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Forum Post: There is a Political-Corporation-Organized Crime to Global Oppression

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 4:30 p.m. EST by Participant (1)
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Hi Everyone, One of the wonderful things about this movement is we who are protesting are Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. Obviously, we would not be here if either the Dems or Repubs really meant what they stand for. To those who believe the Democrats are better to have in office than Republicans, please consider that since the Great Depression, the Democrats have held control of the Presidency and Congress twice the terms as Republicans. The DEMS are no different then the REPUBS, bought and paid for the corporations! Just one example:The Hedge Fund Political Connection November 05, 2008 by Peggy Barnett; "It was estimated, prior to the October, 2008 stock market crash, that the hedge fund sector had approximately $2 trillion for use as investment capital. Of the money contributed for use in political campaigns, the majority of hedge fund political dollars in the U.S. go to the Democrats, not the Republicans" If this movement has proved anything, it is that people understand that the system, that has been run by BOTH PARTIES, is broken. It did not get this way overnight. People in and outside of our government and in both parties have warned how we would come to this economic ruin because of the corporation-government-organized crime connection, ties and presence over the world. There is a professor in Kentucky by the name of Gary Potter that teaches on this and has followed articles, investigations, trials, and books on this topic for decades. He used to have all this available on line, but his site has been redesigned. I think he has a book now. This info is undisputable and very discouraging because it proves why is it so bad and that these people control so much that without all our REVOLUTION, or AWAKENING TO ETHICS, there is will be no turning it around. Still, there are things that we can do like this movement, like third party voting that can slow them down. Third party voting changes the math of elections, and takes away some of the :swings voters" that each party courts on to win. This will drive each party to look at the positions of the third party that are drawing away swing voters, and they will start moving more in this direction to appeal to these voters. So even if the third part candidate does not win, it has as some positive effects. (The following capitalization is not meant to be yelling, just emphasis.) PLEASE CONSIDER VOTING FOR A THIRD PARTY CANDIDATE. WE DON'T HAVE TO AGREE ON WHICH ONE, BUT WE DO NEED TO ULTIMATELY BREAK THE HOLD OF THE DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN PARTIES. AS THIRD PARTY NUMBERS RISE, THIS WILL SEND THE BIGGEST MESSAGE OF ALL. IT WILL AT LEAST SLOW DOWN THE OPPRESSION.



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[-] 1 points by chrischrischris (143) 12 years ago

Yes - everyone who would normally vote democratically, please vote for any 3rd party candidate you like! :>