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Forum Post: The Tea Party Went from Opposing Banks to Opposing the "Death Tax" - How Can OWS Avoid Being Captured by the 1% on the Left?

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 5:07 p.m. EST by Justice4All (285)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The origins of the Tea Party had a genuine spirit of Justice. Today, however, it is dominated by special interests: taxes, supposedly, are the problem. And of course "spending" - but not defense spending, spending on ordinary people to improve the country.

What will become of OWS? Absent a list of demands, we are nothing more than a group of . . . well, demonstrators. We need policy change.



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[-] 0 points by jgriff (6) from Tampa, FL 12 years ago

The same will happen if you try to work with the two party duopoly in DC. They have been at this game a long time, much longer than OWS. Go outside them. Be your own leaders.

[-] 1 points by MadAsHellInTX (598) from Shepherd, TX 12 years ago


It's all too obvious that those screwballs in DC don't represent the people any more. They only give a shit about their bank accts.