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Forum Post: The Wisdom of the Lord -- Memo to the 1 Percent: Noblesse Oblige is an Obligation for a Reason

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 3:46 p.m. EST by LordWestover (0) from Washington, DC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

By His Grace, Lord Westover www.lordwestover.blogspot.com

The recent events to “occupy” Wall Street and other locales, including your nation’s capital, is reminiscent of another such gathering some years ago -- in an empire far, far away… (as it were).

I am referring to the masses that assembled outside the Winter Palace in old St. Petersburg (Russia, not Florida) on a fateful day now known as Bloody Sunday. Yes, yes, I realize the plight of this rabble is slightly better off than the starving and abused peasants of imperial Russia, but the parallels should not be so blithely dismissed, obviously.

This protest has arisen from the same protests that always arise when the masses sense through either their harsh living conditions or their rather miserable prospects in life that, indeed, their Nobles (or rich people as you Americans know them) have abrogated their solemn moral responsibility to contribute to the betterment of humanity.

I am referring to the hoary (something ancient and wise -- not prostitution) Noble Doctrine of Noblesse Oblige, obviously.

Unfortunately, because you Americans sadly have no official nobility, you seem to think the Doctrine of Noblesse Oblige does not apply to your wealthy and powerful citizens simply because it has the word “noble” in it. How wrong you would be!

Here is Webster’s definition (Mr. smarty pants Webster was American, so fear not): Noblesse Oblige – the moral obligation of those of high birth (like me) or powerful positions (like your “1 Percent” etc.), to act with honor, kindness and generosity, etc.

It is this last part (in case it escaped you) the “honor, kindness and generosity” thing (or the lack there of) that is really at the core of these protests.

So, I see it this way: You Americans who fall within Mr. Smarty Pant’s definition of Noblesse Oblige need to make a simple choice: Civilization or Chaos. And just remember, one’s high walls, security systems and gated communities have about as much ability to stop massive revolt as your lovely garden hedge to stop a tsunami. Just ask the Russian imperials.



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[-] 0 points by reaganite (100) 12 years ago

Noblesse Oblige by force has a name. It's called fascism.

[-] 1 points by anonrez (237) 12 years ago

Not really.

"Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." - Benito Mussolini

Not coincidentally, it's this merger that the Occupy movement is fighting against.

[-] 0 points by reaganite (100) 12 years ago

So then, what instrument of enforcement do you propose? How would you respond if you were overturned at the ballot box? Would you tolerate the same dissent in which you are now engaged? Does Putin? Who distributes thes enforced Noblesse Oblige. Who decides how to dole out th private earnings of fellow citizens?