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Forum Post: They don't get it.....

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 3:15 p.m. EST by Sanderr (0) from Staten Island, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

When the media talk about Occupy Wall Street, they often do so with disdain: a movement that has no leaders, no set of demands, can’t be taken seriously. In a typical article, the New York Times quoted an ‘expert’ saying, “if the movement is to have lasting impact, it will have to develop leaders and clear demands”, and another one which stated that the passions have to be “channeled into institutions”. (NYT, 10/4) Their message to you is clear: ‘Go back to ‘politics as usual’, follow leaders, work within institutions, become foot-soldiers for the Democratic party and the unions in elections and other campaigns that change nothing at all, that don’t question the power structures that prop up this insane money-system. They don’t get it that the absence of leaders in this movement is not a weakness but a strength, testifying to our collective determination, to our refusal to remain followers. They don’t get it that the absence of a narrow set of demands that can be recuperated by this or that institution, results from our understanding that the problem lies much deeper. That there are no quick fixes for a system that produces growing inequality, mass unemployment and misery, wars and ecological disasters. If these problems could be solved by electing wiser politicians, adopting better laws etc, ‘politics as usual’ might be the way to go. But they can’t be solved that way. Politicians everywhere are bound by higher laws, the laws of capital. That’s why governments everywhere, regardless of their political color, are imposing austerity, forcing the working population to sacrifice so that more can be paid to the owners of capital. In fact the harshest cuts in wages, pensions and jobs are implemented by a ‘socialist’ government (in Greece). Politicians on the left may clamor for massive public spending , but that would only mean that we would be made poorer in a different way, through inflation. There are no quick fixes because the system itself is obsolete. Pain and suffering are sometimes unavoidable but capitalism creates ever more pain that is easily avoidable, that only exists because in this society, profit trumps human needs. Almost two billion people on this planet are unemployed because capitalism has no need for them. Hundreds of millions live in slums, because building decent houses for them is not profitable. Many die of hunger each day because it’s not profitable to feed them. Everyone knows our planet is in danger and yet capitalism is continuing to destroy it in its desperate hunt for profit. Productivity never was higher, yet poverty increases. The know-how and resources are there for every inhabitant of this planet to live a decent life but that would not be profitable. Abundance has become possible but capitalism can’t handle abundance. It needs scarcity. Abundance in capitalism means overproduction, crisis, misery. This is insane. It must stop.

WE HAVE TO THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX Capitalism is not “the end of history” but just a transient phase. It has changed the world but now no longer fits into it. We have to accept the fact that capitalism offers no perspective, no future. We have to prepare for a post-capitalist world, in which human relations are no longer commercial transactions, in which goods no longer represent a quantity of money but a concrete means to satisfy real human needs. A world in which competing corporations and warring nations are replaced by a human community that uses the resources of all for the benefit of all. We call that communism but it has nothing in common with the state-capitalist regimes that exist or existed in Russia, China and Cuba. Nothing is changed fundamentally if capitalists are replaced with bureaucrats with supposedly better intentions. Those regimes were not only thoroughly undemocratic, they also perpetuate wage-labor, exploitation and oppression of the vast majority of the population. The change must go deeper and must emancipate the oppressed, make them part of a real democracy instead of the sham that exists today. In 2011, ten years after the attacks on New York that launched a decade of fear and demoralization, a breach has been opened. From Tunis to Cairo to Athens to Madrid to Santiago to New York, a fever is spreading. After taking it on the chin for so long, the working class, employed or unemployed, is beginning to rise up. We’re not gonna take it anymore! Something has changed. True, the Occupy Wall Street movement will not last forever. At some point, it will end, without any clear victory. But it’s just the beginning. This dynamic will continue and will gather strength. Be a part of it!

INTERNATIONALIST PERSPECTIVE http://internationalist-perspective.org



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[-] 1 points by devilsadvocate (67) 12 years ago

Opponents are good! they will help you understand what you are fighting for. What is your message again? "We know something is wrong, we only have questions...no answers?" How about finding some focus, some theories. There is plenty wrong with our society right now. Take some time and figure out what you want to change. Here's a clue: Stop the government and the corporations from sending our jobs overseas!

[-] 1 points by FelixInglewood (5) 12 years ago

. We understand corporations, as a necessity, arise out of the need for cooperation among self interested individuals, to join in contract upon endeavors of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. These corporations, comprised of Individuals, lead by a few are in themselves not persons, they are not sentient. Nor should they be given the Rights of Personhood without responsibility as citizens. The history of the present Corporate Community, a community of lawless few with the wealth of kings, is one of repeated injuries and usurpations, having purchased our Republic, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world. They have blatantly stolen from the American people in the form of fraudulent investment and representation of their worth, in essence laundering private citizen monies. Our ‘Representatives’ have not moved swiftly to bring to Justice this theft. Instead they held our future, indeed the world’s future, ransom with the People’s money.

They have usurped our military and ventured to foreign lands, without the Consent of our legislatures, illegally to appropriate resources from sovereign nations. For the establishment of Tyranny over other civilized people in the form of dictators, by means of assassination, coercion, and bribery to ensure these resources.

They have purchased our representatives in Legislature and Executive officers.

They have maintained the privilege of citizenship, while avoiding taxation and civil obligations as set forth by our legislatures. By moving production to unregulated areas of the world, both in environmental as well as humanitarian, without regard for the consequences here and abroad.

They have conspired to destroy Truth and all of its accountability, in journalism and the public arena through disinformation and propaganda, effectively destroying the freedom of the press.

For Usury of the American people, holding ransom their shelter and homes, and then profiting on their loss and dispossession.

They have endeavored to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither. Instead they have encouraged the creation of a vilified slave labor class.

[-] 1 points by Faithntruth (997) 12 years ago

It is not fair to assume the son is the same as the father, kingearl. Let actions speak, instead. What has this individual done?

[-] 1 points by rbe (687) 12 years ago

I agree! Capitalism is the greatest system we've ever had, but now it's time to logically adapt. I think a "resource based economy" may work. Have you heard of the Venus Project?


[-] 1 points by iawai (11) 12 years ago

Yes, and it will fail. http://mises.org/daily/4636

But I support your freedom to go and try it if you don't believe me.

[-] 1 points by rbe (687) 12 years ago

I am somewhat libertarian minded, but explain to me how, in this day and age, a free market will be in our best interest? Obviously, the market is getting rid of labor in favor of technology. I think what a lot of Austrian believers aren't realizing is that free market capitalism looks sort of like a bell curve. Once it reaches the top, it starts to sort of feed on it self, and then declines. Think of it this way, capitalism is such a great, efficient system, that it's now starting to eliminate one very costly, inefficient aspect of itself: Human labor!

[-] 1 points by kingearl (141) 12 years ago

Obamas' 2012 Finance Director is the son of BANK OF AMERICAS former CEO.... the guy who got us in this mess!!! Keeping it all in the Family