Forum Post: Think bigger - We will prevail
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 8, 2011, 1:18 p.m. EST by rickMoss
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Think bigger and we will prevail. We need a new vision for the future. Try this.
I know it's hard to believe but you have to: “WE ARE FREE!!!” (Take off the blinders) Isn't that why we're here?
The top of this page is for world wide revolution. How much bigger can you think?
That's the same thing the communists said and they lost big. It's not what you say, it's what you do and how you do it. Repeating the same mistakes is insane. That's why the 1% is kicking your butt. I'm not in the 99%. I'm in the .000009% that don't act and think like cattle. Haven't you heard, that's how you get slaughtered. Good Luck!
Win or loose I don't know how much bigger you can think than world revolution, which is what I thought the top of this tread was all about.
Your talking scope. It means nothing unless you have a plan to achieve it. Protesting isn't a plan. Even if you overthrow all the countries of the world by protesting it won't fix our problems. People are protesting out of frustration because guess what? They don't have a plan, a strategy or a clue. So they protest. Kind of like a whiny kid that's mad because he can't get what he wants. Protesting isn't going to change the system and is not going to create jobs. It's only going to make a bad situation worse. This isn't something simple like the civil rights movement. Our problems are huge and we have a lot of them. The best that I've found out there is OsiXs. Everything else is just pie in the sky and garbage.
FIGHT THE CAUSE - NOT THE SYMPTOM Read “Common Sense 3.1” at (Http:// )
I can't speak for everyone active in OWS. I can only speak for myself, but I have talked to enough other OWS activists to know that my point of view is shared by many. I think that the consensus of a plan is to create as many occupations and General Assemblies as possible. Ultimately it would mean having a GA at every place where people tend to gather in common cause. In every community for sure. Probably in every neighborhood. In every drug rehab center, jail and prison. In every military barracks. In every nursing home. And ultimately in every work place.
Long before then, when we have say 10 or 20 million people occupying. Then we will be in a position to talk about how we will go about reorganizing society. To do so before then would be undemocratic because it would mean speaking for people who have not yet organized themselves.
I'm not sure what you mean. You can't get more democratic then a direct democracy. A GA has to stand for something. What is the vision behind, what is it for. Is it going to solve people problems. It's not. It's going to make things even worse. You're giving people hope through a false mechanism. But good luck anyway. At least you are trying.
OsiXs (Revolution 2.0)
It seems to me that the vision behind the GAs is direct democracy, but since there are so few GAs in proportion to the population as a whole, those few GAs can't presume to speak for the nation as a whole. They can only speak for those attending.
What vision? I haven't seen any vision. I just see a lot of angry people being led by their frustrations. What is the nexus? None of them have a clue what to do, because if they did they wouldn't have let things get this bad. Now they think they just patch it up and go on like nothing has been happening in the last 30 years. Stick around, I promise, You will witness horror in this country. I believe only the scientist and engineers can help us now. We've let our government, the banks and wall street run us off a cliff. The people are really not too smart. That's why we're in this mess. That's why I advocate a smart revolution where the smartest people on the planet show us the best solutions. You should probably read all of common sense 3.1. Then you'll see that most of the ideas out there including the GA's are inferior to Revolution 2.0. I'd rather have smart people show us how to build a better world with technology - Not more talk or political promises. I'm sick of it.
OsiXs (Revolution 2.0)
The great thing about OWS is that it doesn't have an elitist opinion either of itself or the rest of humanity. At an occupation whether a person was a junkie or a PhD they were treated as equals and with equal dignity
Well, duhh... it's only only little galaxy; I want them all.
To talk about life on other worlds is to engage in fantasy. We are talking about changing this world.
Well, while you're busy doing that the powers that be are focused on the fantasy of other worlds. Just look at some of the monumental tasks, begun as mere visions, that corporations have achieved.
Actually I think Americans should focus on America; to engage worldwide is to seriously inhibit all probability. To suggest that we are capable of recreating the whole world in an image of our liking is rather absurd.
I'm not suggesting that I want to create a whole new world to my liking nor is OWS. What we are suggesting is that once engaged the people of the world will transform it themselves, democratically from below. What it will look like and how it will be governed is up to them, not up to the tiny forces currently in solidarity with OWS around the world.
The history of mankind is one of of cyclical oppression and reform in conjunction with spurts of population growth and territorial expansion. The goal of OWS is not a greater egalitarianism; simply the displacement of current power.
I don't see where you get the notion that OWS is about the displacement of current power and not egalitarianism. All the media jerks and half hearted liberals want to know what our demands are. My demand is that you all stop asking us what our fucking demands are. And then there is the leadership bit. If OWS was so hell bent simply on the displacement of current power it would be a hell of a lot less reluctant to point to some fucking leader that the media also seems to want so much.
Yes, we ARE free, Rick. The book you're peddling (which you hadn't even read last time I checked) IS NOT.
People seeking answers can find all the pertinent info in the discussions and links here
Rick moss, if the book is SO helpful, why haven't you read it? Why are you peddling "solutions" to problems you can't even understand or explain in your own words?
My old friend the troll monster. I wish it was my book. don't be jealous because someone is much smarter than you. Why don't you write a book and make it free. As matter of fact, why stop there. Why don't you just work for free. Don't be an idiot all your life. That's why the 1% is kicking your butt. Last time I checked, freedom has never been free or cheap. Until I find some better Ideas and smarter people behind them - I'm with OsiXs.
FIGHT THE CAUSE - NOT THE SYMPTOM Read “Common Sense 3.1” at Http://
Commie sense. When you've read it, let me know.
Welcome to my list
Dude! You have nothing to offer. Now go find something real to stand behind because you'll never be a leader. And then fight like hell to make it happen.
FIGHT THE CAUSE - NOT THE SYMPTOM OsiXs (More Power and Technology to the People!)
This from Rickmoss, who admits he has not read the book-but tells YOU to read it.
That is some sick (and utterly mindless) propaganda there Rick.
And You're a liar. I've said no such thing. It's stupid people like you who try to twist facts to mislead other stupid people. Good Luck Stupid!
OsiXs (Revolution 2.0)