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Forum Post: They're Stealing the Election in Ohio!!!! Again!!!

Posted 12 years ago on Aug. 22, 2012, 8:03 p.m. EST by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

They're Stealing the Election in Ohio!


Dear John Husted:

For the sake of our democracy, please reinstate early voting on weekends and on the three days prior to the election to all eligible voters.

sign the petition

Dear People For Supporter,

It's not a coincidence; it's not an accident; it's not a mistake. Republicans across the country are trying to suppress the vote so they can win the election.

In Ohio, where the stakes couldn't be higher, the Republican Party isn't even trying to hide its intentions. This past Sunday, one of Gov. John Kasich's closest advisers declared that election officials like himself should not "accommodate the urban -- read African American -- voter-turnout machine," essentially admitting that their strategy is to limit African Americans' ability to vote. On Friday, Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted suspended and now may fire two election board members for the offense of -- imagine this -- seeking to expand access to the polls.

Tell Secretary of State Jon Husted to reinstate fair early voting rules!

After the 2004 election, which saw thousands of Ohioans waiting in long lines for hours after the polls closed, Ohio sensibly created early voting by mail and in person. County election officials were able to ensure access to the polls for all voters. And in 2008, hundreds of thousands of voters -- particularly African Americans -- were able to vote early instead of waiting in long lines on Election Day.

But now, Republicans want to change the rules and limit access to early voting to give themselves an unfair advantage. In fact, they expanded early voting opportunities for Republican counties, but gave voters in larger, Democratic counties less time to vote early -- even though these counties were precisely the counties that needed early voting because of the long lines in 2004! In response to accusations of unfairness, Secretary of State Husted then limited early voting opportunities for all counties. It's outrageous.

In the past week, two Democratic election board members in Montgomery County refused to back down to Husted and proposed keeping early voting on the weekends so working people could vote in the election. For that, Husted punished them, suspending them from their positions. Can you believe it? Election officials shouldn't be fired for trying to expand access to the voting booth.

Tell Secretary of State Jon Husted to keep early voting on the weekends!

We can't let this happen in Ohio. The stakes couldn’t be higher. Our democracy depends on it. Sign the petition now.

Thank you for all that you do,

Calvin Sloan Field Manager, People For the American Way

Do not reply directly to this e-mail. Please use pfaw@pfaw.org.

1101 15th Street, NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20005-5002, 202-467-4999

Dear Secretary of State Jon Husted:

In order for our democracy to function, it is imperative that all Americans not only have the right to vote; every American must have the ability to exercise that right to vote.

Restricting early voting in Ohio severely limits people’s ability to access the polls.

In America, our democratic system is not perfect. We do not have a national voting holiday, and we do not have equal access to the voting booth. We should be working to expand democratic participation, not decrease it.

For the sake of our democracy, please reinstate early voting on weekends and on the three days prior to the election to all eligible voters.

Signed, [YOU]




Read the Rules
[-] 4 points by shadz66 (19985) 12 years ago

WTF ?!!! Here We Go Again !! 'Deja-Vu-Ville U$A' !

spero meliora ...

[-] 2 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

Not just Ohio!! Pennsylvania RepubliCon bragged they suppressed likely Dem Votes. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/benjamin-todd-jealous/the-state-of-pennsylvania_b_1821445.html

Many others! Florida...



The right to vote is what makes a country a true democracy, and it is the most basic right we share as Americans. Yet throughout our history, we have excluded indispensable voices from participating in our democracy. African-Americans, women and young people fought and risked their lives to gain the right to vote.

Voter turnout in the 2008 election was the most racially diverse in American history, closing the longstanding gap between white and minority voter participation. And in response to this historic moment, lawmakers nationwide have erected more barriers to the ballot box. States are making it harder and harder for people to vote, virtually guaranteeing that many people won’t really have the right at all. Poll taxes and literacy tests have given way to more modern voter suppression tactics packaged as voter ID laws, restrictions to voter registration and cuts to early voting. With these new laws in effect, up to 5 million voters could be turned away at the polls in November.

We cannot afford to have laws that push people out of the electorate. In order for this to be a true democracy, every eligible American must be able to vote.


Voter Suppression in America »

Voter Suppression Measures Passed Since 2011 »

The Facts About Voter Suppression [Infographic] »

Let People Vote »

Out in the Cold at Age 84: Wisconsin's Ruthelle Frank Fights for Her Right to Vote »

Remembering Dr. King's Defense of Voting Rights »

? Viviette is a long-time civil rights activist and has voted in nearly every election for the last 60 years. But under Pennsylvania's new voter ID law, her vote will not be counted. Read more »


The Battle to Protect the Ballot

States across the country are passing measures that make it harder and harder for Americans – particularly African-Americans, the elderly, students and people with disabilities – to exercise their fundamental right to cast a ballot. These measures include requiring a government-issued photo ID to vote and proof of citizenship to register, cutting back on early voting, eliminating Election Day registration, new restrictions on voter registration drives and additional barriers to voting for people with criminal convictions.

The map below outlines which states passed voter suppression measures since January 1, 2011 and where the right to vote remains under siege today.


[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 12 years ago

Further consider that Manually Counted Paper Ballots are an absolutely essential and minimum safeguard in demoCRAZY deMOCKERYcy U$A - where the toss between two sides of the the same crooked coin is somehow deemed to mean "democracy" !!!

On the matter of 'Voter Suppression' and for some insights into who is doing the 'fraud' and how and why - I append links to a very illuminating & rather disturbing documentary film + other relevant links :

fiat lux et fiat justitia ...

[-] -2 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

Manually Counted Paper Ballots are great! Mail in ballots, like we have in OR, are too.

Can there be any more treasonous act than 'Voter Suppression,' subverting the very essence of our democracy, even though it is tarnished by our abject neglect!

It -- our political system -- has been exploited and corrupted by Big $ because We the People walked away from it. We have the lowest Voter turnout in the world. Democracy needs Public participation to operate correctly. Our system did not get this way by too many People Voting! It got this way from too much Big $ influence! and Public delinquency!

Nevertheless, it's a disgusting lie that both parties are the same, promulgated by Cons who, with their 1% Kings, strive to kill democracy in favor of Plutocracy.

Brad and Thom do not think Cons and Dems are the same, in any way, shape or form!!

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 12 years ago

Yaaay for Manually Counted Paper Ballots !!!

NO to demoCRAZY deMOCKERYcy !!

Onwards & Upwards !

per aspera ad astra ...

[-] 0 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago



You're a fucking idiot who would give us 8 more years of ULTRA FASCIST HELL if you had your deluded way!!! But I like your spirit, just not the hell!!

dumbious shiti... oh well

[-] 4 points by shadz66 (19985) 12 years ago

Worra Strange Cranky Weirdo !!! & You're Already In Hell !!

Your thread ; your chosen important subject ; to which I laid down 5 relevant links ; none of which you seem to have availed ; I reference a bare democratic minimum ; to which you vomit your response and articulate your specious, reflexive & malodorous, brain-fart !

So you abrasive obscurantist, wtf is your point ?

temet nosce ...

[-] 2 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

I can't tell you how much I appreciate that!!

We has Gotsta git out da Vote!!!


smarteous alleci

[-] 1 points by shadz66 (19985) 12 years ago

Ok. Cool. But "Larry David" ? Eh ?! & btw, I still think that you're a weirdo !! {:-p)

nosce te ipsum ...





[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

R's can't win w/o cheating

[-] 1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

You know, there was once a time I would never believe they (RepubliCons) would stoop this low, be so dirty, so treacherous, so Un-American, BUT THEY ARE!!!

And they say there is NO Difference!!!

[-] 2 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Those who spread that fallacy are working for republicans or are incredibly ignorant.

[-] 1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

If both discourage (suppress) Votes ~ ala 2010 ~ does it matter? Many like that insidious gnat, TrevorMechanic, pretend to be the "real" OWS and insist the parties are the same and equally bad, hence Voting is futile. I still have not heard their ideas for effecting any sort of change.

There's another point I like to make regarding the difference between Cons and Dems: If the 2000 election went the other way, and Gore was appointed in such dubious conditions, We would have petitioned for a new election! [Also -- if Gore was POTUS -- 9-11 would not have been allowed to happen, Afghanistan and Iraq would not have been invaded, Wall Street would not have been DE-regulated, Outsourcing and Off-shoring would not have been encouraged; and millions of people, jobs, homes and trillions of dollars would not have been lost, wasted and stolen! Among the plethora of devastating consequences we are suffering from Bush-Cheney and Cons.]

[-] 3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

You should leave Trevor alone - he is totally anti-war and that is cool. He should also leave you alone. CorpoRATist's need to be removed from office and you will find more progressives on the left and dems lean more towards the left when they got their courage up.

[-] 1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

You used to be just like him, TM. Stubbornly obsessed, beyond reason, with the "futility" of the democratic process, and the false equivalency of Cons and Dems. Until I reminded you how the Bush-Cheney-Con's revocation of OSHA safeguards and regulations resulted in millions of dead or handicapped workers! After that you softened you stance and I got banned!!

Who's FOR war? Cons! War means more money for the 1% Kings they worship. Perhaps if more people voted in 2000 Cons could not have stolen the election and allowed 9-11 to happen. Who holds the country hostage and suppresses the Vote? Cons!! Voting would have avoided these consequences, too.

Whether Posters are Outright Trolls or "well-meaning" ignoramuses (rose-colored-bubbleheads), or self-proclaimed "True OWS Belivers," they are Anti-democracy ~ Anti-OWS saboteurs if they discourage (SUPPRESS) the Vote!! We're here to reform! Fight the tyranny of the 1%! Not to hangout and play patty-cake and anarchy.


Don't pout like many of "us" did in 2010 which made the whole mess much worse.

Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 Never EVER Again!!

Register and Vote! Register and Vote! "We the 1%" NOT What They Wrote!!

If YOU Don't Vote, YOU Don't Count!!!

Get People REGISTERED and get out the VOTE!!




[-] 3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

ummm kind of an unhinged rant don'tcha think? You got banned as I remember jiffysquid as you were an obnoxious asshole who could not leave well enough alone - you went rabid democrat and every one who was not in lock step with you was the enemy. You were a real pain in the ass. Please don't go there again.

[-] 2 points by richardkentgates (3269) 12 years ago

DK, this post is clearly a partisan ploy, using the voting issue to justify partisan attacks on nearly 1 third of the population. This thread should be gone and they should be made to repost on the issue and individuals involved, only. This should not be an excuse for partisan attacks.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

I have no problem with people agitating against the repub/corpoRAT party. I do have a problem with people attacking OWS, Occupy supporters if they are not in lock step with them.


[-] -1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 12 years ago

You're a funny guy. So you aren't here for the 99% then because well over 33% are Republicans. I guess you're here for the other 66% or less. That is the majority but hardly inline with the Occupy narrative of the 99%. Ever considered a job in broadcasting?

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

If you have not noticed - the republican party is clearly co-opted by the corpoRATist's - it is for all intents and purposes the CorpoRAT party at this point in time. Are there dem corpoRATist's? That would be a safe bet - R they as visible in their actions against the people of the USA? Not at this point in time.

Are there real people who truly believe in the ideals of republic? Yes I am sure there are. Are they in control of their party(?) are they being represented by elected officials in office? I would say that they have no control of their party and that there may be some officials in office that still believe - but for all practical intents and purposes the republican party is at this very moment in time almost totally co-opted into the corpoRATist party.

[-] 0 points by richardkentgates (3269) 12 years ago

People clamoring about change and protest while going on as usual with party preaching. Occupy does not make a distinction about who is bought more, the dems or repubs. It simply states that Wall Street has bought our government, period. You allude to this in your own comment. You obviously are not going to respect this declaration by Occupy but then again, Occupy also respects your right in such regard. Until all of the 99% gets this point, I don't expect any change of any kind.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

U R saying that I am preaching Party? U R so screwed up at times RKG.

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 12 years ago

Well U certainly have a penchant for screwing with peoples heads. I will give you that.

Because I have my own point of view. I do my own research on the issues. I read from Wikipedia, democratic thinkers and conservative thinkers, I watch CNBC, I read the financials in my local paper. Then I use my own head to assemble the truth out of the fractured mess that is our information age. Most of what gets regurgitated by left and right, each statement being a string of contradictory statements but they wouldn't know otherwise because they trust the very very few sources they rely on. Nobody is interested in the truth because they don't understand the first three words of it and they close the page or turn the channel. Citizens on the left and right are left dazed, confused, lied to by their own parties, and drastically misinformed.

There are two people on this forum right now who hate inflation but support Quantitative easing. Just one example.

This is why the mold of party politics must be broken, it's a handicap that prevent the citizenry from progressing to a point where they are capable of controlling the conversation or policy.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Try pushing issues then - rather then pushing buttons.

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 12 years ago

U really R. No one knows what you R really about. U spend time being the devils advocate on both sides of the coin. Someone may agree with a point you made - and you may go off on that individual for agreeing with you. You bring interesting information but you do not seem to support anything - but yourself.

When everyone is busy talking about Romney's dog, I can see how my subject matter may be over their heads. If someone agrees, that does not mean they understand and understanding what I said must come before any agreement, otherwise they leave misinformed. I'm not here to kiss ass and I loath social politics.

This isn't a game, this will effect the world my kids live in. I am doing the little I do as a clickedivist, for them. Look at it from that perspective and not the perspective of someone who is just trying to fit in and you may get closer to understanding. What I support? I support my kids having a better life then I've had. I've worked since I was 13 and have shit to show for it, how is that even possible? Changing that for future generations, that is what I support.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Well U certainly have a penchant for screwing with peoples heads. I will give you that.

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 12 years ago

No, I'm saying that even if you don't censor it, you should not be encouraging it.

I'm screwed up? repub/corpoRAT ? Hey pot, I'm kettle.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

U really R. No one knows what you R really about. U spend time being the devils advocate on both sides of the coin. Someone may agree with a point you made - and you may go off on that individual for agreeing with you. You bring interesting information but you do not seem to support anything - but yourself.

[-] 0 points by richardkentgates (3269) 12 years ago

Try pushing issues then - rather then pushing buttons.



[-] -1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

No more or less than now and many other Posters! Hardly "unhinged," perhaps you're referring to "issues" you'd rather not address. But I've never suffered trolls, saboteurs and/or bubbleheads well, so I can see where you might get "obnoxious asshole." Now I'd say that's "ummm kind of unhinged, don'tcha think"?

Or more accurately: disproportionately offensive, inappropriately reprehensive and curiously fraudulent! "...who could not leave well enough alone-"? WTF?! Who gave you the whistle and made you Hall Monitor??

It's you who has changed, much less obvious, but always on the anti-democracy, they're both the same, side.

Get People REGISTERED and get out the VOTE!!




[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

No I have always been pro-democracy - I have always been pro-people. Your problem is you think that someone has to be a Democrat to be pro-democracy - you are sadly mistaken.

[-] -1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

NO "You are sadly mistaken," ~ oddly nasty ~ and confused by the advocacy of democracy, a RepubliCon Cult that acts against democracy every way it can, no Viable third party, which leaves Dems as the only Viable, sane and democratic choice. And I've explained ad nauseam to TM, and you, how the path to third-party viability requires the implementation of Instant Runoff Elections, which Cons will fight to the death to block because they can only steal two party elections.

Also, as I've asked TM and you before, and have never heard a viable answer: If Dems are such a "Mistake" What is your alternative? Hmm?

"...went rabid democrat..." WTF? DK, are you a plant?

Meanwhile, can we just fucking please keep RepubliCons from stealing another election and inflicting 8 more years of Plutocratic fascism on us fucking again!

Get People REGISTERED and get out the VOTE!!




[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

There you go again. Calm down.

[-] -1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

OK RayGun, you're idle.

Anyone with a brain realizes that "Both Parties Same" is a RepubliCon disinformation ploy to suppress the Vote. So you have to ask, why are so many, even trusted posters, going along with it!??



Sad, but I'm not going to let 8 more years of RepubliCon shit and hell happen again sitting on my hands, just to assuage some short-sighted delicate nitwits!!



Get People REGISTERED and get out the VOTE!!




[-] 3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Sorry - but if you are insinuating that I am for voter suppression - U R OUT OF YOUR MIND!!!!

[-] -1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

Why are certain people always out of reply tabs?

"Going on another full blown meltdown Jiffy?"

"I have not gotten anyone banned - those who have been banned did it to them self."

Name calling, castigation, defamation, reprimand, dare I say, punishment? Do you want to punish me for questioning THEE DK???? "The ones who got banned did it to them self."

This is sounding like a cheap old melodrama. DK makes a great cheap old melodramatic Villain. "The ones who got banned did it to them self." Are you a plant? ... ? Creepy

But the important thing is that we keep Cons from stealing our government: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDOEP2bAMuM

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Enough already - do your promote the vote business and leave me and the other OWS and Occupy movements supporters alone.

If you keep casting these aspersions at every one you do not agree with - one of two things will happen.

1) you will find your self here by your self.


2) you will get the boot.

what do you think is more likely?

[-] -1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

"Read my posts I am not gonna play your game."


Getting posters banned? Lying? Misdirecting? Evading?


Admit it, you're a plant!!

I think it's better to have you here, so we know what you people do and think. Even as sick as you are.

What have you ever advocated that leads to escaping this 1% tyranny???

Still pending response, beyond feeble recrimination (Con MO):

You used to be just like him, TM. Stubbornly obsessed, beyond reason, with the "futility" of the democratic process, and the false equivalency of Cons and Dems. Until I reminded you how the Bush-Cheney-Con's revocation of OSHA safeguards and regulations resulted in millions of dead or handicapped workers! After that you softened you stance and I got banned!!

Who's FOR war? Cons! War means more money for the 1% Kings they worship. Perhaps if more people voted in 2000 Cons could not have stolen the election and allowed 9-11 to happen. Who holds the country hostage and suppresses the Vote? Cons!! Voting would have avoided these consequences, too.

Whether Posters are Outright Trolls or "well-meaning" ignoramuses (rose-colored-bubbleheads), or self-proclaimed "True OWS Belivers," they are Anti-democracy ~ Anti-OWS saboteurs if they discourage (SUPPRESS) the Vote!! We're here to reform! Fight the tyranny of the 1%! Not to hangout and play patty-cake, do-nothing social club and anarchy.


Don't pout like many of "us" did in 2010 which made the whole mess much worse.

Unite and Win! Unite and Win! 2010 Never EVER Again!!

Register and Vote! Register and Vote! "We the 1%" NOT What They Wrote!!

If YOU Don't Vote, YOU Don't Count!!!

Get People REGISTERED and get out the VOTE!!




[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Going on another full blown meltdown Jiffy?

I have not gotten anyone banned - those who have been banned did it to them self.

[-] -1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago


Are you a plant?

Seriously, what are you for to help us get out from under 1% tyranny?

[-] 3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Read my posts I am not gonna play your game.

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 12 years ago

Who said you couldn't vote? Nobody is even attempting to keep you from voting. The reality is that you are using voting to set you up for moral authority, then use that authority to slip in partisan comments. You suck at this by the way.

[-] 1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

"Nice fancy text. I didn't read any of it. I don't care for long winded rants that simply reiterate the same things I criticized you for. You're still arguing the pro-voter turnout point, I said I agree that people should vote so what exactly are you arguing? No, you're not older, no you haven't been a protester that long. If you were that old, your testosterone would be slowed down enough that you could chose reason over rage. Clearly not the case, as indicated by the wild nature of your text.'

OK, but I left you the keys and PIN where I told you, good luck and thank you so much.


[-] 0 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

Fuckin Crazy Nut Case!! Comes immediately to mind. But... let's see what we can salvage with you:

"I want everyone to vote as well."

Me, too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDOEP2bAMuM

"That is not the issue. I don't even know why I bother."

It's the only issue, it's how de-moc-ra-cy works! That's why you "bother." America has the worst Voter turnout ("bother") in the world! That's our problem!!

"It's obvious the party line is more important to most of you than the 99% or actual change."

The Dem platform is almost identical to the OWS platform, so quit drinking your bathwater. The Con platform is a cross of Mein kampf and the 700 Club's 125 Commandments, so which would you choose, Einstein??

"You all cry for change, "oh they're fucking us over", then a movement come along with a way out and all of you turn your backs on it for the party line bullshit."

Do you take acid regularly? Been fighting 1% tyranny since Nixon. OWS is a nice LATE COMER, and very welcome. It got some much needed attention to the Class War we're losing. Then nothing. I'm not turning back. Then you blab some "party line BS," which makes no sense. Non sequiturs make you sound CRAZY!

" Why bother protesting if it's just business as usual. IS IT REALLY SO HARD TO STICK YOUR FUCKING NECKS OUT FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIVES. Jesus fuking christ. Blind. Sorry, I'm a little tense this morning."

I'm an activist. I was one before you were born, and I'll be one after you... It's a Darwin thing. Non sequiturs, non sequiturs, and we're done. So keep on, keep'n on, ma'an. Be back at you on the flip side.

Meanwhile, PEOPLE, keep the Cons from stealing another election!


[-] 2 points by richardkentgates (3269) 12 years ago

Nice fancy text. I didn't read any of it. I don't care for long winded rants that simply reiterate the same things I criticized you for. You're still arguing the pro-voter turnout point, I said I agree that people should vote so what exactly are you arguing? No, you're not older, no you haven't been a protester that long. If you were that old, your testosterone would be slowed down enough that you could chose reason over rage. Clearly not the case, as indicated by the wild nature of your text.

[-] 0 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

I hope so!

Your misinterpretation is out there...


[-] 0 points by richardkentgates (3269) 12 years ago

I want everyone to vote as well. That is not the issue. I don't even know why I bother. It's obvious the party line is more important to most of you than the 99% or actual change. You all cry for change, "oh they're fucking us over", then a movement come along with a way out and all of you turn your backs on it for the party line bullshit. Why bother protesting if it's just business as usual. IS IT REALLY SO HARD TO STICK YOUR FUCKING NECKS OUT FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIVES. Jesus fuking christ. Blind. Sorry, I'm a little tense this morning.


[-] -1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Agreed. And Trev & his cohorts offer nothing positive. They spend all their time spreading fallacies that the parties are the same, unfairly attacking dems, or attempting to silence people who challenge them. It's pathetic and irrelevant. They cannot silence me, nor will I be fooled by their lies.


[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Trevor is very anti-war - nothing wrong with that - he should stick with promoting independents and 3rd party candidates - and leave you guys alone - but you guys should also try to be understanding to his anti-war stance and leave him alone as well.

[-] 2 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 12 years ago

You're right about that. Trev's conscientious objector stance is one of his most honorable traits. He also makes good arguments for his cause.

[-] 3 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

I respect his anti-war stance. I do not agree with all of his arguments but he does make some good arguments. I do not expect that everyone agrees with all of my arguments either. Such is the nature of people who think for themselves.


[-] 1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

Fuck his naive "stance" squat!!!

He does not own pacifism or humanitarianism!!!

TM does not get to claim "anti-war" as his own, and then pretend that not Voting will somehow end war!!! It's fucking NOT VOTING that got us in these wars!!

What he does I could not care less, I've tried to help the guy, but he's help- and hope- LESS!!

But advocating his dimwitted conclusions that discourage and suppress Votes is sabotage, plain and simple.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

I do believe I have seen Trevor advocate for voting 3rd party. I do not ever recall him advocating for corpoRATist's or the corpoRATist party.

And if someone has a problem with how the government is doing things - it is their right to speak-out against what they see as wrong.

[-] 0 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

NO, again! (It was apparently not my right to advocate against Cons!)

His deal is solely anti-war ~ where the fuck is he anyway, has anyone seen these two in the room at the same time ~ and We are all anti-war. He does not get to claim that as his cause alone! RepubliCons left us in these fraudulent wars, yet TM persists on blaming them on Dems and Obama. His blatherings are grossly unfair, regardless, un-evolved and prejudice. And it's a Con ploy to discourage Votes. He's a plant. Yet I would never ban him! I believe he is a harmless example of petulant delusion and naive prejudice, albeit a saboteur!

"Third party"? What candidate? Perot? Oh that's right, he wasn't born yet. And that's the maturity of his politics. A third party Vote now is a Vote for the Cons!! Which is a Vote for the 1% Kings Cons worship!!!

Stop Cons from stealing another election for their Kings who suppress us!

Get People REGISTERED and get out the VOTE!!




[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Listen - you go with your all dems are angels program. Fact of the matter is there are a lot of good people in the dem party. But you do not have to be a Democrat to support Democracy.

Stop being a rabid pain in the ass.

[-] -1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

Misdirection, PLANT!!!

Anyone with a brain realizes that "Both Parties Same" is a RepubliCon disinformation ploy to suppress the Vote. So you have to ask, why are so many, even trusted posters, going along with it!??



Sad, but I'm not going to let 8 more years of RepubliCon shit and hell happen again sitting on my hands, just to assuage some short-sighted delicate nitwits!!



Get People REGISTERED and get out the VOTE!!




[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

BS - if you think - if you are insinuating that I am for voter suppression - Then You Are Full Of Shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[-] 0 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

What are you FOR that gets us out of 1% tyranny??


[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Read my posts - I am not gonna defend myself to you. I am not gonna play that game. Stop being a rabid pain in the ass jiffysquid.

[-] 0 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

Everybody who has almost all their posts up on their personal OWS Forum page, PLEASE raise your hands!!! My hand is not raised, and I don't see ANY other hands. Does this prove anything?

"Rabid pain in the ass, Rabid democrat, Rabid, Rabid, Rabid, on and on and Rabid on..."

**You seem to have a "Rabid" fixation. Did you get bit by a rabid dog or squirrel? Why don't you try another word? "bad" "mean" "eeewwwy"! Look, smearing me is not going to work. Why are you SOOOOOO defensive?? Why SOOOOO instantly indignant?? Why SOOOOO accusatory & judgmental?? Does this say anything?

Why are you not forthright?? Not open?? Not honest??

Are you irreproachable?? Are you unquestionable?? Are you blessed?? Are you above US??


More importantly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDOEP2bAMuM

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

I ask you to cut other OWS and Occupy supporters some slack - as you attack anyone who is not talking "YOUR" rhetoric 100%. So you may be a good person with good principals - but you are being divisive and a pain in the ass.

I tried to talk with you calmly and politely to leave Trevor alone and - you go absolutely wacko.

If I were a Plant - I guess I would choose to be Aloe Vera as it is beneficial and healing.

U on the other hand might be considered a Prickly Pear or some such thing.


[-] 0 points by jrhirsch (4714) from Sun City, CA 12 years ago
[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

I'll try DK, I just can't agree with all he says. And I kinda feel anti war myself. I've been marching against war/MX missiles/nuclear weapons for decades.

I just can't agree with what I see as unfair attacks on Pres Obamas real progress in our military use.

But I will try.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Don't take it personally - read my open letters of protest to the government - there is nothing wrong with letting them know they could be doing a much better job.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

We have to and should complain and protest. I'd prefer that protest & complaint be fair and realistic.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

We all have our imperfections - Hell even me - YEP - the only water I can walk on has got to be frozen - and I don't trust it even then.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Lol. Oh I know about personal failings.

We all gotta keep on keepin on

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago


Keep-on Keeping-on {;-])

Just like jello - there is always room for more ( improvement and growth ).

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago


[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

Trying to get in the last word? Aint gonna happen.

[-] 1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

Tell me, who is FOR war?? Cons!! War is Big Biz for the Big $ Kings Cons worship!!

If only more people VOTED in 2000!!!!???

Get People REGISTERED and get out the VOTE!!




[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

neo cons philosophy is "constant war" as an economic policy. Dems have ended the Iraq war. Ending the Afghan war, And have always been labeled "weak on defense."

You have to be pretty ignorant to be unaware of this reality.

[-] 0 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

I've pretty much had it with dka..., I had some words. Take a look and tell me what. He and a small band of fear-biter candy-asses got me banned, and I feel it was more than petty intimidation, I had effectiveness.

Here's a blog you might enjoy: http://pleasecutthecrap.typepad.com/main/2011/11/bothpartiessameinsane.html

[-] 0 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Cool blog. I have to frequently hold my tongue here and I make an extra effort to be civil. Since the neo cons ALWAYS resort the politics of personal destruction, it is must potent for me to maintain civility as much as possible.

I like your efforts at getting people to register/vote. We should have mandatory voting for all! It's what the 1% fear the most.

[-] 0 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

But when do the candy asses hold their oh so intolerant, nebulous and jealous tongues?

What this movement needs a massive injection of BALLS and BRAINS!!

Sometimes I think this whole OWS thing is a clever form of Voter suppression. Get all the radicals together, then advocate doing nothing!! If that happens, Cons will be laughing their fat asses off this November 7th!!

Get People REGISTERED and get out the VOTE!!




[-] 0 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

I sometimes think that also. One og the reasons I started coming here was to challenge the fallacy that "the parties are the same", that "boycotting/3rd party vote" is useful, as well as challenging any and all unfair, inaccurate criticisms of the Dems.

We must know that there ARE repub operatives here to discourage progressive OWS supporters from voting. I stand against them!

[-] -1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

Anyone with a brain realizes that "Both Parties Same" is a RepubliCon disinformation ploy to suppress the Vote. So you have to ask, why are so many, even trusted posters, going along with it!??



Sad, but I'm not going to let 8 more years of RepubliCon shit and hell happen again sitting on my hands, just to assuage some short-sighted delicate nitwits!!



Get People REGISTERED and get out the VOTE!!




[-] 0 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

More power to you brother. you have an ally in me!






[-] -2 points by funkytown (-374) 12 years ago

You lost Ohio.

[-] 2 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

You mean RepubliCons stole it, aided and abetted by Koch Bros and Big $ friends Citizens United secret money???

Does that sit well with you Righties? Stealing elections?

[-] -2 points by brudlo (-454) 12 years ago

republicans want photo ID. why are dems against it?


[-] -2 points by funkytown (-374) 12 years ago

I would say they won it the award: first Jerusalem, and now, Ohio.

[-] 1 points by rpc972 (628) from Portland, OR 12 years ago

Sorry, I know not the ways of your people.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

Repubs stole Ohio?
