhz, an' we're comin' to git yuhz. Booga, booga booga! How's them apples, freakie-deakies?!
lol, you going to call my house again, parasite?
That's a matter of great import? You should address your question to them, assuming they really are. You off your meds?
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you?
"You just can't handle the truth" -- Jack Nicholson.
Another great Nicholson scene about freedom from easy rider:
It's ironic that everyone who understands the Occupy movement is pro-union but corrupt, already existing unions hurt the movement in a big way. The only way to approach Occupy is as an individual- not as a member of something. Occupy want YOU, not any organizations you may belong to.
This makes sense. The forum never served it's intended purpose. It was never linked to the ground, and most people like Odin, DKAtoday, shooz, GirlFriday, just use it to troll other users.
You do not get to hijack the voice of the people. I don't care how much empathy you have or what you think you know. We are grown ass Americans and this is our movement. You will not pretend to speak for us, not even in the tiniest corners of existence.
Looking in the mirror as you say that? was that an ooops my fingers are typing this moment?
How does it feel to have to pose as a poor person to get your way speaking over poor people? I bet your mother is proud.
In what way are you poor? To be pitied you mean? As for me? I am living on disability - so I guess that you could say that I am not well off financially.
Prove it
Sure you want I should post a copy of my disability judgement?
You won't because you can't.
You really expect someone to go out of their way to get a scanner or take a photo of personal documentation, upload it to a website, then link it to a random person on the internet?
That is quite a leap from anything I said. Is that an intentional redirection, or just not well thought out?
DKA said - Sure you want I should post a copy of my disability judgement?
You said "You won't because you can't."
Your comment is implying that the only way this person in anyway can please you is by doing what I mentioned in my comment and if they don't do that they are somehow discredited. My comment makes perfect sense and is not a redirection.
What is your purpose on the forum? Is this your first post? Were you once a different user on the forum or are you new? I'm curious.
So you are making a leap based on the redirection some else imposed? I'm not subject to defending artificial narratives that are injected in order to skirt an issue or question.
Logic would have you asking why DKA thinks this is the only way to provide proof, since it is his statement you are ultimately questioning.
That isn't relevant in the current condition of this forum.
Well Sara so good to see your back.You know jess does miss you.I guess you gave him a very good romp in that casino last Winter.Sorry to hear that you Lost your baby.Please give my best to Bonton.
I agree the forum is not in good condition. I've had a downvote campaign against me several times just for posting on the wars.
Back to my first comment to you. As a person who has received comments like this "You won't because you can't" from people on the forum, I found it annoying. Which is why I said what I said.
Most recently when someone refused to believe that I would speak out against Deb Fischer. I said I did it. They said something along the lines that there's no way to prove it and just stuck with their mantra. It was ridiculous.
So back to my other questions... what exactly are you trying to do with this post? I'm curious.
Annoyances are irrelevant at this point. There is much more on the table than ruffled feathers. If this fails there will not be another opportunity in our lifetimes. Given the track record of the institutions that purport to side with Occupy, there is no reason to employ their services nor to accept any roll from them in this movement aside from external support like marketing the movement or getting air time for Occupy in the media. Hijacking a forum and posing as everyday activists is not inline with the goals of Occupy nor is it morally justified for institutions to speak for or over the people. This type of attachment means their weaknesses become our weaknesses.
Big money has stained/polluted much of this world - including you who have sold/contracted your soul to them - but hey as long as you get paid you're OK with it - hmmm?
[-] 0 points by SoniaFromPoland (-58) 3 minutes ago
I contract my services to other small business owners. Mainly owner operated businesses that could make use of low cost IT services. My career choice is far more noble than your manipulative behavior on this forum and whatever else you have your dirty little hands in. Big money has stained every inch of your being. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
It's been fun but I have to go talk to a potential client. Do me a favor while I'm gone and spank your face. L8r gator.
If we are to survive and adapt, this is natural.
SoniaFromPoland wrote: "My concern is the country my kids grow up in."
I'm interested in your response to the question MsStacy is evading, found here relating to a lawful process of Americans altering or abolishing abusive government.
I have no interest in rewriting the constitution. Article 5 is not explicitly for rewriting the constitution but it does leave the door open and considering those in power now, it would be folly.
So - it would be pretty safe to say that the car stereo job did not cause your split personality - but this current job that you have undertaken ( Attacking OWS/Occupy unsuccessfully ) has made you so uncomfortable with yourself that you have had a major psychotic break?
[-] 0 points by SoniaFromPoland (-51) 1 minute ago
My last client was a car stereo shop. They didn't voice any interest in Occupy or politics in general. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
As you can see, I'm already cutting my own path out of poverty. My concern is the country my kids grow up in. Your lack of appreciation for that is reprehensible. Maybe you don't have kids or are one of those few women who don't like kids. I don't really care what your reason is but I'm sure you pay some personal emotional price for your attitude. Nothing short of tragic.
I think you bring up some valid points, but your delivery is all wrong. You don't provide links to back the news sources you mentioned in the post. And you come off as trying to discredit the entire forum. In my opinion.
This forum was discredited a year ago, I just wasn't aware. Search for yourself.
You explain yourself so well. And yes - you are:
Annoyances are irrelevant at this point. There is much more on the table than ruffled feathers. If this fails there will not be another opportunity in our lifetimes. Given the track record of the institutions that purport to side with Occupy, there is no reason to employ their services nor to accept any roll from them in this movement aside from external support like marketing the movement or getting air time for Occupy in the media. Hijacking a forum and posing as everyday activists is not inline with the goals of Occupy nor is it morally justified for institutions to speak for or over the people. This type of attachment means their weaknesses become our weaknesses. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle reply permalink
So you don't mind that you are destroying a movement you say you support? Of course you don't agree. When applying for a job, everyone thinks they are qualified, whether they are or not. Thank yourselves for the Eulogy of Occupy at
I think this was meant for you:
[-] 1 points by rayolite (463) 11 minutes ago
Preparatory Amendment prevents any miscarriage of lawful process because it un abridges free speech wherein we become the "rightful masters of the congress and the courts"
SoniaFromPoland wrote: "it does leave the door open"
I'm asking MsStacy to indicate:
Which mother or father in this nation will ignore or pass up the real opportunity to assure their child will grow into a nation that holds high and honors understanding that can create; forgiveness, tolerance, acceptance, respect, trust, friendship and love, protecting their life, their liberty and their pursuit of happiness?
Are you saying you will ignore the real opportunity to assure that the greater meaning of speech will not control the nation your children grow in by supporting amendment to assure the nation is as constitutional as it can be, THEN enter Article V to "alter or abolish" abusive government? ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
How is it that you are cutting a path for yourself out of poverty? By selling your self to those who are attacking society/people/environment/world? When they are done with you - you will know it ( or maybe "you" wouldn't ) as you will not hear from them again.
We have been over this before - I am a man/male - and you seem to think that there is something wrong with being a woman as you keep trying to use womanhood as an insult. Call me a woman - I will take the compliment - though women may not be so happy with you associating them with me.
[-] 0 points by SoniaFromPoland (-51) 0 minutes ago
As you can see, I'm already cutting my own path out of poverty. My concern is the country my kids grow up in. Your lack of appreciation for that is reprehensible. Maybe you don't have kids or are one of those few women who don't like kids. I don't really care what your reason is but I'm sure you pay some personal emotional price for your attitude. Nothing short of tragic. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
Preparatory Amendment prevents any miscarriage of lawful process because it un abridges free speech wherein we become the "rightful masters of the congress and the courts"
SoniaFromPoland wrote: "it does leave the door open"
I'm asking MsStacy to indicate:
Which mother or father in this nation will ignore or pass up the real opportunity to assure their child will grow into a nation that holds high and honors understanding that can create; forgiveness, tolerance, acceptance, respect, trust, friendship and love, protecting their life, their liberty and their pursuit of happiness?
Are you saying you will ignore the real opportunity to assure that the greater meaning of speech will not control the nation your children grow in by supporting amendment to assure the nation is as constitutional as it can be, THEN enter Article V to "alter or abolish" abusive government?
I contract my services to other small business owners. Mainly owner operated businesses that could make use of low cost IT services. My career choice is far more noble than your manipulative behavior on this forum and whatever else you have your dirty little hands in. Big money has stained every inch of your being.
Is this what your owners/purchasers are so afraid of ? :
Are you here to try to discredit the forum because your purchasers are mad with fear about the public coming awake?
[-] 0 points by SoniaFromPoland (-51) 0 minutes ago
You aren't worth responding to any further. All you have left is childish retorts. You obviously have no moral compass, it's just sad that you think you do. ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
My last client was a car stereo shop. They didn't voice any interest in Occupy or politics in general.
AGAIN - you are talking to yourself and typing what you are saying to yourself. Clearly you must be distressed at what you are doing ( attacking OWS/Occupy ) - I mean - were you a split personality prior to taking the assignment of attacking OWS/Occupy? or is that just a consequence of your self hate?
[-] -1 points by SoniaFromPoland (-51) 14 minutes ago
So you don't mind that you are destroying a movement you say you support? Of course you don't agree. When applying for a job, everyone thinks they are qualified, whether they are or not. Thank yourselves for the Eulogy of Occupy at ↥twinkle ↧stinkle permalink
You aren't worth responding to any further. All you have left is childish retorts. You obviously have no moral compass, it's just sad that you think you do.
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you? Dick, you are the traitor.
No - I won't
For 1 - so that my personal information does not get out to an idiot like you.
For 2 - you would deny it anyway.
We both know better
Talking about one of your other personalities now?
Why do you always resort to childish assaults? This is why no institution, good intentioned or not, should ever supplant the voice of the people. You give yourselves too much credit. You do not have the understanding, wisdom, and in many cases like this, the maturity to do the job correctly. You're buffoons with an exaggerated sense of importance and ability. But with all that cash in your face that probably never even crosses your mind.
Wow - there goes a dive off into the deep end. You wish to discredit me - so you use that foundation/money accusation while poo pooing my pointing out of your failings. You do like to play shoe other foot - place it. You always have and then you like to say that that is what the other individual you are attacking is doing - Bravo with continuing throwing mud. At least you have always been consistent in that regard.
Spin on.
Meditating are you? You typed your mantra - again.
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you?
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you?
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you?
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you?
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you?
Well, SoniaFromXatar, do you have any empathy at all? Are you capable of any?
A working class liberal feel empathy for moveon and AFL-CIO trying to talk over me? What planet are you from?
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you?
How come your ilk has problems with grammar/language? "All your websites are belong to us"; "Get a brain, moran!"; as examples.
The "trolls" and "supporters" downplay this post in unity. What can we glean from this?
That you are a whack-a-doodle? A whack-a doodle that has not been booted - for your silliness?
Why do you represent the 1%, puppet? How much do they pay you?