Forum Post: The United States of Corporate America !
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 22, 2011, 1:17 p.m. EST by VERUM
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Corporations are self programming and maintaining robots with collective intelligence. However you wish to view it, if allowed to continue unchecked, these Corporations have one goal in mind, and one goal only…and that is to be the biggest or only robot!
The collective intelligence and voice of OWS has attached a human face to this unfettered capitalistic ideology, and I think that is very important. At some point it has to be about the citizens of the United States of America, and not the machine that is the United States of Corporate America!
There is nothing wrong with Capitalism if it is beneficial to the majority of the people that support it. What we now have is Capitalism run amuck through corrupt corporate lobbying practices that has simply removed the human element from the equation.
What happened under George Bush II and is still happening under Obamanation is that we are allowing rich capitalists to enjoy the capitalist benefit of their profits while we are socializing the costs of their failures onto the masses to pay.
--Knave Dave
Clearly, we must not only throw our bodies into the cogs of the machine to demand change, but we must destroy the machine and become the machine to satisfy the demands of justice.
Honestly we got capitalism when it benefits the wealthy... We got socialism when it benefits the wealthy and we got a dictatorship when it benefits the wealthy. We don't have a govt or representation. We have a democratic dictatorship based on a lie that America is a free society.
You all must read this forum post.
Yes, but the economists who helped to create our system were the ones that decided that competition with winners and losers was a good thing, so I guess you can blame them somewhat. The only problem is that it's not really companies that lose, but families and thus, the fabric of society wears out rather quickly.
Great observation Rant… if you think about it… isn’t Socialism an entity of people controlled by a small percentage of other people that hold the wealth created by their labor? How is this different to what we are seeing today with unbridled Capitalism?
Thanks Frog... "We the People" language in the constitution is exactly why the GOP pushed the legislation to proclaim corporations as people! This was the single most perverse act to ever be perpetuated upon the freedom of the actual people!