Forum Post: The USA Government is TOAST what part of this don't you People Understand?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 1:09 a.m. EST by owsleader2011
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The history is not complete grass-hopper. Your obviously fed shit by Limbaugh & O'Reilly and believe the myth.
Here are the facts the boyz with box cutters using a $10K usdollar investment created $100 TRILLION damage to the US economy, you have to integrate the cost of the wars ( about $10T ) the cost the post 2001 stimulus by the Fed-Res which caused the housing bubble and many other things, and finally the cost of the bailouts that will never end costing about $50T, but the real cost and DAMAGE to US power probably exceeds the $100 TRILLION that I see.
So if you play the numbers these boyz with thier $10k investment, caused about ONE BILLION DOLLAR COST to every dollar they spent, the GREATEST ROI in war history.
This is why MORONS like yourself will talk shit about future being different, guess what when you get bitch-slapped down $100TRILLION you don't get back up. It's a slow motion train wreck right now and NOTHING, NOTHING is going to stop the lack of confidence of the US DOLLAR. NOTHING.
It's game-over for the USA police state, CHINA just waits and watches, and all of Asia just lets the US chicken run around with its head cut off.
But the Arab BOYZ that brought down those planes for $10K USD will be studied by WAR THEORIST's for a millennium to come.
You US PUBLIC idiots only see the HISTORY BOOKS your fed shit with, but the rest of the world is watching USA collapse and go down the TOILET and it all started with 911. The USA over-reacted which is exactly what OBLaden wanted, endless wars that pissed people off, and the USA over-spent or over-shot its WAD.
Remember OBLaden brought down the USSR on the USA's dime, he was their man in 1987, read the BOOK "Charlie Wilsons War", not the lame ass movie, essentially OBLaden brought the USSR to its knees on over spending in the Afghan war, ... OBL turned around and did the same thing to the USA as the CIA taught him well on out to destroy a country's economy.
It amazes me that so few seem to comprehend, and are aware, that very few know any more about our nation's ConstitutionS, than Obama.
I've listened closely and I've not caught him lying about it. However, I've not caught him telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Bottom line, "we the people" do not have ANY rights under the Corporate Constitution, we've all given implied consent to waive our rights as assured by our first and organic Constitution and accept them as "privileges" from the State.
It's all hidden in plain sight although the reality is a bit more than most people seem willing to accept, regardless of how obvious and logical, the truth actually is.
As much or more than you ever wanted to know on the subject.
Ignite the people!
the problem with the united states is that mcarthy demonised socialism and communism
OsamaBinLaden was very angry after he destroyed USSR for RAYGUN,
He was promised the zionist devil would leave Palestine, and he was promised the US devil was leave MECCA ( saudi ), he go none of the above,
So in is anger he took everything the USA (CIA ) had taught him about destroying governments and applied that to the US government, and thus destroying the US governments economy.
But remember this the CIA was quite serious, they could have easily met their promise and return Palestine, they didn't, they could have exist US forces from MECCA they didn't WHY?
Because Zionist assholes control the USA, so the CIA was veto'd and the rest is history.
The reason your US government was destroyed is because long ago, from the 1920's forward from the JDL, to ADL, to A I P A C, the zionists were allowed to by every single politician in AmeriKKKa and sell out our country, and thus destroy our country.
OBLaden did 911, cuz Zionism tells us so, but the fact is in persian "al queda" means the 'base' it was the CIA base, and it was funded by ollie-north, from sales of cocaine brought into the USA, where the dollars from coke, bought stinger missiles which were sent to afghan, courtesy of the CIA to OBL. Now OBL was a US trained engineer and bright guy, tall and charismatic, and loved by all. RAYGUN once called OBL, 'the moral equivalent of our founding fathers', raygun was prez at the time, ... :) OBL is an interesting character, he is one of 50 children from the Bin-Laden family the largest construction company in Saudi, but most interesting is Bin-Laden Family was the #1 patron to the BUSH family in Texas, remember this was CIA director before he was brought to the whitehouse by raygun. Bush-pres-2 actually had a his baseball stadium paid for by the bin-laden family as a gift.
Thus the truth be told the BUSH/OBAMA/Bin-Laden tie's are as tight as blood,
The only thing OWS does on Wall-st is get tear gassed by the fascist police state.