Forum Post: There is no joy until de joy is gone
Posted 3 years ago on June 1, 2021, 4:58 p.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I just signed this petition -- will you?
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy spent most of last year trying to destroy the USPS. He was a major player in ex-President Trump’s plot to silence mail-in voters by sabotaging the USPS -- and even now that President Biden has taken office, DeJoy is still trying to gut this vital public service.
That's why I just signed a petition calling on the Senate and the USPS Board of Governors to make sure DeJoy is fired -- and I think you should, too:
How soon will he be gone?
In Joe Manchin’s West Virginia, decent paying union jobs are now being wiped out by layoffs ... even
as the politicians have gone AWOL leaving the workers feeling like they have been forgotten and totally
abandoned. Isn't this guy from the Corporate Ass-Kissing Party that U keep pushing on everyone here?
et veritas vos liberabit ...
I see your work to elect Republicans never ends...
And "I see your work to elect" GOP-lite Democraps "never ends"! From another recent reply, try to note:
So U "see" - U are actually 'seeing' very little & what little U do see - is very confused IF U think that I'm
anything whatsoever to do with "electing Republicans" - U duopoly deluded Democrap Ass kissing dolt!
"Your shilling for the" Democraps, "is getting old" frf and your "facts" are not "fun" but are Centrist Crap!
Btw, d'U recall this: & comment thread?!
et nosce te ipsum!
How can this guy STILL be there?
DeJoy needs to go to DeJail.
Thanks for the important link. We need to get rid of this guy!
"DeJoy made millions in 2020"! - by 'CREW': - from which, this:
"CREW - obtained Postmaster General Louis DeJoy’s personal financial disclosures for 2021, covering the calendar year 2020 & - these disclosures show DeJoy making millions of dollars in outside income."
e tenebris lux?!